
第55章 Unit 19(1)

Te xt A

Animals at Risk : Who Car es?

动物濒危, 谁来关心?

Study of the Text

1.An animal species becomes extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death-rate. 当一种动物若不能在每一代都繁殖出足够的后代与死亡数量持平, 它就会逐渐灭绝。

1 )species 作为名词, 单、复数同形, 意思是“ 种”, 是生物学分类上的用词, 多用于学术语中。

Wheat is a species of grass. 小麦是禾本植物的一种。

2 )fail to do sth. 不能, 没能做成某事I fa il to see why you are so interested in this thing. 我不明白你为什么对这事如此感兴趣。

Because of the traffic jam, he failed to ca tch the train to Xi..an yesterday. 因为堵车, 他昨天没能赶上去西安的火车。

3 )produce 在这里是个动词, 意思是“ 繁殖, 产仔”。

Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time.


4 )young 在这里是名词, 意思是“后代;(动物的)仔、崽、雏”

The lion fought to protect her young.


5 )keep pace with 与.., 同步;与..保持一致;跟上He finds it hard to keep pa ce with all the developments in nuclear physics. 他发现要赶上核物理学上所有的发展很难。

She works so fast that I can’t keep pa ce with her.

她干活非常快, 以至于我跟不上了。

6 )death-rate 是个合成词, 名词+ 名词→名词, 意思是“ 死亡率”。

birth-rate 出生率。

2.We can tell from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have become extinct over the millions of years since life began. 我们可以根据岩石里的化石遗迹得出如下结论: 自生命开始数百万年以来, 许多物种已经灭绝了。

1 )动词tell 在这里的意思是“ 辨认;区别”, 常与情态动词can, could, be able to 连用。

Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?


I cannot tell the difference between the two words.


2 )living 在这里是形容词, 意思是“ 活着的;现存的”。

She is the greatest living Italian writer.


He has no living relatives. 他的亲戚都不在人世了。

3 )over 在这里是介词, 意思是“ 在..期间;经过(多少时间)”。

The students have improved a lot in English study over the past year.


Over these years he has become a popular film star.


3.A number of examples can be given of the way in which natural environments are being rapidly changed-Amazonia, for instance.

可以举出许多例子说明自然环境是如何迅速地被改变了, 比如亚马逊尼亚国家公园。

1 )a number of + 复数名词, 许多(人;东西)

There are a large number of people on the square.


I have a number of good books. 我有许多好书。

the number of + 复数名词(+ 单数谓语动词), 表示“ .. 的数量”。

The number of books missing from the library is large.


The police haven..t got the number of the missing people in the

shipwreck. 警方还没得出这次船难事件中失踪的人数。

与number 这种用法相似的另一词是amount, 但有区别。

an amount of + 不可数名词(+ 单数谓语动词)表示“ 大量的;许多”。

Every morning she drinks an amount of water.


the amount of + 不可数名词(+ 单数谓语动词)表示“ .. 的量”。

The amount of rain in this summer is more than that in last summer.


2 )for instance 例如= for example

You cannot rely on her, for insta nce, she arrived an hour late for

an important meeting yesterday. 你不能相信她, 比如, 昨天的一个重要会议, 她迟到了一个小时。

3 )辨异: rapid, fast, quick, adj.


rapid 急速的。着重效率、动作或运动。指快而急。

The little girl has made ra pid progress in her study.


fast 迅速的。用于形容某事物动作迅速。

I took a fa st plane to America.


quick 迅速的。指极其迅速, 毫无耽搁。

She made a quick decision in order to get rid of the troublesome matter.她做出了果断的决定以摆脱这件令人烦恼的事。

4.There is every likelihood that many species of animals will be made extinct because of these and similar clearances of natural vegetation.

许多种动物将由于自然植物在这些或类似的地方被破坏殆尽而陷于灭绝的境地, 这是完全可能的。

1 )every 在这里是个形容词, 与抽象名词连用, 意思是“ 所有可能的;完全的”。

There is every prospect of success if you take my advice.

如果你听取我的意见, 就有百分之百成功的希望。

You have every reason to be satisfied with what you have got.


2 )likelihood 在这里的意思是“ 可能性”= probability, 是个抽象名词。

In all likelihood, we will go to Hainan to spend our holidays.


3 )make 在这里是使役动词。make + 名词(代词)+ 形容词, 意思是“使..怎样”。

4 )名词clearance 在这里的意思是“ 清理;除尽”。

The cleaner has made a thorough clea ra nce in the flat.


5.But even when the danger is widely publicized, the financial rewards for the hunters may be so great that they choose to ignore the threat to the species. 但即使这种危险被广而告之, 捕猎者可能为巨大的经济利益所驱使, 决意置这种物种的存亡而不顾。

1 )关联词when 在这里引导一个让步状语从句, 意思是“即使”。

Even when I understand your view, I do not share it.

即使我了解你的观点, 我也不敢苟同。

2 )publicize 在这里是个动词, 意思是“ 宣扬;引起公众注意”。

The government is trying to publicize the new policy.


3 )choose to (do sth. )决定;愿意

I choose to ta ke a trip after finishing this job.


My grandfather chooses to listen to country music.


4 )辨异: ignore, neglect, overlook, v.


ignore 不顾, 忽视。指有意地不去理睬或不予以注意。

He ignored the doctor’s advice. 他不理会医生的忠告。

neglect 疏忽, 忽略。指未给予足够的注意和关心。

You’ve been neglecting your health.


He has been out of office because he often neglects his duty.


overlook 忽略, 忽视。指未注意到, 常常无意忽略了。

These little details are easily overlooked.


6.And animals are sometimes killed out of a wish to reduce numbers

to help the species to survive. 有时为了帮助某些动物生存而捕杀一些动物减少其数量。

1 )不定式短语to reduce numbers to help the species to survive 作定语, 修饰wish。

2 )out of 由于;出于;为了, 表原因或动机。与课文另一句中的out of fear 意义相同, 但与out of existence 所表达的意思不同(是“缺乏;没有”的意思)。

She asked only out of curiosity. 她只是出于好奇而探问。

I do this out of interest. 我是因兴趣所致而做这事。

3 )动词survive 在这里的意思是“ 幸存;存活下来”。

It’s really a miracle that only this little boy survived the aircrash, while the rest died. 只有这个小男孩在空难中幸免于难, 其余的人都死了, 这真是一个奇迹。

survive 还有“ 比..活得长”的意思。

People’s life expectancy indicates women survive men.


7.The killing of the Canadian seals is claimed to be for this purpose,

and the use of their skin for furs is only a by-product. 据说加拿大杀海豹就是出于这个目的, 而用海豹皮制革只是附带的产品。

1 )be claimed to 据宣称, 据宣告This film is cla imed to have cost $ 100 million. 据宣布, 这部电影耗资一亿美元。

2 )介词for 在这里表示目的, 意思是“ 为了”。

3 )fur 在这里的意思是“ 毛皮”, 是可数名词, 也含有“ 毛皮大衣” 的意思。

He wears a fine fox fur today. 他今天穿着一件上等的狐皮大衣。

The Canadian fur trader had a fine load of furs to sell after his hunting trip. 加拿大的毛皮商狩猎回来后就有上好的毛皮供销售。

4 )前缀by-表示的意思是“ 次要的;附带的”。它附在名词前, 构成新的名词。例如:

by-election 被选;by-path 次要的小道;僻径;

by-way 次要的道路;旁道;by-law 地方法规

8.One way to preserve species under threat of extinction-whatever the cause-is to remove them to zoos and parks and breed them there. 保护濒危动物, 无论濒危的原因是什么, 一个办法就是把它们迁移到动物园及公园, 在那儿喂养它们。

1 )whatever the cause 是插入语。不定式短语to preserve species under threat of extinction 作定语, 修饰句子的主语one way。

2 )介词under 在这里表示处于一种状态、情况, 意思是“ 处于;在..中”。

This problem is under discussion. 正在讨论这个问题。

The government is under the liberty control. 政府由自由党掌握。

3 )whatever 又作whatsoever 在这里是形容词, 意思是“ 无论什么”。

Take wha tever measures you consider best.


Goats eat wha tever food they can find.


4 )动词breed 在这里的意思是“ 饲养”。也可指人, 意思是“ 训练;教育;养育”。