
第24章 Multiply Your Value





Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold。

A mulberry1leaf touched with the genius of man becomes


A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle。

A cypress2tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine3.

A cut of sheep’s hair touched with the genius of man becomes raiment4for a king。

If it is possible for leaves and clay and wood and hair to have their value multiplied a hundred,yea a thousandfold by man,cannot I do the same with the clay which bears my name?

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold。

I am liken to a grain of wheat which faces one of three futures。The wheat can be placed in a sack and dumped in a stall until it is fed to swine。Or it can be ground to flour and made into bread。Or it can be placed in the earth and allowed to grow until its golden head divides and produces a thousand grains from the one。

I am liken to a grain of wheat with one difference。The wheat cannot choose whether it be fed to swine,ground for bread,or planted to multiply。I have a choice and I will not let my life be fed to swine nor will I let it be ground under the rocks of failure and despair to be broken open and devoured by the will of others。

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold。

To grow and multiply it is necessary to plant the wheat grain in the darkness of the earth and my failures,my despairs,my ignorance,and my inabilities are the darkness in which I have been planted in order to ripen。Now,like the wheat grain which will sprout5and blossom only if it is nurtured with rain and sun and warm winds,I too must nurture my body and mind to fulfill my dreams。But to grow to full stature the wheat must wait on the whims of nature。I need not wait for I have the power to choose my own destiny。

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold。

And how will I accomplish this?First I will set goals for the day,the week,the month,the year,and my life。Just as the rain must fall before the wheat will crack its shell and sprout,so must I have objectives before my life will crystallize6.Insetting my goals I will consider my best performance of the past and multiply it a hundredfold。This will be the standard by which I will live in the future。Never will I be of concern that my goals are too high for is it not better to aim my spear at the moon and strike only an eagle than to arm my spear at the eagle and strike only a rock 。

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold。

The height of my goals will not hold me in awe though I may stumble often before they are reached。If I stumble I will rise and my falls will not concern me for all men must stumble often to reach the earth。Only a worm is free from the worry of stumbling7.I am not a worm。I am not an onion plant。I am a man。Let others build a cave with their clay。I will build a castle with mine。

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold。

And just as the sun must warm the earth to bring forth the seedling of wheat so,too,will the words on these scrolls warm my life and turn my dreams into reality。Today I will surpass every action which I performed yesterday。I will climb today’s mountain to the utmost of my ability yet tomorrow I will climb higher than today。And the next will be higher than tomorrow。To surpass the deeds of unimportant;to surpass my own deeds is all。

Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold。

And just as the warm wind guides the wheat to maturity,the same winds will carry my voice to those who will listen and my words will announce my goals。Once spoken I dare not recall them lest I lost face。I will be as my own prophet8and though all may laugh at my utterances they will hear my plans,they will know my dreams;and thus there will be no escape for me until my words become accomplished deeds。























1.mulberry n。 桑树

2.cypress n。 柏树

3.shrine n。 圣地,圣坛

4.raiment n。 服装,衣饰

5.sprout v。 发芽,抽芽

6.crystallize v。 使结晶,使具体化

7.stumbling adj。 摇摇晃晃,跌跌撞撞

8.prophet n。 预言家


Culture Background




1.To grow and multiply it is necessary to plant the wheat grain in the darkness of the earth and my failures,my despairs,my ignorance,and my inabilities are the darkness in which I have been planted in order to ripen。


2.And just as the warm wind guides the wheat to maturity,the same winds will carry my voice to those who will listen and my words will announce my goals。Once spoken I dare not recall them lest I lost face。I will be as my own prophet and though all may laugh at my utterances they will hear my plans,they will know my dreams;and thus there will be no escape for me until my words become accomplished deeds。
