
第18章 非常时刻(17)

BAt the beginning of this new millennium I was asked to discuss, here in Oslo, the greatest challenge that the world faces. Among all the possible choices, I decided that the most serious and universal problem is the growing chasm between the richest and poorest people on earth.CCitizens of the ten wealthiest countries are now seventy-five times richer than those who live in the ten poorest ones, and the separation is increasing every year, not only between nations but also within them.The results of this disparity are root causes of most of the world"s unresolved problems, including starvation, illiteracy, environmental degradation, violent conflict, and unnecessary illnesses that range from Guinea worm to HIV/AIDS.

Ladies and gentlemen:

War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good.We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other"s children.

The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices. God gives us the capacity for choice.We can choose to alleviate suffering.We can choose to work together for peace.We can make these changes—and we must.


长难句解析Sentence Structures

ADuring the past decades, the international community, usually under the auspices of the United Nations, has struggled to negotiate global standards that can help us achieve these essential goals.


under the auspices of在……的帮助和支持下。例如:They decided to set up a business under the auspices of a government aid scheme.他们决定在政府援助计划资助下创办公司。

BAt the beginning of this new millennium I was asked to discuss, here in Oslo, the greatest challenge that the world faces.


here in Oslo在奥斯陆这里,是个插入语,非正式用法,一般用于口语中。

CCitizens of the ten wealthiest countries are now seventy-five times richer than those who live in the ten poorest ones, and the separation is increasing every year, not only between nations but also within them.


(倍数)+形容词比较级+than 是形容词比较级的一种用法。those who……,是一个定语从句。

31.We Will Continue to Defend Freedom我们将继续扞卫自由






今日关键语导读Today"s Key Points



障碍词先听为快Words and Expressions


好英文娓娓动听Words and Expressions

The Second World War ended in Europe in May sixty years ago, but continued until September in the Pacific.Today we commemorate all those who lived, worked and fought through six long years of unremitting hardship and sacrifice.

We remember also the unswerving support of the people of the Commonwealth, the United States and of all our allies;it was the triumph of this great alliance that saved the world from tyranny.

AThose years of sacrifice have not been in vain. The horror of that conflict inspired the creation of the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, and the European Union.

BSadly, we cannot claim that the world has been free from war or terror for the last sixty years, but in Europe at least we have been faithful to all those who lost their lives in that great struggle with a vigorous determination to build on what unites rather than divides us.

CI am sure that this commemoration will encourage those who have lived through these post-war years of peace and prosperity to reflect on the debt they owe to our wartime generation.

It does not surprise me that, during the present, difficult days for London, people turn to the example set by that generation—of resilience, humour, sustained courage, often under conditions of great deprivation. That example and those memories should be kept alive by younger generations as they in their turn strive to keep the peace in our troubled world.

But there is another reason why we must never forget. An act of remembrance is an act of honour—to those who sacrificed all, who bore the sufferings of war, who had the wisdom to build the peace.It is a tribute to you the veterans and your loved ones.

At this special occasion I wish to express on behalf of the nation our admiration, our respect and our thanks to you for what you gave all those years ago in the cause of ******* and our way of life—which we shall continue to defend as you did.


长难句解析Sentence Structures

AThose years of sacrifice have not been in vain.


in vain 徒劳,无用的。例如:All our work was in vain.我们的工作全都白干了。

BSadly, we cannot claim that the world has been free from war or terror for the last sixty years, but in Europe at least we have been faithful to all those who lost their lives in that great struggle with a vigorous determination to build on what unites rather than divides us.


build on 建基于。例如:The new legislation that I will sign next week will build on this progress.我下周将签署的新立法是建立在这些进步的基础上的。

CI am sure that this commemoration will encourage those who have lived through these post-war years of peace and prosperity to refiect on the debt they owe to our wartime generation.


refiect on 反思,思考。例如:I need time to reflect on your offer.我需要时间来考虑你的建议。