
第21章 犹太女子(3)

“I am not admitted among the Christians,” she said; “they mock me as a Jewish girl; the neighbors boys did so last Sunday when I stood looking in through the open church door at the candles burning on the altar,and listening to the singing. Ever since I sat on the schoolbench I have felt the power of Christianity,a power which,like a sunbeam,streams into my heart,however closely I may close my eyes against it. But I will not grievegrieve v.(使)悲痛,(使)伤心,忧伤 thee,my mother,in thy grave. I will not be unfaithfulunfaithful adj.不诚实的,不忠实的,不准确的 to my fathers vow. I will not read the Bible of the Christian. I have the God of my fathers,and in Him I will trust.”


And again years passed by. Sarahs master died,and his widow found herself in such reduced circumstances that she wished to dismiss her servant maid,but Sarah refused to leave the house,and she became a true support in time of trouble,and kept the household together by working till late at night,with her busy hands,to earn their daily bread. Not a relative came forward to assistassist v.援助,帮助 them,and the widow was confined to a sick bed for months and grew weaker from day to day. Sarah worked hard,but contrived to spare time to amuseamuse vt.使发笑,使愉快 her and watch by the sick bed. She was gentle and pious,an angel of blessing in that house of poverty.


“My Bible lies on the table yonder.” said the sick woman one day to Sarah. “Read me something from it,the night appears so long,and my spirit thirsts to hear the word of God.”

“《圣经》就在那儿!”病人说,“请念几段给我听听吧。夜很长,我特别想听听上帝的说的话。” And Sarah bowed her head. She took the book,and folded her hand over the Bible of the Christians,and at last opened it,and read to the sick woman. Tears stood in her eyes as she read,and they shone with brightness,for in her heart it was light.


“Mother,” she murmured,“thy child may not receive Christian baptism,nor be admitted into the congregation of Christian people. Thou hast so willed it,and I will respect thy command. We are therefore still united here on earth; but in the next world there will be a higher union,even with God Himself,who leads and guides His people till death. He came down from heaven to earth to suffer for us,that we should bring forth the fruits of repentancerepentance n.后悔,悔改。 I understand it now. I know not how I learnt this truth,unless it is through the name of Christ.” Yet she trembled as she pronounced the holy name. She struggled against these convictionsconviction n.深信,确信,定罪,宣告有罪 of the truth of Christianity for some days,till one evening while watching her mistress she was suddenly taken very ill,her limbslimb n.肢,翼,分支 tottered under her,and she sank fainting by the bedside of the sick woman.


“Poor Sarah,” said the neighbors,“she is overcome with hard work and night watching.” And then they carried her to the hospital for the sick poor. There she died; and they bore her to her restingplace in the earth,but not to the churchyard of the Christians. There was no place for the Jewish girl,but they dug a grave for her outside the wall.


And Gods sun,which shines upon the graves of the churchyard of the Christians,also throwsthrow v.扔,抛,(指马)把骑者摔在地上,使苦恼,投掷 n.投,掷 its beams on the grave of the Jewish maiden beyond the wall. And when the psalms of the Christians sound across the churchyard,their echo reaches her lonely restingplace,and she who sleeps there will be counted worthy at the resurrectionresurrection n.复苏,through the name of Christ the Lord,who said to His disciples,“John baptized you with water,but I will baptize you with the Holy Ghost.”
