
第19章 态度决定命运 (2)

just as:正当……的时候;正如;就像


Patience to Learn

佚名 / Anonymous

A young man presented himself to the local expert on gems and said he wanted to become a gemologist. The expert brushed him off because he feared that the youth would not have the patience to learn. The young man pleaded for a chance. Finally the expert consented and told the youth. "Be here tomorrow."

The next morning the expert put a jade stone in the boy's hand and told him to hold it. The expert then went about his work, cutting, weighing, and setting gems. The boy sat quietly and waited.

The following morning the expert again placed the jade stone in the youth' s hand and told him to hold it. On the third, fourth, and fifth day the expert repeated the exercise and the instructions.

On the sixth day the youth held the jade stone, but could no longer stand the silence. "Master," he asked, "when am I going to learn something?"

"You' ll learn." the expert replied and went about his business.

Several more days went by and the youth' s frustration mounted. One morning as the expert approached and beckoned for him to hold out his hand, he was about to blurt out that he could go on no longer. But as the master placed the stone in the youth' s hand, the young man exclaimed without looking at his hand, "This is not the same jade stone!"

"You have begun to learn." said the master.









gem [dem] n. 宝石

The price of this gem is expensive — as much so as astronomical



frustration [frs'trein] n. 打破;挫折;顿挫

Life, too much frustration, too much sorrow.


beckon ['bekn] v. 招手;挥手;点头招呼

He beckoned to me from across the street.


blurt [bl:t] v. 脱口说出;突然说出

Blurt out! This is the real success!




The expert brushed him off because he feared that the youth would not have the patience to learn.

brush off:刷去;拂去;掸去;刷掉

One morning as the expert approached and beckoned for him to hold out his hand, he was about to blurt out that he could go on no longer.

no longer:不再;已不


The Importance of Developing Attitudes

佚名 / Anonymous

Of all the areas of learning the most important is the development of attitudes. Emotional reactions as well as logical thought processes affect the behavior of most people.

"The burnt child fears the fire" is one instance; another is the rise of figures like Hitler. Both these examples also point up the fact that attitudes come from experience. In the one case the experience is direct and impressive, in the other it is indirect and gradual.

The class room teacher in the elementary school is in strategic position to influence attitudes. This is true partly because children acquire attitudes from those adults whose words they respect.

Another reason why it is true is that pupils often search somewhat deeply into a subject in school that has only been touched upon at home or has possibly never occurred to them before. To a child who had previously acquired little knowledge of Mexico, his teacher' s method of handling such a unit would greatly affect his attitude toward Mexicans.

The teacher can develop proper attitudes through social studies, science matters, the very atmosphere of the classroom, etc. However, when children come to school with undesirable attitudes, it is unwise to attempt to change their feelings by criticizing them. The teacher can achieve the proper effect by helping them obtain constructive experience.






elementary [,eli'mentri] adj. 初级的;基本的

This elementary school is affiliated to a university.


previously ['pri:vju:sli] adv. 以前;预先;在以前;先遣地

She had previously worked in a restaurant.


atmosphere ['鎡msfi] n. 大气;气氛;大气层;氛围

There is an atmosphere of peace and calm in the country, quite

different from the atmosphere of a big city.


constructive [kn'strktiv] adj. 建设性的;构造上的;作图的

I can not figure out why they ridicule this constructive suggestion.





Both these examples also point up the fact that attitudes come from experience.

come from:来自;出生于

However, when children come to school with undesirable attitudes, it is unwise to attempt to change their feelings by criticizing them.

attempt to:试图做某事;试图;尝试;企图


Keep Your Cool

佚名 / Anonymous