
第7章 F


vt. to make or invent in order to deceive, make up sth. 捏造,编造,伪造 to make, esp. by putting parts together 制作,装配

make,fashion, fabricate

make为常用字,指构成、形成、组成的某种东西,用手工或用机器生产简单或复杂的生活用品或生产用品。如:The factory makes radios.这家工厂生产收音机。 fashion表示别出心裁、运用技巧的头脑去制造东西时才使用,强调“匠心独运”和发明的能力或独创性。如:He fashioned a lamp out of an old churn.他把一只盛奶罐制成一盏灯。 fabricate 主要指把部件组成整体。The doors, windows and other parts of a house are first fabricated in the factory and then assembled on the construction site. 房子的门窗以及其他部分先在厂里造好,然后在工地上装配起来。

fabricate a document (evidence) 伪造文件(证据)/a fabricated building 装配式建筑/fabricate an accusation/lies 捏造罪名/编造谎言/fabricate a new theory of the universe 创立新的宇宙学说

She fabricated a good excuse for staying home.



n. any of the many sides of a cut stone or jewel 小平面,方面

all facets of life 生活的各个方面/a facet of one s character 某人性格的一个方面

This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important facets of American life.



vt. to make easy or easier (不能用人做主语)使……容易,使便利

facilitate在作“使容易,使便利;促进”解时,后面只能接要做的事情、某一过程或某一事物,不能接人。如:His fluent English facilitated his study at the university in England.(他流利的英语使他能轻松地在英国的大学里学习。)Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural interchange.(各国人民的友好接触促进文化交流。)

facilitate one s homework 减少某人的家庭作业/facilitate matters 省事

The automatic doors in supermarkets facilitate the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts.


The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to the airport.



vt. to make sth. false appear to be genuine,esp.in order to deceive sb.假装,伪装,伪造 adj. not genuine 假的,伪造的 n. a person who tries to deceive by claiming falsely to be or have sth. 冒牌货,骗子,冒充者 a story, work of art, etc. that seems genuine but is not 伪造品,赝品

fake作形容词用时,可以指“假的”,也可以指“伪造的,冒充的”。如:a fake diamond(假钻石);a fake picture(假画);a fake passport(伪造的护照);a fake mechanic(冒充的机械师)。fake作名词表示“假货,赝品”用时,是可数名词。如:The antique is a fake.(那件古董是一件赝品。)

fake it up 涂抹,装饰/fake up 伪造,捏造

Some criminals were printing fake dollar bills until they were arrested.


The travelling medicine men were fakes.


Meanwhile, the administration is playing the fear card. Officials from the Food and Drug Administration will argue that Canadian drugs might be fake, mishandled, or even a potential threat to life.



adj. wild and strange 荒诞的;奇异的;极好的


n. (product of) imagination 空想,幻想 esp. when freely creative 幻想作品

fantasy作“幻想”解时,是可数名词。如:have fantasies about becoming rich and famous(有发财成名的幻想);作“想象”解时,是不可数名词。如:indulge in fantasy(沉溺于想象中);作“想象出来的东西”解时,是可数名词。如:His novels are fantasies.(他的小说全是想象出来的故事。)


imagination指想象, fancy是指无根据的想象,幻想,凭空揣想。 fantasy是指漫无边际的幻想。如:The importance of this event is beyond all imagination. 这次事件的重要性简直无法想象。如:I fancy it will rain. 我猜想会下雨。He is always indulging in fantasies about becoming rich and famous. 他是沉溺于发财成名的各种幻想之中。

live in a world of fantasy 生活在幻想的世界中

Some of the old fantasies about the space age are coming true.



vt. to charm powerfully; to be very interesting to 迷住,强烈地吸引

fascinate作“强烈地吸引;迷住”解。用介词by引出“被某人迷住”;用介词with或by引出“被某物迷住”。如:He was fascinated by her charm.(他被她的魅力吸引住了。)I was so fascinated by the sight that I could not take my eyes off it.(我完全被迷住了,目不转睛地观赏着这一奇观。)He was fascinated with her beauty.(他被她的美貌迷住了。)

be fascinated with history 深深爱上历史学科

The story of his adventures was fascinating to listen to.



n. system for sending such a copy 传真系统;传真件


n. a splendid esp. 盛宴,筵席 public meal (宗教上的) 节日,节期 vi. to eat and drink very well 尽情吃,饱餐


feast指宗教节日或节期。 festival指欢宴作乐的节日,喜庆日;也常指文化艺术欢庆节日,如音乐节、戏剧节等。a film festival 电影节the Spring Festival 春节 the Lantern Festival 元宵节,灯节。如:We went to Henry s wedding feast. 我们去参加了亨利的婚宴。如:In the Cannes Film Festival, the film won the first prize. 在戛纳电影节上,这部电影获得了一等奖。

hold/give a feast 举行盛宴/feast on delicacies 饱尝佳肴/feast one s friends 设宴招待朋友

All the guests were invited to attend the wedding feast and had a very good time.


They invited a lot of people to their wedding feast.



n. union of states in which individual states retain control of many internal matters but in which foreign affairs, deface, etc are the responsibility of the central government 联邦 similarly organized union of societies, trade unions, etc 联合会 action of forming a federation 结成联邦政府;联盟

The small countries joined together into a federation.



adj. weak, with little force 虚弱的,衰弱的,微弱的,薄弱的 silly, not well thought out 模糊的,无效果的

feeble, weak, frail,faint

feeble 为庄重用语,指因生病或年老而极度衰弱无力。如:The old man has been getting feebler lately.那老人近来身体愈来愈虚弱。 weak为普通用语,泛指人、身体、声音、力气等等,可指病后虚弱,也指体质虚弱如:He was weak after his illness.他病后很弱。 frail 是指纤细而弱不禁风。如:She is a frail girl.她是一个体质虚弱的女孩。 faint 常指声音、颜色、气味、光线等微弱、暗淡,也指身体无力虚弱的,但它还有昏晕、感到头晕之意。如:His breathing became faint.他的呼吸渐渐微弱。

a feeble personality 软弱的个性/a feeble resistance 软弱无力的抵抗/a feeble light (cry) 微弱的光线

The old man is too feeble to do his own shopping.



n. friendly association with others; companionship 友谊;交情 group or society of people sharing a common interest or aim (有共同利益或目标的人组成的)团体,协会,联谊会

promote good fellowship 增进友谊/enjoy cordial fellowship with people 喜爱与人真诚交往/win fellowship 获得奖学金,获得研究员职位/intimate personal fellowship 亲密的私人交情/traveling fellowship 旅行奖学金

You will lose your fellowship if you do that.



adj. of or like women 女性的;女人般的;阴性的

feminine behavior 女性行为/feminine clothes 女性服装/feminine members 女性成员/a feminine voice 女人似的声音/feminine beauty 女性美/feminine sympathy 女子特有的同情心/a feminine bedroom 闺房

Pink is usually considered a feminine color.



n. &; v. boat, hovercraft, etc. that carries people and goods across a stretch of water 渡船;渡口

ferry passengers 运渡乘客/ferry sb. across the river 为某人摆渡过河/ferry supplies out to the island 把供给品渡运到岛上/cross the river by ferry 乘渡船过河/a train ferry 火车轮渡/a steam ferry 轮渡/ferry bridge ( 上下渡船用的)浮桥

They ferried the storm victims in the island to the mainland.



adj. having bounds 有限的;有限制的;有限度的

finite resources 有限的资源/a finite number of possibilities 仅有的几种可能性/a finite number of facts 为数有限的事实/a finite audience 人数有限的观众/man s finite existence on the earth 人类在地球上的有限生存

Logically, one day raw materials must run out: the planet is finite place, yet it is also very big, and man is very ingenious.


Light moves at a finite speed.



n. hand when closed tightly with the fingers bent into the palm 拳;拳头


n. small standard part or component 小型标准零件或配件adj. suitable for the occasion; right or proper 得体的;恰当的

electrical fittings 电气配件/stainlesssteel light fittings 不锈钢灯具

It was fitting that he should be here to receive the prize in person.



n. thing, such as a bath, water tank or toilet, that is fixed in a building and is not removed when the owner moves house (建筑物内的)固定装置(如澡盆、水箱、马桶等)

fixture, fitting,

fixture指不能移动的附属装置,如房屋内固定装置物(如壁橱、浴缸等)。如:bathroom fixtures 浴室的设备;fitting一般可以移动,常指家具、日用器具、(房间内)设备,常用复数形式。如:gas fittings 煤气装置(炉灶)。

bathroom fixture 浴室附属装置/the electric fixtures of a room 室内电气装置/electriclight fixtures 电灯装置/gas fixtures 煤气设备/lighting fixtures 照明装置/plumbing fixtures 管道装置/sports fixtures 体育设施

The price of the house included many existing fixtures and fittings that were not to our taste.



n. fleshy part of the side of an animal or person between the ribs and the hip 胁;胁腹


v. move, swing, wave, etc. usu making a noise (使某物)上下或左右移动,摆动等(通常发出声响)

be in/get into a flap 处于忐忑不安,慌乱,紧张,激动等的状态

The wings of the bird still flapped after it had been shot down.



v. burn brightly but briefly or unsteadily 燃烧;闪耀

flare up into flames 突然燃烧起来/flare at sb. 对……突然发起火来/flare in the darkness 在黑暗中闪闪发光/send up a flare 发出信号弹/fire a warning flare 发射警告信号弹/drop a flare 投下照明弹/a sudden flare突然闪出的亮光/the flare of a torch 火炬的闪光/a flare of anger 一阵恼怒/candle flaring in the wind 在风中摇曳的烛光

The fire flared up as I added some fuel.



v. praise (sb.) too much 恭维;奉承;讨好(某人)

flatter sb. on sth. 奉承某人……/flatter sb. about sth. 奉承某人……/flatter sb. with sth. 用……来奉承某人,用……来向某人献媚/feel greatly flattered 感到非常荣幸/flatter too obviously 过于明显地奉承/flatter shamelessly 厚颜无耻地奉承/a flattering photo 一张比真人美的照片/flattering remarks 奉承话

He flattered her with flowers and expensive gifts.



n. crack or fault 裂纹或缺陷;瑕疵;错误,缺点

flaw表示存在或出现某种破坏了完好统一体的因素。如:a flaw in a jewel(宝石上的瑕疵);Vanity is the great flaw in her character.(爱虚荣是她性格中的一大缺点。)

pick flaws 挑毛病/a flaw in one s character 某人性格上的缺陷/a flaw in a piece of china 一件瓷器上的瑕疵/a fatal flaw 致命的弱点/a technical flaw 技术上的缺点/a trivial flaw 小缺点

His bad temper is a great flaw in his character.



v. run or hurry away 逃跑;逃避;避开

在英国常用fly, flying来取代此动词的原型flee和现在分词fleeing。通常只用fled。flee作“逃避”解时,宾语往往是“危险、困难或责任”。如:flee a danger(逃避危险);flee one s responsibility(逃避自己的责任)。

flee, escape, get away,run away

flee指仓皇、迅速、慌乱地逃走,消失不见了,强调成功与否。如:The enemy fled in disorder.敌人慌乱地逃走了。 escape为常用语,指有意或偶然“避开”从危险或限制状态中逃脱,着重结果。如:Three prisoners escaped from the jail.三个囚犯越狱了。 get away着重指现场逃跑,或逮捕时逃跑。如:I caught three mice, but one got away.我捉了三个老鼠,可是跑了一只。 run away 强调动作快,口语用。如:The thief ran away at the sight of a policeman.小偷一见警察就跑了。

Thousands of people fled the country during the war.



v. throw (sth.) violently, angrily or hurriedly (猛力地、愤怒地或匆忙地)扔,抛,掷(某物)

fling sth. at... 把……扔向……/fling oneself into... 全力投入于……,投身于……/fling one s energy into... 把精力投入到……/fling shade over. 在……上投下阴影/fling about 四下乱扔,乱挥(手臂等)/fling a door open 猛地打开门/fling the books on the table 把书扔在桌子上/fling aside all cares 抛开一切忧虑/fling sb. into prison 把某人扔进临狱/fling oneself upon sb. 向某人猛扑过去/have a fling 恣意行乐,尽情放纵

The little boy flung himself into his mother s arms.



vi. change continually and irregularly; waver 波动,涨落,起伏

With prices fluctuating so much, it is difficult for the school to plan a budget.



n. flow of blood to the face that causes a red colouring 脸红 v. become red because of a rush of blood to the skin (人的面部)发红,变红 clean a toilet with a rush of water (用水)冲洗(马桶或下水道)

a flush in the cheek 脸上的红晕/flush with... 因……而脸红/flush with embarrassment 窘得脸红/flush the lavatory 冲洗厕所/in one s flush days 在某人有钱的日子里/flush times 繁荣时代/flush of money 很有钱/flush with funds 有充裕的资金/be flush with money 乱花钱

The river is flush with the banks.



v. (of the wings of birds, butterflies, etc.) move lightly and quickly (指鸟、蝴蝶等的翅膀)轻而快地抖动,拍翅 move (the wings) in this way 鼓(翼);拍(翅膀) move about in a quick irregular way 迅速而无规则地乱动;飘动

flutter in the wind 在风中飘动/flutter with a rhythm 有节奏地摆动

The wings of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down.


The bird fluttered its wings in the cage.



n. mass of small air bubbles formed in or on a liquid 泡沫 v. form or send out foam 起泡沫

a mattress made of foam 泡沫床垫/foam rubber 泡沫橡胶/foam plastic 泡沫塑料/a foam pillow 海绵枕头/foam at the mouth 口吐白沫/foam with anger 大发雷霆

We see foam on water with a lot of soap in it.



n. metal rolled or hammered into a very thin flexible sheet 箔 person or thing that contrasts with, and so emphasizes, 陪衬;衬托

gold foil 金箔/tin foil 锡箔/serve as a foil for... 作……的陪衬/make an effective foil 成为有效陪衬/foil a plot 挫败阴谋/ foil attack 击退进攻

Her sparkling jewellery served as the perfect foil for her fine complexion.



adj. most important, leading 在最前面, 最重要的,首要的

first and foremost 首要的是,首先

He is foremost in line for a promotion raise.



v. see or know that sth. is going to happen in the future 预见;预知

foresee trouble 预见到有麻烦/foresee a famine 预见有饥荒

I foresee a bright future for that talented young girl.



n. the general plan or arrangement of sth. 设计;安排;样式vt. arrange sth in a particular format, usu for a computer 使格式化;形式

all kinks of different formats 各种不同的设计/the format of a meeting 会议的程序/attractive format of the book 那本书的漂亮版式/format a hard disk 将硬盘格式化


adj. causing fear or great anxiety 引起恐惧或不安的;可怕的;可畏的

a formidable prospect 令人忧惧的前景/a formidable rival 难以对付的敌手/a formidable question 难以回答的问题/formidable difficulties 难以克服的困难/formidable obstacles 难以逾越的障碍

Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a formidable economic privilege to a group with millions of members who don t need them.


The dean of the department was a formidable old professor.



vt. to creat or prepare sth.carefully,giving particular attention to the details 制订,规划,构想,准备 to express your ideas in carefully chosen words 确切表达,认真阐述

formulate作“系统地或确切地阐述或表达、说明”解。如:formulate one s ideas into a theory(系统地阐述自己的思想使之成为理论)。formulate还可作规划制度,构想成计划、方法等解。如:formulate a policy(制订政策)。


n. building specially made or strengthened for the military defence of an area要塞;堡垒;碉堡;城堡

hold the fort:have the responsibility or care of sth/sb in the absence of others 代他人尽责或替他人关照某人(某事物)


adj. about to happen or appear in the near future 即将发生或出现的

The young lady in the inquiry office was not very forthcoming.



n. place where important public issues can be discussed 场所;论坛

a forum on the family planning 计划生育座谈会/a forum for the free exchange of ideas 自由交流思想的论坛

The letter column of this newspaper is a forum for public argument. 这份报纸的读者来信专栏是公众发表意见的论坛。


n. remains of a prelustoric animal or plant preserved by being buried in earth and now hardened like rock 化石


vt. to bring up a child not legally his own 收养,养育 to help sth. to grow or develop 培养,促进 adj. giving or receiving parental care though not of the same family 收养的

foster son(daughter) 养子(女),foster与adopt 不同,foster 子女在法律上不认作继承人,而adopt 是具有法律效力。foster是个多义词,可作“培养,促进,鼓励,助长;(环境)对人、动植物等有利”解。如:foster a spirit of cooperation(培养合作精神);foster inflation(刺激通货膨胀);foster distrust(助长不信任);也可作“养育,收养;照料”解。如:foster a child(抚育小孩);foster the sick(看护病人);还可作“抱有希望等”解。如:foster hopes for success(抱着成功的希望)。

foster a spirit of cooperation 培养合作精神/foster distrust 助长不信任/foster the sick 照料病人

If no one owns the resource concerned, no one has an interest in conserving it or fostering it: fish is the best example of this.


The mother tried to foster her son s interest in music by taking him to concerts when he was young.


Europe s new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence.



adj. having a bad smell or taste 难闻的;有恶味的;污秽的v. make sth. dirty 弄脏某物;(运动员)犯规

a foul smell 臭味/a foul mess 一团糟/foul air 污浊的空气/foul language 下流的语言/foul weather 坏天气/a foul night 风雨交加的夜晚/a foul morning 不愉快的上午,风雨交加的早晨/foul deed 邪恶的行为/a foul motive 邪恶的动机/a technical foul 技术犯规/in a foul mood 情绪很不好/be cautioned for a foul 因犯规则而受到警告/foul the air 污染空气/foul one s reputation 玷污名声

Smith ran into Jones and fouled him.



n. breaking or being broken of a bone or a pipe\|line 断裂,裂痕 vt. to break or crack (使)断裂,(使)折断

break, burst, crack, fracture, smash

break 为最常用词,指把一个完整的物体全部或部分毁坏、打破、打碎、破坏整体性和完整性。 burst主要指因内部聚积的能量(或压力)突然释放而将物体造成破碎(breaking),强调造成破碎的原因。 crack指“裂开,破裂”,但没有碎,尤指伴有响声的突然裂开,也指裂纹,裂缝。 fracture的破裂程度比crack更深,更彻底,部位更集中,指断裂,折断,裂(断)面,也专指骨折。 smash指猛烈打击或撞击使物体变形或粉碎。如:The bag broke and sugar spilled. 袋子破了,糖漏出来了。如:I am afraid the ballon will burst. 我担心气球会破裂。如:Don t put hot water into the glass or it will crack. 不要把很热的水冲入玻璃杯,否则杯子会爆裂的。如:Fracture of the leg can be very serious in old people. 腿骨骨折对老人来说可能会十分严重。如:The dish smashed on the floor. 碟子在地板上跌了个粉碎。

a fracture in the pipe 管子的裂缝/fracture a rib 折断肋骨


adj. easily broken or damaged易破的,易损坏的 slight in body or weak in health 虚弱的

fragile指易损坏的或者不牢固的。如:a fragile antique chair(易损坏的古董椅子);a fragile dish(易碎的盘子);the fragile stem of the flower(容易折断的花梗)。

fragile, crisp

fragile 指使用时必须小心才不会被碎的东西,也指脆弱,体弱,病弱,娇弱等。如:The remains of the wooden hull are fragile and need special handling.木船体的残骸很不牢固,搬动时要特别小心。 crisp指食品的松脆。如:Most vegetables after thawing are not as crisp as when they were fresh.多数蔬菜在解冻后就不如新鲜时那样脆生鲜嫩了。

a fragile teacup 易脆的茶杯/fragile emotion 脆弱的感情/a fragile government 摇摇欲坠的政府

Dispossessed peasants slashandburn their way into the rain forests of Latin America, and hungry nomads turn their herds out onto fragile African grassland, reducing it to desert.


The movers carefully packed the fragile china into cartons.


The glass vessels should be handled most carefully since they are fragile.



n. an act of deceitful behaviour for the purpose of gain (法律)欺诈(罪),诈骗 a person who pretends or claims to be what he is not 欺骗,骗人之物,骗子

fraud指“欺骗(行为);骗局;诡计;骗人的东西”。如:obtain sth.by fraud(骗得某物);a fraud on the people(对人民的一个欺骗行为);expose a fraud(揭露骗局);His explanation was a fraud.(他的解释是骗人的鬼话。)

fraud, deception,deceit

fraud 指采用犯罪行为的欺骗,常指官场上的欺骗和贪赃枉法。如:The official investigation into the election frauds has not even begun.官方对选举中的欺骗行为甚至尚未开始调查。 deception 是哄骗,用法较广,往往含有应该受到责备的意思。它除欺骗外,有时无恶意,只是指玩弄把戏,给人以错觉,或故弄玄虚,它强调行为。如:Magicians are adepts in deception.魔术师是使用骗术的老手。 deceit 常指用歪曲实情来欺骗,如说谎或耍阴谋等,因此语气上是完全否定的,贬义的,含有受到责难的意味,语气比 deception 强。如:He is full of deceit.他诡计多端。

be sent to prison for fraud 因犯诈骗罪而入狱/in fraud of为了诈骗/expose a fraud 揭露骗局

Police believe the company was involved in a series of frauds banks all over Europe.



n. front hair cut so that it hangs over the forehead 刘海儿

the fringe of a town 城镇的边缘/a tidy fringe of hair 一排整齐的刘海/on the fringes of 在……的边缘/fringe benefits 额外的福利/wear a fringe 留有刘海

A fringe hung over her forehead.



vt. to upset or discourage 使灰心,使恼怒而又不知所措 to prevent sb. from achieving sth. 挫败,使受挫败

frustrate指使各种努力徒劳或不能实现,使某人的计划或愿望受挫或受阻。如:frustrate an opponent(战胜对手);frustrate a plan(阻挠计划的实行)。frustrate也指“使灰心”。如:He was frustrated by his poverty.(他因贫困而灰心丧气。)

frustrate, baffle, thwart

frustrate, baffle, thwart均指阻止某人做某事。 frustrate是指阻止某人做他要做的事。如:The police frustrated the bandit s attempt to rob the bank.警察打破了匪徒抢劫银行的企图。 baffle是指阻碍或妨碍后所造成混乱状态。如:The absence of clues baffled the police.缺乏线索阻碍了警察破案。 thwart是指阻挠某人正在做的事。如:He doesn t like to be thwarted.他不喜欢别人阻挠他。

feel frustrated 感到灰心丧气/frustrate a plot 失败一起阴谋/frustrate a plan 使计划遭到失败/be frustrated in an attempt 企图受挫

Frustrated with delays in Sacramento, Bay Area officials said Thursday they planned to take matters into their own hands to regulate the region s growing pile of electronic trash.


After two hours frustrating delay, our train at last arrived.



adj. full of violent anger 狂怒的 powerful, violent 猛烈的

后可接不定式或that从句。furious指人时,表示“狂怒的,暴怒的”。如:be furious with(或at) one s landlady over(或about) the leaking pipes(因管道漏水对女房东大发雷霆)。furious作“狂暴的”解时,可用于风或脾气等。如:a furious wind(狂风);a furious temper(暴躁的脾气)。

annoy, furious

annoy表示“使人烦恼,使人讨厌”。如:These flies are annoying me.这些苍蝇烦死我了。 furious为“勃然大怒”。如:She is still furious about the result.她仍然对这结果大发雷霆。

be furious with/at sb.over/about sth.因某事对某人大发雷霆/be furious at one s behaviour 对某人的行为表示狂怒/a furious argument 激烈的争论

Although John completed his assignment quickly and successfully, he was furious when he learned that the boss had deliberately assigned him a difficult account.


The president was furious that the information had been leaked.



n. piece of easily burnt material along which a spark moves to ignite a firework, bomb, etc. so that it explodes 导火线;导火索;保险丝v. join sth or become joined by means of heat (加热)连中接某物;熔合 (of an electric circuit) stop or cause to stop working because a fuse melts. (指电路)因保险丝烧断而断电

fuse sth. together 把……熔合在一起/fuse... with... 把……和……熔合在一起/fuse zinc and copper to make brass 把锌与铜熔制成黄铜/set a fuse to a bomb 给炸弹安装导火索/have a slow fuse 有一副慢性子,不易激动/have a short fuse 有一副急性子/a safety fuse 保险丝

All the lights in the classrooms have fused.



n. the blending or uniting of different things into one, by melting, etc 熔合;融合 union of atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, usu with energy being released 聚变

the fusion of copper and zinc to produce brass 将铜和锌熔合以制造黄铜/nuclear fusion 核聚变


n. nervous excitement or activity (尤指不必要的)神经质的激动或活动 v. be worried or excited esp. over small things 烦恼,激动(尤指对小事)