
第40章 Unit Twelve Ambition (4)

C.conque r D.extinct

21) He declar ed tha t he was not for his wife’s debts.

A.r esponsible B.reliable

C./ D.liable

22 ) This story is a Russian family in the 19th century.

A.concerned about B.concerned for

C.concerned with D.concerned

23) Those tow ideas are quite from each othe r.

A.distinguished B.distinct

C.distant D.dis sa tisfied

24) Traffic light are used to t raffic.

A.adjust B.arrange

C.command D.r egulate

25) The manage r thought she was a pe rson and told him all about the new plan.

A.confident B.famous

C.reliable D.dependent

26) We accept their offer without.

A.r eserva tion B.promise

C.discus sion D.observation

27) The nurse the doctor’s orde r.

A.exhibited B.executed

C.sentenced D.exhausted

28) We ar e deeply by this devastating t ragedy.

A.motivated B.touched

C.saddened D.encouraged

29) Many people a re in need of food and wate r.

A.urgent B.thirsty

C.neces sa ry D.es sential

30) Tragedy st ruck when several people were to death in the c rowd.

A.pushed B.pressed

C.clicked D.crushed

31) I t ried to excuse myself for mis sing he r pa rty but my at - tempts wer e very.

A.foolish B.awkwa rd

C.clumsy D.r idiculous

32) The rise in the value of the dolla r has the compa - ny’s ea rnings.

A.depressed B.decreased

C.lowe red D.pressed

33) I’ve neve r felt so in my life.

A.s hy B.shamed

C.emba rrassed D.humiliated

34) Af ter he felt a lit tle bet ter and could sleep at ease.

A.liber ty B.pe rmis sion

C.allowance D.confession

35) People get tired of a man who is always his own horn.

A.locking B.taking

C.tooting D.showing

36 ) Primitive ar t many forms ,many peoples ,and many ages.

A.composes B.consists

C.constitutes D.embraces

37) The belief tha t he is wicked is.

A.wide B.broad

C.widely D.wides pr ead

38) I must my thoughts.

A.wrap up in B.have wrapped up in

C.be wrapped up in D.have been wrapped up in

39) California when gold was discovered ther e.

A.developed B.advanced

C.made progr ess D.boomed

40) The bus stopped and the passengers wer e jolted forwa rds.

A.all of a sudden B.heavily

C.violently D.completely


1) C 2) C 3) B 4) D 5) C 6) B 7) A 8) C

9) D 10) A 11) D 12 ) A 13 ) C 14) A 15 ) D

16) A 17 ) B 18 ) A 19) D 20) A 21) D 22 ) C

23) B 24 ) D 25 ) C 26) A 27 ) B 28) A 29) A

30) D 31 ) C 32) A 33) D 34 ) D 35 ) C 36 ) D

37) D 38 ) D 39 ) D 40) A

Test Three

1) by his accent ,he must be a Southe rner.

A.Evaluating B.Estimating

C.Predicting D.Judging

2) Wea r it or not ,I don’t think it will.

A.make no diffe rence B.make a difference

C.make any difference D.make all the difference

3) Please take the seat ove r there and for me.

A.keep room B.set room

C.give room D.make room

4) You can’t me for everything in the future.

A.count for B.count out

C.count on D.count up

5) The spokesman of the president had to to newsmen

that an immediate agreement was nowher e in sight.

A.agree B.conceal

C.concede D.conceive

6) In his childhood he dreamed of becoming a scientist.But he a teacher.

A.wound up as B.wound up by

C.wound up in D.wound up with

7) He always himself in delights of leisure.

A.engages B.indulges

C.keeps D.induce

8 ) He overcame the of blindness and became a musician.

A.barrier B.disadvantage

C.hamper D.obstacle

9) I t’s mor e hygienic to use disposable pape r tissues.

A.easier B.cheaper

C.cleaner and healthier D.more convenient

10) Some months la ter our proposal was given official sanction.

A.approval B.grant

C.admission D.accept

11) It enabled us to remain free from invasion.

A.being beaten B.being fined

C.being punished D.being attacked

12) The confe rence declar ed its intent to organize a national movement.

A.ambition B.intention

C.dream D.hope

13) He was prepa red to use devious means to justify his actions.

A.denying B.enough

C.dishonest D.no

14) A year later I found out the t rue significance of the name.

A.answer B.solution

C.key D.meaning

15 ) This famous college was founded as a of Dr.Owen.

A.memorial B.memory

C.memo D.memorization

16) His for the cause ins pired his followers.

A.zealous B.ardor

C.ardent D.enthusiastic

17) This famous painting was thought to be by Van Gogh ,but it is in fact a.

A.false B.deceive

C.forgery D.pretence

18) These words are jumbled up and don’t.

A.make it B.make tidy

C.make sense D.make use

19) He was told that this disease is.

A.abiguous B.original

C.heredita ry D.instinctive

20) Police the woods looking for the lost boy.

A.s neezed B.sneaked

C.investigated D.scour ed

21) The sena tor was given a warm by the crowd.

A.r eception B.encouragement

C.friendship D.inter est

22) None of us would like to live on.

A.char ter B.char ity

C.che rish D.chip

23) The company’s affairs are in terr ible.

A.mess B.mas s

C.mes ses D.mas ses

24) The murdere r dr es sed up and had a false bea rd on ,but soon people his disguise.

A.saw B.penetr ated

C.obse rved D.concent rated

25) I want you to check this because it many have been based on insufficient informa tion.

A.inference B.violence

C.conference D.defer ence

26) He me by his wonde rful speech.

A.admired B.amazed

C.wonder ed D.advised

27) I think that’s on the pa r t of the government to promise tha t they won’t inc rease taxes.

A.solution B.delusion

C.illusion D.r evolution

28) Tempora ry staff have been employed to help with the of extr a mill.

A.dispatch B.displace

C.dis pense D.dis pose

29) They put the on him until he was forced to r esign.

A.pressures B.bot tles

C.thorns D.scr ews

30) She was completely by the death of her mother.

A.t rauma tized B.depr essed

C.displeased D.saddened

31 ) He was criticized for his handling of the situa - tion.

A.unskillful B.unsuitable

C.inadequate D.inept

32) The papers were full of the case.

A.bad B.false

C.wrong D.libel

33) I made use of my time ,mixing with a lot of differ ent people and practicing my Spanish.

A.profitable B.practical

C.available D.predictable.

34) This count ry is a needy country.

A.rich B.hopeful

C.poor D.beautiful

35) Bad eggs has an odor.

A.offensive B.aggr essive

C.extensive D.compulsive

36) I t was a in his cap to be named to the town council.

A.glory B.succes s

C.honor D.feather

37) Vera’s flowers all the others in the competition.

A.are bette r B.outshone

C.exceed D./

38) She is a( n ) ador able child.

A.good humored B.shy

C.gentle D.lovely

39) The worke rs have testified to the excellent performance of the machine.

A.found satisfaction at B.taken delight in

C.shown ignor ance of D.given evidence of

40) We hea rd the appalling news about the ear thquake.

A.important B.ser ious

C.bad D.good


1) D 2 ) C 3) D 4 ) C 5) C 6) A 7) B 8) D

9) C 10 ) A 11 ) D 12) B 13) C 14) D 15) C

16) B 17 ) A 18 ) C 19) C 20) D 21) A 22 ) B

23) A 24 ) B 25 ) A 26) B 27) B 28) A 29 ) D

30) A 31 ) D 32 ) D 33) A 34) C 35 ) A 36) D

37) B 38 ) D 39 ) D 40) C