
第21章 密歇根州(3)

3.Broken eye ring

4.Dull red breast and belly

5.White undertail coverts

6.Gray upperparts

7.Streaked throat

8.Thin yellow bill

9.Sexes similar-female somewhat paler

10.Winter plumage is somewhat paler than Summer plumage

11.Juveniles have spotted,whiter breasts

12.Common in residential areas where it often forages on lawns

13.Often sings very early in morning

14.Often found in large flocks outside of breeding season

State Flower州花

在1897年密歇根立法者指定苹果花为本州州花。在那年的上下两议院的共同决议案第10条中写到pyrus coronaria是最美和最芬芳的苹果花种类之一。立法者也自豪的声称:密歇根州苹果已享誉世界。一个世纪之后,密歇根州的苹果产量位距本国第2位。

In 1897Michigan legislators,feeling that“a refined sentiment”called for the naming of a state flower,designated the apple blossom.Joint Resolution 10of that year noted“one of the most fragrant(芬芳的,香的)and beautiful flowered species of apple,the pyrus coronaria,is native to our state”.Legislators also proudly declared that“Michigan apples have gained a worldwide reputation”.A century later,Michigan ranks second in the nation in apple production.

“Crab”derives from a Norse word meaning scrub(次等的,矮小的)or rough,but the true ancestry(祖先(集合称),家系,血统)of the original native species of crab,Malus sylvestris,has been lost in time.We think it was first cultivated by Neolithic(新石器时代的)cultures in Europe and traces of its existence near settlements from slightly later periods have been recorded mainly through remains of apple pips(果仁,种子)in charcoal(木炭).

Apples and crabapples are in the rose family,Rosaceae,in the genus Malus.Crabapples are differentiated(区别,区分)from apples based on fruit size.If fruit is two inches in diameter(直径)or less,it is termed a crabapple.If the fruit is larger than two inches,it is classified as an apple.

Originally,the group of trees known as crab apples included only the most sour-fruited seedlings from orchard varieties and also native species of apple,but now this group contains all varieties of Malus except those considered to be orchard(果园,果园里的全部果树)varieties.

Depending on the cultivar(培育植物)and spring temperatures,full bloom could occur as early as late April or delay until mid-May.Flowers are classified as single(five petals),semi-double(six-ten petals),or double(more than 10petals).Double-flowering crabapples retain their flowers longer than other types,but fruiting is usually sparse(稀少的,稀疏的).

Blossom colors range from pearly white through delicate pinks to a deep red.There are even cultivars with coral(珊瑚)or salmon colored flowers.

State Flag州旗






The present flag—Michigan’s third since becoming a state in 1837—was adopted by Public Act(有关国家,社会,公众等的法案)209of 1911.The state’s first flag featured on one side a portrait(肖像,人像)of Michigan’s first governor,Stevens T.Mason.On the other side was the state coat of arms(盾形纹章,盾徽)and a soldier and a lady.In 1865,the state flag changed to display the state coat of arms on one side and the United States coat of arms on the other side.

Today the design on Michigan’s deep blue field has three mottoes:

1.On a red ribbon—“One Nation Made Up of Many States”

2.On a blue shield—“I will Defend”

3.On a white ribbon—“If You Seek a Pleasant Peninsula,Look Around”

On the blue shield the sun rises over a lake and peninsula(半岛),a man with raised hand and holding a gun represents peace and the ability to defend his rights.The elk([动]麋鹿)and moose[[动]驼鹿(产于北美的一种大鹿)]are symbols of Michigan,while the eagle represents the United States.

State Song州歌

Michigan,My Michigan

A song to thee,fair State of mine,

Michigan,my Michigan;

But greater song than this is thine,

Michigan,my Michigan;

The whisper of the forest tree,

The thunder of the inland sea;

Unite in one grand symphony(交响乐,交响曲)

Of Michigan,my Michigan.

I sing a State of all the best,

Michigan,my Michigan;

I sing a State with riches blest,

Michigan,my Michigan;

Thy mines unmask(揭露,暴露)a hidden store,

But richer thy historic lore(学问,知识),

More great the love thy builders bore,

Oh,Michigan,my Michigan.

How fair the bosom(内心,内部)of thy lakes,

Michigan,my Michigan;

What melody(悦耳的音调)each river makes;

Michigan,my Michigan;

As to thy lakes the rivers tend,

Thy exiled children to thee send

Devotion(热爱,投入)that shall never end,

Oh,Michigan,my Michigan.

Thou rich in wealth makes a State,

Michigan,my Michigan;

Thou great in things that make us great,

Michigan,my Michigan;

Out loyal voices sound thy claim

Upon the golden roll of fame

Our loyal hands shall write the name

Of Michigan,my Michigan.

Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.Detroit is known as the car capital of the world.

2.Alpena is the home of the world’s largest cement plant(水泥厂).

3.Rogers City boasts the world’s largest limestone quarry.

4.Elsie is the home of the world’s largest registered Holstein dairy herd.

5.Michigan is first in the United States production of peat and magnesium([化]镁)compounds and second in gypsum([矿]石膏)and iron ore.

6.Colon is home to the world’s largest manufacture of magic supplies.

7.The state Capitol with its majestic(宏伟的,庄严的)dome was built in Lansing in l879.

8.Although Michigan is often called the“Wolverine State”there are no longer any wolverines([动]狼獾,豹熊)in Michigan.

9.Michigan ranks first in state boat registrations.

10.The Packard Motor Car Company in Detroit manufactured the first air-conditioned car in 1939.

11.The oldest county(based on date of incorporation)is Wayne in 1815.

12.Sault Ste.Marie was founded by Father Jacques Marquette in 1668.It is the third oldest remaining settlement in the United States.

13.In 1817the University of Michigan was the first university established by any of the states.Originally named Cathelepistemian and located in Detroit(底特律,美国密歇根(Michigan)州东南部的大城市)the name was changed in 1821.The university moved to Ann Arbor in 1841.

14.The city of Novi was named from its designation as Stagecoach Stop #6or No.VI.

15.Michigan State University has the largest single campus student body of any Michigan university.It is the largest institution of higher learning in the state and one of the largest universities in the country.