
第14章 马萨诸塞州(2)

Finally,in 1684,the colony’s charter was revoked,and in 1686the Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies were included in the Dominion(控制)of New England under Sir Edmund Andros.News of the Glorious Revolution in England prompted uprisings against Andros and the dissolution(分解,解散)of the Dominion in 1689.Two years later a royal charter was issued that incorporated Plymouth Colony and the Province of Maine,within Mass achusetts but placed the extended colony under a royal governor and removed the religious qualification(资格)for voting,although Congregationalism([宗]公理会)remained the established religion.Widespread anxiety over loss of the original charter contributed to the witchcraft(魔法,魔力)panic that reached its climax(顶点)in Salem in the summer of 1692.Nineteen persons were hanged and one crushed to death for refusing to confess to the practice of witchcraft.The Salem trials ended abruptly(突然地)when colonial authorities,led by Cotton Mather ,became alarmed at their excesses.

Massachusetts experienced accelerated growth in the early 18th century;settlements arose in the interior,and the Connecticut Valley was settled.Mills were built along the smaller rivers and streams to grind grain,saw logs,forge iron and process wool.Seaport towns grew and prospered as a lucrative(有利的)overseas trade florished.Ships carried timber and salt fish to the Caribbean and returned with molasses(〈美〉糖蜜)and sugar.Rum(浪姆酒(用甘蔗或糖蜜等酿制的一种甜酒)),distilled(蒸馏)in Medford and Newburyport,was carried to West Africa along with cloth and ****** utensils(器具)to be traded for slaves who were,in turn,carried to the Carribean Islands and South America.These routes came to be known as the“Triangular Trade(三角贸易).”

Massachusetts has played a significant role in American history since the Pilgrims,seeking religious *******,founded Plymouth Colony in 1620.

Rich shipowners and sea captains competed to build the grandest houses along the shore.From the Revolution to the Civil War.The various taxes put forth by the British after 1730for replenishment(补充)of the British treasury were unpopular in thriving Massachusetts.As one of the most important of the 13colonies,Massachusetts became a leader in resisting British oppression(压迫,镇压).

In 1761James Otis opposed a Massachusetts superior court’s issuance of writs of assistance(general search warrants to aid customs officers in enforcing collection of duties on imported sugar),arguing that this action violated the natural rights of Englishmen and was therefore void.He thus helped set the stage for the political controversy(辩论,论战)which,coupled with economic grievances(冤情),culminated(达到顶点)in the American Revolution.In Massachusetts a bitter struggle developed between the governor,Thomas Hutchinson,and the anti-British party in the legislature led by Samuel Adams,John Adams,James Otis,and John Hancock.The Stamp Act(1765)and the Townshend Acts(1767)preceded(在……之前,先于)the Boston Massacre(1770),and the Tea Act(1773)brought on the Boston Tea Party .The rebellious colonials were punished for this with the Intolerable Acts(1774),which troops under Gen.Thomas Gage were sent to enforce.

Through committees of correspondence Massachusetts and the other colonies had been sharing their grievances,and in 1774they called the First Continental Congress at Philadelphia for united action.The mounting tension in Massachusetts exploded in Apr.,1775,when General Gage decided to make a show of force with a search-and-destroy mission.Warned by Paul Revere and William Dawes,the Massachusetts militia engaged the British force at Lexington(列克星敦)and Concord.Patriot militia(民兵)from other colonies hurried to Massachusetts,where,after the battle of Bunker Hill(June 17,1775),George Washington took command of the patriot forces.

In June 1775the Battle of Bunker Hill proved to be a costly victory for the British.In 1776they evacuated(撤出)Boston,and fighting ended on Massachusetts soil.

Victorious in the Revolution,the colonies faced depressing economic conditions.Nowhere were those conditions worse than in W Massachusetts,where discontented Berkshire(波克夏)farmers erupted(爆发)in Shays’s Rebellion in 1786.The uprising was promptly quelled(镇压),but it frightened conservatives into support of a new national constitution that would displace(取代)the weak government created under the Articles of Confederation;this constitution was ratified by Massachusetts in 1788.

Independence had closed the old trade routes within the British Empire,but new ones were soon created,and trade with China became especially lucrative(有利的).Boston and lesser ports boomed,and the prosperous times were reflected politically in the commonwealth’s unwavering(不动摇的,坚定的)adherence(忠诚,坚持)to the Federalist party,the party of the dominant commercial class.European wars at the beginning of the 19th cent.at first further stimulated(刺激,激励)maritime trade but then led to interference with American shipping.To avoid war Congress resorted to Jefferson’s Embargo Act of 1807,but its provisions dealt a severe blow to the economy of Massachusetts and the rest of the nation.

These men were leaders in the Revolution,and the state continued to provide leadership for the young American republic.Massachusetts had regained its economic momentum(动力)when the embargoes(禁运)and trade restrictions of the early 19th century again curbed overseas trade.General opposition to the War of 1812brought on talk of secession(脱离)at the Hartford Convention(1814-1815).

The war finally ended with minimal help from Massachusetts,however,and economic growth again accelerated(加速,促进).The decades before the Civil War were prosperous ones.Farming spread into the farthest valleys of the Berkshires,often into areas ill suited to cultivation.Canals,toll roads,and railroads were built connecting all of the principal cities.Economy for the next century,gained its initial momentum under capitalists like Francis Cabot Lowell.