
第2章 西敏寺内的遐想(节选)(2)

But to retum to our subject.I have left the repository of our English kings for the contemplation of another day;when I shall find my mind disposed for SO serious an amusement.I know that entertainments of this nature are apt to raise dark and dismal thoughts in timorous minds and gloomy imaginations;but for my own part,though I am always serious,I dO not know what it iS to be melancholy;and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes,with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones.By this means I can improve myself with those objects which others consider with terror.When I look upon the tombs of the great,every emotion of envy dies in me;when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful,every inordinate desire goes out;when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone,my heart melts with compassion;when I see the tomb of the parents themselves.I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow,when I see kings lying by those who deposed them,when I consider rival wits placed side by side,or the holy men that divided the world with their contests and disputes,I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions,factions,and debates of mankind.When I read the several dates of the tombs,of some that died yesterday,and some six hundred years ago,I consider that great day when we shall all of US be contemporaries,and make our appearance together.gloominess n.阴暗;忧郁thoughtfulness n.深思;体贴,亲切;熟虑memorial n.纪念物,请愿书

adi.纪念的;记忆的priest n.牧师,僧侣,神父epitaph n.墓志铭;碑文periwig n.假发contemporary n.同时代的人







言归正传,我本想改天再仔细参观英国历代国王的墓地,因为毕竟这不是一种令人心情轻松的消遣。而且我知道,这样的消遣通常会使那些神经脆弱、多愁善感的人悲观绝望。但就我而言..虽说总是表面心事重重,忧心忡忡,却从不知忧郁为何物。所以,在生活中无论是遇到欢快高兴的事情还是到达深沉肃穆的场合,我都能一样地欣然应对。这样,我便能泰然面对任何令他人感到恐瞑的东西。看着这些伟人的坟墓,我的一切嫉妒之情便烟消云散;读着那些美人的铭文,我所有的非分之想便荡然无存;在墓碑上读出父母的悲痛,我的心也会被同情所融化;当我再看到那些父母本人的坟墓时,又觉得这种哀伤毫无意义可言,因为人人都会步其后尘,不久人世。当我看到国王们同他们的废黜者同穴而眠,当我想到互相竞争的才子们并肩而卧,当我想到那些试图通过你争我夺而瓜分世界的圣贤们 共赴黄泉,我不禁反思人类那些微不足道的竞争、内讧和争论,它们让我 难过,让我震惊。看着墓碑上的日期,有人故于昨日,有人则亡于六百年前。我想,总有一天,我们大家会同聚上帝的面前,那将会是一个多么伟 大的日子啊!名人名言Nomallisbornwise OFlearned.没有生而知之者。A Day’S Ramble in London

理查德·斯蒂尔(Richard Steele,1672—1729年),英国散文家、剧作家,与艾迪生为牛津同学,文学史上常将两人并提,他们合办过《闲谈者》与《旁观者》期刊,为自己报刊所写的许多散文是斯蒂尔的主要文学成就。他用毕克斯达夫先生作笔名,以一个上了年纪的老绅士的身份对社会发表各种各样的评论,文风活泼自然,反映出他特有的风趣、机敏、想象力。主要作品有《童年的回忆》《好绅士》等等。


It is an inexpressible pleasure to know a lictle of the Wofld,and be of no character or significancy in it.To be ever unconcerned,and everlooking on new objects with an endless curiosit)’,is a delight known onlyto those who are turned for speculation,Nay,they who enjoy it,must value things only as they are the objects of speculation,without drawing any worldly advantage to themselves from them,but just as they are what contribute to their amusement,or the Improvement of the mind.I lay one night last week at Richmond;and being restless,not out of dissatisfaction,but a certain busy inclination one sometimes has,I arose at four in the morning,and took boat for London,with a resolution to rove by boat and coach for the next twenty four hours,till the manY different objects I must meet with should tire my Imagination,and give me an inclination to a repose more profound than 1 was at that time capable of.I beg people’S pardon for an odd humour I aln guilty of,and was often that day,which is saluting any person whom I like,whether I know him or not.This is a particularity would be tolerated in me,if they considered that the greatest pleasure I know I receive at my eyes,and that I am obliged to an agreeable person for coming abroad into my view,as another is for a visit of conversation at their own houses.

The hours of the day and night ale taken up in the cities of London and Westminster by people as different from each other as those who ale born in different centuries.Men of six-a-clock give way to those of nine,they of nine to the generation of twelve,and they of twelve disappear,and make room for the fashionable world,who have made two—a-clock the noon ofthe day.