
第3章 下一站幸福 (2)

1. It served me right for putting a_______question to someone who has joked his way through life. But Ian’s _______reminded me that when we think about _______, we usually think of something extraordinary, a pinnacle of sheer delight—and those pinnacles seem to get rarer the we get.

2. My_______defines happy as“lucky”or“fortunate”, but I think a better definition of happiness is“the capacity for enjoyment.”The more we can enjoy_______we have, the we are.


1. 我们四处追逐幸福,幸福其实就在我们身边。

2. 对一个孩子来说,幸福有着梦幻般的色彩。

3. 我们去追求幸福,并将它同财富和成功联系起来,而没有意识到拥有它的人并不一定更幸福。


1. It depends on what you mean.

depend on:依赖;依靠;信赖

2. Love, popularity and whether that zit will clear up before prom night.

clear up:把……收拾整齐;治疗;处理;消除


Ten Ways to Happiness

佚名 / Anonymous

How many ways are there to reach the state of being happy?

1. Happiness is not an aim, but a journey. If you seek for pleasure in the course of the journey, the course will become a destination, and what’s more, it will be a prolonged, boundlessly beneficial destination for all your life.

2. The happy place is this place, and the happy moment is this moment. Remain standing here, seize the present moment, and you will be happy.

3. Happiness is mental before it is physical.In order to be physically happy to the full, you must first feel at ease and be free of worry. It is better to eat without meat than to have a load on your mind.

4. Happiness is the opposite of unhappiness; the decline of the one means the growth of the other. Release yourself from the unhappy mood and you will be happy.

5. Happiness is a matter of five cakes of bread and two fishes; the more you give out, the more you will get back. Share your happiness with others and you will enjoy it most.

6. If your heart’s desire is easily satisfied, your happiness will soon come to an end. In order that your happiness may last, you have to leave some of your desires unfulfilled.

7. When you are happy, you feel contented. You should also feel contented, when you are unhappy. Be always full of zest and happiness will become an inveterate habit.

8. Happiness is a very strange thing. It will not turn up when you beckon it, call it, and solicit it. But when you feign complete indifference, it will fawn upon you, lean close to you and live with you. In dealing with happiness, you should adopt the strategy of leaving it at large the better to apprehend it.

9. Happiness is drifting from place to place. It is unwise as well as futile to try to retain it. You have got to keep on making new happiness, so that one happiness follows in the wake of another.

10. The greatest happiness you can gain is realizing that you are not necessarily in need of it.


1. 快乐不是终点,而是一次旅程。如果你在旅程中寻找快乐,那过程就变成终点,而且是你生命中受益匪浅、意义深远的终点。

2. 快乐的地方就在此处,快乐的时刻就在此时。停留在此处,并抓住此刻,你就是快乐的。

3. 快乐首先体现在精神上,而后是身体上。为了使身体上的快乐更加丰盈,你必须做到气定神闲,毫无烦扰。宁可吃饭的时候无肉,也不要让心中满是负担。

4. 快乐与忧愁是相互对立的,此消彼长。从忧愁中解脱出来,才能享受到快乐。

5. 快乐是用5块饼钓2条鱼,付出的越多,得到的越多。与他人分享你的快乐,你会更快乐。

6. 如果你心里的愿望很容易就得到满足,那快乐也会很快结束。为了能延长你的快乐,就必须有未完成的愿望。

7. 当你快乐时,你会感到满足;不开心时,也要保持心情舒畅。经常充满热情,快乐就会成为长久的习惯。

8. 快乐是一种非常奇怪的东西,当你召唤它、呼喊它、恳求它时,它却不出来;当你假装不关心它时,它又来讨好你、依偎着你、不离开你。与快乐打交道,你需要“欲擒故纵”。

9. 快乐四处飘荡,试图抓住它,是愚昧又无用的。你需要制造新的快乐,以使快乐接连不断。

10. 你能获得的最大快乐,就是意识到快乐并不是你的必需。


1. Happiness is_______before it is physical.In order to be physically happy to the full, you must feel at ease and be free of worry.It is_______to eat without meat than to have a load on your mind.

2. _______is a very strange thing.It will not turn up_______you beckon it, call it, and solicit it.But when you feign complete indifference, it will fawn upon you, lean _______to you and live with you.In dealing_______ happiness, you should adopt the strategy of leaving it at large the better to apprehend it.


1. 如果你在旅程中寻找快乐,那过程就变成终点,而且是你生命中受益匪浅、意义深远的终点。

2. 当你快乐时,你会感到满足;不开心时,也要保持心情舒畅。

3. 你能获得的最大快乐,就是意识到快乐并不是你的必需。


1. If you seek for pleasure in the course of the journey...

seek for:寻求;探求

2. ... you must first feel at ease and be free of worry.

at ease:安逸;自由自在


Happiness Is All Around Us

佚名 / Anonymous

Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruit, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner. We do not bend to enjoy the happiness which is ours for the taking just at our feet.

In our desire to reach the “pot of gold”, complete and lasting happiness, we all want to fill our lives. We ignore anything which doesn’t seem worthy of such a large ambition, or which can’t give us the whole thing all at once.

Happiness is all around us, but it often comes in small grains. When we gather it grain by grain, we soon have a basketful.

What small pieces of happiness surround me right now?






1. Life is like a winding path surrounded by_______, butterflies, and delicious _______, but many of us_______much time looking for happiness around the next_______. We do not bend to enjoy the happiness which is ours for the taking just at our _______.

2. In our_______to reach the“pot of gold”, complete and lasting happiness, we all want to fill our lives. We_______anything which doesn’t seem worthy of such a large ambition, or which can’t give us the whole thing all at_______.


1. 幸福就在我们身边,只是它总是一点一滴地出现。

2. 只要我们收集每一个颗粒,不久便会集满一篮。

3. 此刻,那些围绕在我周围的点点滴滴的幸福又是什么样的呢?


1. ...but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.

around the corner:在附近;即将来临

2. ...or which can’t give us the whole thing all at once.

at once:立刻,马上


The Joy of Living

佚名 / Anonymous