
第88章 Chapter 27 (4)

"He has, if he honourably fulfils this solemn obligation of which Ihave told you--and he must be honourable, dear Mrs Varden, or he isno son of mine--a fortune within his reach. He is of mostexpensive, ruinously expensive habits; and if, in a moment ofcaprice and wilfulness, he were to marry this young lady, and sodeprive himself of the means of gratifying the tastes to which hehas been so long accustomed, he would--my dear madam, he wouldbreak the gentle creature"s heart. Mrs Varden, my good lady, mydear soul, I put it to you--is such a sacrifice to be endured? Isthe female heart a thing to be trifled with in this way? Ask yourown, my dear madam. Ask your own, I beseech you."

"Truly," thought Mrs Varden, "this gentleman is a saint. But," sheadded aloud, and not unnaturally, "if you take Miss Emma"s loveraway, sir, what becomes of the poor thing"s heart then?"

"The very point," said Mr Chester, not at all abashed, "to which Iwished to lead you. A marriage with my son, whom I should becompelled to disown, would be followed by years of misery; theywould be separated, my dear madam, in a twelvemonth. To break offthis attachment, which is more fancied than real, as you and I knowvery well, will cost the dear girl but a few tears, and she ishappy again. Take the case of your own daughter, the young ladydownstairs, who is your breathing image"--Mrs Varden coughed andsimpered--"there is a young man (I am sorry to say, a dissolutefellow, of very indifferent character) of whom I have heard Nedspeak--Bullet was it--Pullet--Mullet--"

"There is a young man of the name of Joseph Willet, sir," said MrsVarden, folding her hands loftily.

"That"s he," cried Mr Chester. "Suppose this Joseph Willet now,were to aspire to the affections of your charming daughter, andwere to engage them."

"It would be like his impudence," interposed Mrs Varden, bridling,"to dare to think of such a thing!"

"My dear madam, that"s the whole case. I know it would be like hisimpudence. It is like Ned"s impudence to do as he has done; butyou would not on that account, or because of a few tears from yourbeautiful daughter, refrain from checking their inclinations intheir birth. I meant to have reasoned thus with your husband whenI saw him at Mrs Rudge"s this evening--"

"My husband," said Mrs Varden, interposing with emotion, "would bea great deal better at home than going to Mrs Rudge"s so often. Idon"t know what he does there. I don"t see what occasion he has tobusy himself in her affairs at all, sir."

"If I don"t appear to express my concurrence in those lastsentiments of yours," returned Mr Chester, "quite so strongly asyou might desire, it is because his being there, my dear madam, andnot proving conversational, led me hither, and procured me thehappiness of this interview with one, in whom the whole management,conduct, and prosperity of her family are centred, I perceive."

With that he took Mrs Varden"s hand again, and having pressed it tohis lips with the highflown gallantry of the day--a littleburlesqued to render it the more striking in the good lady"sunaccustomed eyes--proceeded in the same strain of mingledsophistry, cajolery, and flattery, to entreat that her utmostinfluence might be exerted to restrain her husband and daughterfrom any further promotion of Edward"s suit to Miss Haredale, andfrom aiding or abetting either party in any way. Mrs Varden wasbut a woman, and had her share of vanity, obstinacy, and love ofpower. She entered into a secret treaty of alliance, offensive anddefensive, with her insinuating visitor; and really did believe, asmany others would have done who saw and heard him, that in so doingshe furthered the ends of truth, justice, and morality, in a veryuncommon degree.

Overjoyed by the success of his negotiation, and mightily amusedwithin himself, Mr Chester conducted her downstairs in the samestate as before; and having repeated the previous ceremony ofsalutation, which also as before comprehended Dolly, took hisleave; first completing the conquest of Miss Miggs"s heart, byinquiring if "this young lady" would light him to the door.

"Oh, mim," said Miggs, returning with the candle. "Oh gracious me,mim, there"s a gentleman! Was there ever such an angel to talk ashe is--and such a sweet-looking man! So upright and noble, that heseems to despise the very ground he walks on; and yet so mild andcondescending, that he seems to say "but I will take notice on ittoo." And to think of his taking you for Miss Dolly, and MissDolly for your sister--Oh, my goodness me, if I was master wouldn"tI be jealous of him!"

Mrs Varden reproved her handmaid for this vain-speaking; but verygently and mildly--quite smilingly indeed--remarking that she was afoolish, giddy, light-headed girl, whose spirits carried herbeyond all bounds, and who didn"t mean half she said, or she wouldbe quite angry with her.

"For my part," said Dolly, in a thoughtful manner, "I half believeMr Chester is something like Miggs in that respect. For all hispoliteness and pleasant speaking, I am pretty sure he was makinggame of us, more than once."

"If you venture to say such a thing again, and to speak ill ofpeople behind their backs in my presence, miss," said Mrs Varden,"I shall insist upon your taking a candle and going to beddirectly. How dare you, Dolly? I"m astonished at you. Therudeness of your whole behaviour this evening has been disgraceful.

Did anybody ever hear," cried the enraged matron, bursting intotears, "of a daughter telling her own mother she has been made gameof!"

What a very uncertain temper Mrs Varden"s was!