
第43章 成功是过程,而不是终点 (18)

But do not strive to reach impossible goals. It is wholly in your power to develop yourself, but not necessarily so to make yourself a king. How many Presidents of the United States or Prime Ministers of England are chosen within the working lifetime of a man? What if a thousand young men resolve to become President or Prime Minister? While such prizes are within your reach, remember that your will must be tremendous and your qualifications of the highest order, or you cannot hope to secure them. Too many are deluded by ambition beyond their power of attainment, or tortured by aspirations totally disproportionate to their capacity for execution. You may, indeed, confidently hope to become eminent in usefulness and power, but only as you build upon a broad foundation of self-culture; while, as a rule, specialists in ambition as in science are apt to become narrow and one-sided. Darwin was very fond of poetry and music when young, but after devoting his life to science, he was surprised to find Shakespeare tedious. He said that, if he were to live his life again, he would read poetry and hear music every day, so as not to lose the power of appreciating such things.

Man never reaches heights above his habitual thought. It is not enough now and then to mount on wings of ecstasy into the infinite. We must habitually dwell there. The great man is he who abides easily on heights to which others rise occasionally and with difficulty. Don' t let the maxims of a low prudence daily dinned into your ears lower the tone of your high ambition or check your aspirations. Hope lifts us step by step up the mysterious ladder, the top of which no eye hath ever seen. Though we do not find what hope promised, yet we are stronger for the climbing, and we get a broader outlook upon life which repays the effort. Indeed, if we do not follow where hope beckons, we gradually slide down the ladder in despair. Strive ever to be at the top of your condition.









proclaim [pr'kleim] v. 宣布;公告;宣言

The president proclaimed that a new currency would be issued.


emerald ['emrld] n. 翡翠;绿宝石;翠绿色

An emerald of that size, unflawed, would be worth a king's ransom.


elixir [i'liks] n. 长生不老药;仙丹妙药

Does an elixir really exist?


crabbed ['kr鎎id] adj. 暴躁的;乖戾的;难解的

The world seems a vast horrible grinding machine,into which what is fresh and bright

and pure is pushed at one end,to come out old and crabbed and wrinkled at the other.






What an abyss between my deep misery and the eternal kingdom of Christ, which is proclaimed, loved and adored, and which is extended over the whole earth.

between... and... :在……中间

Darwin was very fond of poetry and music when young, but after devoting his life to science, he was surprised to find Shakespeare tedious.

be fond of:喜欢;爱好;喜爱


Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative

小唐·迈克尔·雷诺 / D.Michael Reynolds,Jr.

While some people are born into loving and caring families, others are born into seemingly impossible environments, but no matter how hard a person' s life, I believe there will always be at least one person who will positively influence and encourage them. For me, that person has been my grandmother.

There are many laws of life that I could write about because my grandmother (better known as "Mamma") literally and purposefully teaches these laws to me. However, she always ends with, "Son, I can tell you all I know and all I' ve experienced, but ultimately you are responsible for your choices." Ultimately, we all make our own choices in life—good or bad. Not making a choice is a choice in itself. The law of choice puts one in control, but it also places responsibility on the one making the choice.