
第45章 Chapter 13 (4)

This pronoun was understood in the plural sense, and included bothgentlemen, upon both of whom it was rather hard and undeserved,for Gabriel had applied himself to the meal with a very promisingappetite, until it was spoilt by Mrs Varden herself, and Joe had asgreat a liking for the female society of the locksmith"s house--orfor a part of it at all events--as man could well entertain.

But he had no opportunity to say anything in his own defence, forat that moment Dolly herself appeared, and struck him quite dumbwith her beauty. Never had Dolly looked so handsome as she didthen, in all the glow and grace of youth, with all her charmsincreased a hundredfold by a most becoming dress, by a thousandlittle coquettish ways which nobody could assume with a bettergrace, and all the sparkling expectation of that accursed party.

It is impossible to tell how Joe hated that party wherever it was,and all the other people who were going to it, whoever they were.

And she hardly looked at him--no, hardly looked at him. And whenthe chair was seen through the open door coming blundering into theworkshop, she actually clapped her hands and seemed glad to go.

But Joe gave her his arm--there was some comfort in that--andhanded her into it. To see her seat herself inside, with herlaughing eyes brighter than diamonds, and her hand--surely she hadthe prettiest hand in the world--on the ledge of the open window,and her little finger provokingly and pertly tilted up, as if itwondered why Joe didn"t squeeze or kiss it! To think how well oneor two of the modest snowdrops would have become that delicatebodice, and how they were lying neglected outside the parlourwindow! To see how Miggs looked on with a face expressive ofknowing how all this loveliness was got up, and of being in thesecret of every string and pin and hook and eye, and of saying itain"t half as real as you think, and I could look quite as wellmyself if I took the pains! To hear that provoking precious littlescream when the chair was hoisted on its poles, and to catch thattransient but not-to-be-forgotten vision of the happy face within-whattorments and aggravations, and yet what delights were these!

The very chairmen seemed favoured rivals as they bore her down thestreet.

There never was such an alteration in a small room in a small timeas in that parlour when they went back to finish tea. So dark, sodeserted, so perfectly disenchanted. It seemed such sheer nonsenseto be sitting tamely there, when she was at a dance with morelovers than man could calculate fluttering about her--with thewhole party doting on and adoring her, and wanting to marry her.

Miggs was hovering about too; and the fact of her existence, themere circumstance of her ever having been born, appeared, afterDolly, such an unaccountable practical joke. It was impossible totalk. It couldn"t be done. He had nothing left for it but to stirhis tea round, and round, and round, and ruminate on all thefascinations of the locksmith"s lovely daughter.

Gabriel was dull too. It was a part of the certain uncertainty ofMrs Varden"s temper, that when they were in this condition, sheshould be gay and sprightly.

"I need have a cheerful disposition, I am sure," said the smilinghousewife, "to preserve any spirits at all; and how I do it I canscarcely tell."

"Ah, mim," sighed Miggs, "begging your pardon for the interruption,there an"t a many like you."

"Take away, Miggs," said Mrs Varden, rising, "take away, pray. Iknow I"m a restraint here, and as I wish everybody to enjoythemselves as they best can, I feel I had better go."

"No, no, Martha," cried the locksmith. "Stop here. I"m sure weshall be very sorry to lose you, eh Joe!" Joe started, and said"Certainly."

"Thank you, Varden, my dear," returned his wife; "but I know yourwishes better. Tobacco and beer, or spirits, have much greaterattractions than any I can boast of, and therefore I shall go andsit upstairs and look out of window, my love. Good night, MrJoseph. I"m very glad to have seen you, and I only wish I couldhave provided something more suitable to your taste. Remember mevery kindly if you please to old Mr Willet, and tell him thatwhenever he comes here I have a crow to pluck with him. Goodnight!"

Having uttered these words with great sweetness of manner, the goodlady dropped a curtsey remarkable for its condescension, andserenely withdrew.

And it was for this Joe had looked forward to the twenty-fifth ofMarch for weeks and weeks, and had gathered the flowers with somuch care, and had cocked his hat, and made himself so smart! Thiswas the end of all his bold determination, resolved upon for thehundredth time, to speak out to Dolly and tell her how he lovedher! To see her for a minute--for but a minute--to find her goingout to a party and glad to go; to be looked upon as a common pipe-smoker, beer-bibber, spirit-guzzler, and tosspot! He badefarewell to his friend the locksmith, and hastened to take horse atthe Black Lion, thinking as he turned towards home, as many anotherJoe has thought before and since, that here was an end to all hishopes--that the thing was impossible and never could be--that shedidn"t care for him--that he was wretched for life--and that theonly congenial prospect left him, was to go for a soldier or asailor, and get some obliging enemy to knock his brains out assoon as possible.