
第5章 SocialIntercourse(社交)


A:That Jane.From now on,I'll break completely with her.A:那个简。从现在起我要跟她绝交。B:What's the matter?B:怎么了?A:During my illness,I got badly behind in my schoolwork.I dread to fail in the final examination.She promised to help me last week.But when I asked her for help this morning,she said“NO”and was in impatient gesture.A:我生病期间功课落下了好多。我担心期末考试不及格。上周她答应帮助我,可今天早晨我找她帮忙,她却拒绝了,而且一副不耐烦的样子。B:Her deeds do not answer to her words.I think this is a kind of shameful act.How can you bank on her to help?B:她言行不一。我认为这是一种可耻的行为。你怎么能指望她呢?

A:Jack is running after Catherine.A:杰克正在追求凯瑟琳。B:But he has been going with Mary for three years.B:可他跟玛丽谈恋爱已经3年了。A:I know,but who knows whom he will marry.A:我知道,可谁知道他要娶哪个呢。B:He is in ignoble act now.How can Mary bear it?B:他现在的行为真可耻,玛丽怎么能受得了呢?A:She is still in the dark and doesn't know about it at all,for Jack is trying to keep it from her.A:她还被蒙在鼓里,这件事她一点都不知道,因为杰克在尽力瞒着她。B:She may become mad at the news.B:她听到这消息后会发疯的。A:We'd better not tell her yet.A:咱们最好先别告诉她。

A:Mary and Tom are breaking up.A:玛丽和汤姆的婚姻要破裂了。B:It's unbelievable! They are only married for one month.Then who is at fault?B:简直不可思议!他们结婚才一个月。是谁的过错?A:Mary said she couldn't put up with Tom,for he fell in love with another woman.A:玛丽说她不能容忍汤姆,因为他爱上了别的女人。B:Do you think they'll become reconciled?B:你认为他们会言归于好吗?A:No,I don't think so.She said she would rather be single than cope with an unhappy marriage.A:不,我认为不会。她说她宁愿一个人生活也不愿凑合着不快乐的婚姻。〖〗B:What a shame! Their marriage is really a mistake.B:真是太糟糕了。他们的婚姻真是一个错误。

A:Come in,please.Make yourself at home.A:请进。别拘束。B:Thanks.B:谢谢。A:Anything to drink?A:你想喝点什么?B:No,thanks.I'd like to get something off my chest.B:不,谢谢。我想跟你说说心里话。A:I'm all ears.A:我洗耳恭听。B:I don't want to work here any more because I can't put up with Jack.He often picks holes and laughs at me in front of the others.B:我不想再在这儿工作了,因为我忍受不了杰克。他总是找我的茬,而且老当着别人的面嘲笑我。A:That Jack.He has no gentlemanly bearing.I'll talk it over with him.A:这个杰克,他真没有绅士风度。我要跟他谈谈。

A:Have you heard that William is going to run for mayor?A:你听说威廉要竞选市长了吗?B:Yeah.B:是的。A:What do you think of him?A:你认为他怎么样?B:Frankly,I don't see eye to eye with him on many things,but he's a good guy.He has much act of charity.B:说实在的,在很多事情上我和他的看法不一致,但他人很好。他有许多善行。A:Will you vote for him?A:你会投他的票吗?B:Sure.I believe he will stick to his principles and face up to his responsibilities.I enjoy his political action.B:当然。我相信他会坚持自己的原则,并且会承担责任。我欣赏他的政治行为。A:You mean he will take steps to improve the situation?A:你是说他会采取措施改善现状?B:Yes.B:是的。

1.From now on,I'll break completely with her.

from now on:常用于一般将来时,可置于句首或句末。例:

From now on,we're going to enforce the rules strictly.


2.How can you bank on her to help?

bank on中的on可用upon替换,其后接名词、动名词、名词加动词不定式、或名词加动名词。例:

I'm banking on (upon) your help.


3.She is still in the dark and doesn't know about it at all.

know about:不可用于进行时态。例:

I know about an excellent little restaurant near here.


4.Jack is trying to keep it from her.

keep from:后须接名词、代词或动名词,keep与from之间可接名词或代词。例:

He keeps from alcohol and tobacco.


5.Then who is at fault?

at fault:常与动词be连用,其后可跟介词for或in。另外,in fault同动词be连用,也是“有过错”、“有责任”的意思,有时可同at fault换用,只不过比at fault所含的语气略重一些。例:

You were at fault for speaking to him so sharply.


6.What do you think of him?

think of:可接名词、代词或动名词。例:

He thinks nothing of practicing on the piano for two hours before breakfast.


7.I believe he will stick to his principles and face up to his responsibilities.

stick to:表示“坚持”的意思时常指立场、观点、原则、方法、规定等,表示“坚守”的意思时常指岗位,表示“信守”的意思时常指诺言或合同等。该习语后须接名词或动名词,不可接动词不定式。例:

Don't stick to your own opinion.


He sticks to his post.


Do you always stick to your promise?


face up to:后须接sth.,但不可接sb.。例:

She won't face up to the fact that she is getting old.


恩惠 gracious act

法律行为juridical act

犯罪行为criminal act(/action)

放荡行为dissolute conduct

放肆态度wanton behaviour

愤怒姿态angry gesture


风度翩翩smart carriage

风度潇洒graceful carriage


高尚行为noble act


公开表现open conduct

古怪行为eccentric behaviour

鬼鬼祟祟的行为furtive behaviour

跪姿kneeling position(/posture)

好战姿态warlike gesture

滑稽姿态funny gesture

骄气overbearing air;arrogance


矫揉造作的态度forced and artificial behaviour


惊讶姿态surprised gesture

拘谨的姿势stiff pose


举止得体decent behaviour



优美姿势fine gesture

宽厚行为act of clemency

狂热举动madbrained action



连累行为incriminating act

联合行动joint action

临床态度bedside manners

慢条斯理的步法mincing gait

没教养的行为ungentlemanlike(/uneducated) behaviour

迷人风度charming manners

民族风俗national manners(/customs)

命令式手势imperative gesture

莫名其妙的举动baffling behaviour

目空一切的风度supercilious demeanour

难看的步态awkward gait

女王般的仪态queenly carriage

盘腿打坐lotus position

朴实无华的态度homespun manners


1.barbarous acta 称许

2.smart carriageb 打趣

3.commendationc 坐姿

4.playing tricksd 暴行

5.banteringe 恩惠

6.company mannersf 耍花招

7.seated postureg 风度翩翩

8.gracious acth 客套


1.A:Two men held up an old lady last night.

B:This is a kind of (1)(暴行).Where did that take place?

A:In Maryland Street.The police are still looking for them.

B:Wasn't there anyone passing by?

A:Yes.But no one prevented it.They were in (2)(怯懦行为).

B:Mary told me that two prisoners escaped from the prison last week and they are still at large.Perhaps it was them who robbed the old lady.

A:Anyhow,you'd better not go out alone at night.It's too dangerous.

2.A:Someone broke into the accountant's office and robbed the safe last night.Even worse,the accountant is missing.

B:Obviously he went off with the money.Once he's caught by the police,he'll end up in prison.Because this is a kind of (1)(违法行为).

A:It might be someone else.The accountant has the keys.If he had stolen the money,he would not have broken the safe open.Some policemen have been sent out to the spot to look into the matter.

B:I hope the criminal will be caught as soon as possible.They are always (2)(为非作歹).

A:I hope so,too.

3.A:Are the police still looking for the murderer?

B:Yes.There are rumors in the air that John Norris is the man behind the scenes.

A:You mean that lawyer?

B:Yes.It's said that Jack held a proof of his (1)(不法行为).In order to cover up his laundry,John Norris asked the murderer to do away with him.

A:It's unbelievable! He's so decent.Are there any (2)(可疑的行为) of his?

B:Don't judge by appearances.

A:Of course,I won't.Sooner or later the murderer will be caught and the truth will come out,too.

4.A:Would you like to go to play tennis with us?

B:By all means! Just a moment,please.I'll make short work of this.

A:Take your time.We're in no hurry.I don't like your (1)(玩命行为).

B:To be frank,I get tired easily.I must be out of shape.Perhaps some physical exercises will do me good.

A:Sure.Plenty of physical exercise will help you keep in shape.By the way,do you often do exercise in your spare time?

B:No.I just watch TV at home.

5.A:Can you find me a job?

B:Aren't you working at Allen's company?


B:I thought you were going to work for him.What happened?

A:By chance I was told in secret that his company had been in the red for two years and it'll go under sooner or later.

B:Who told you that? I saw him be in (1)(泰然自若的样子).

A:I can't tell you for the moment.But don't give away my secret,please.

6.A:How goes it,Jack?

B:Very bad.Our firm is on the verge of bankruptcy.I'm trying to go after another job.

A:John's company is prosperous.Besides,he is a man to fall back on in case of need.He is in (1)(为人慷慨).You may ask him for help.

B:Well,I've no dealings with him.

A:Don't let any chance go by.Here's his phone number.

B:OK.I'll phone him tomorrow.


A:Congratulations on your promotion,Mr.Martin.A:马丁先生,祝贺你的高升。B:Thank you,Jack.I'm really thrilled.B:谢谢你,杰克。我真是太高兴了。A:We are very proud of being your students.You have praiseworthy achievement.Let's go to celebrate.A:作为你的学生,我们感到很自豪,你有着值得称颂的成就,我们去庆祝一下吧。B:I don't know what to say.I really appreciate your help.B:我真不知道该说些什么。真的感谢你们的帮助。

A:Hey,Jane.What's up? You dressed up today.A:嘿,简,今天怎么了?打扮了起来。B:I'm going to an interview for PR.B:我正准备去应试一个公关工作。A:Oh,are you? I tell you,you look great!A:噢,是吗?跟你说,你看起来真棒!B:Thank you.Actually,I've prepared for it the whole week.I did my homework.B:谢谢。其实我已经为这事准备了整整一个礼拜了。我做了很多案头工作。A:Oh? What did you do?A:是吗?你做什么了?B:I went to the company's web page and got every possible information about this B:我浏览了公司的网页,找到了该公司所有的信息。现在,我觉得自己有点儿像company.Now,I feel like I am a kind of insider of it.个圈内人了。A:Really? Wonderful! You're always prepared.I mean,you impress people as a gogetter.A:真的?太好了!你总是有备而来。我是说,你给人一种志在必得的印象。〖〗B:Oh,thank you.I just don't want to spoil this opportunity.B:噢,谢谢夸奖。我只不过不愿意失去这次机会。A:No,you won't.What's more,you are a people person.A:不会的。更何况,你还很有人缘。B:Yeah,and I like meeting people.B:是啊,我喜欢跟人打交道。A:So,this job is like reserved for you.A:所以呀,这个公关工作就非你莫属似的。B:I hope so.Well,I'm on my way.B:但愿如此。好了,我要走了。A:OK.Break a leg!A:好的。祝你好运!

A:Would you like to go to the movie tonight?A:今天晚上去看电影怎么样?B:I just saw a horror movie last night.It almost frightened me to death.B:昨天晚上我看了一个恐怖片,差点没把我给吓死。A:Well,we could see something different like a detective film.〖〗A:嗯,我们可以看不同的片子,像侦探片。B:I don't care for a detective film.It also makes me nervous.B:我对侦探片不感兴趣,它也使我紧张。A:How about a comedy?A:喜剧片怎样?B:No,I don't think comedies today are natural or cheerful.B:不,我感觉现在的喜剧片不自然,无法使人振奋起来。A:You have an adverse opinion.How about a love story then?A:你总是持反对意见,那么爱情片呢?B:No,my view is that romance is boring.B:我的观点是爱情片很乏味。A:I hope you don't think our romance is boring!A:我希望你不会认为我们俩的爱情也乏味吧!B:No,Just others'.Our romance stories are real and exciting.B:不,仅指别人的。我们俩的既真实又动人。A:Well,a western,an adventure,a war,a violent,a dirty or a sciencefiction movie,which of them do you like best?A:好吧,西部片,探险片,战争片,暴力片,黄色片,科幻片,你最喜欢那种?B:A sciencefiction film,I think.B:科幻电影。A:Oh,sure we will have a son of scientist.A:噢,我相信,我们将有一个科学家的儿子。B:Stop daydreaming!B:不要白日做梦了!A:I'm full of confidence.A:我倒满怀信心呢。

A:Hey,give me some help with this tree!A:喂,帮我搬搬这棵树!B:Oh,what a lovely tree!B:哇,多漂亮的一棵树!C:It's huge!C:真高哇!D:Here let me give you a hand.D:我来帮一把。B:What are you going to do with the tree?B:你要这棵树做什么用?A:We're going to decorate it.A:我们打算把它装饰起来。B:What are you going to put on it?B:用什么来装饰呢?C:Many small ornaments,lights,and finely cut silver paper called icicles.C:许多小装饰品、彩灯,用银纸条来当冰柱。D:We generally do up our homes with lights,coloured papers and other decorations.D:我们通常都用彩灯、彩纸和许多装饰品把家里装饰一番。E:There's many little rituals on Christmas Day.For example,people hang a piece of pine tree on the ceiling called “mistletoe” and whenever a girl and a boy happen to stand under it they must kiss.E:圣诞节有许多小规矩。比如,人们把一束松叶吊在天花板上叫做“槲寄生”,只要是一个男的和一个女的碰巧都站在它的下面,他们就得接吻。B:That's funny! It is actually a religious festival,isn't it?B:真有意思,它实际上是个宗教节日,对不对?D:Yes.It is the day that Jesus Christ was born.On Christmas Day people go to church to sing carols and have a special Mass.D:对,是耶稣基督的诞辰。圣诞节那天人们去教堂唱圣诞歌,举行一次特别的弥撒。E:On Christmas Day or Christmas Eve people also exchange gifts,and wish each other a “Merry Christmas”.It's supposed to be a time of brotherhood .E:圣诞节或圣诞前夜人们还互相赠送礼物,互祝“圣诞快乐”。圣诞节是人们不计恩怨和睦相处的时光。C:For children we tell them St.Nicholas(Sana Claus) brings them gifts riding around the world in a sleigh.When they wake up in the morning there're gifts for them under the Christmas tree.C:我们告诉孩子们圣诞老人驾着雪橇跑遍世界各地给他们送来礼物。等他们一觉醒来礼物已放在圣诞树下面了。B:It sounds very much like our Spring Festival or our Chinese New Year,though it isn't as religious as yours.Our New Year is a time for family reunion and for visiting relatives and friends,apart from a lot of eating and drinking.B:听起来和中国的春节很相似,春节也叫农历新年,尽管春节不像圣诞节那样具有宗教色彩。农历新年时除了大吃大喝外,人们家家团聚,走亲访友。D:Yes.We have lots of parties too during the days just before Christmas.It's a happy time and almost everyone is in a good mood.D:对,圣诞节前夕我们也举行许多酒宴,真是欢乐的时光,几乎人人心情开朗。A:Hey! What's with all the talking.Let's get this tree decorated.A:嗨!别总说个不停,我们把树装饰起来吧。

1.You dressed up today.

dress up:打扮起来。该词指穿上漂亮衣服,精心打扮。与它相对应的是dress down, 表示穿着随便,一般用于平时或某些指明了随意穿着的场合。例:

A:Are we going to dress up for his party?


B:No,he said we just dressed down.


2.I'm going to an interview for PR.

PR:公共关系。该词是public relations的缩写,指公司、团体或个人通过种种宣传,以加强外界对其方针和目的的了解、并博得良好舆论的活动。例:

His speech is more of a PR gimmick than a genuine commitment.


3.I tell you,you look great!

I tell you:跟你说。该词暗指所说的话没有任何虚假的成分,是真实的,表示“确实”、“可以肯定地说”、“老实跟你说”。例:

I tell you,that fellow's thoroughly dishonest.


4.I did my homework.

did my homework:做案头工作。homework常用来指学生做的家庭作业。如果是为了一个会议或某个项目做作业的话,它就指查阅资料、研究形势等案头工作,因此,do one's homework意指“作必要的准备工作”。例:

If a lawyer doesn't do his homework,he will most likely lose the case.


5.I went to the company's web page and got every possible information about this company.

web page:网页。web指因特网,全名为worldwide web.网页指各公司、机构网上的信息资料。

6.What's more,you are a people person.

a people person:有人缘儿的人。该词用来指那些受人欢迎,并且擅长与人打交道的人。

7.Break a leg!

该词直译为“扭断一条腿”,早先用来祝愿那些即将上台演出的演员,是一种反语型祝愿语。现在,该词可用于任何场合,相当于Good luck!

世界青年周World Youth Week

世界卫生节World Health Day(Apr.7)

事假leave of absence to attend to personal affairs

收获节(基督教)Harvest Festival

受洗 name day

暑假summer holidays(/vacation)

双重假日(星期日与假日重合)double holiday

四季大斋日ember days; E.D.






票友amateur performer(of Beijing Opera,etc.)

普通合伙人general partner


私人拜会personal visit(/call)

私人访问personal visit

私人交情personal friendship

四人聚会square party


送客seeing a visitor off;show sb.the door

送礼giving a present;sending gifts

送行giving a sendoff party

持枪礼rifle salute

传统礼仪traditional ceremony

答礼return salute

打招呼greeting somebody;saying hello

点头打招呼nodding to somebody for greeting

奠基礼foundationstonelaying ceremony


1.A:It's great to have a One good turn deserves another.It's a fair play,isn't it?

A:Yeah.But friends are different.

B:I can't agree more!Some friends are

A:You have taken the words out of my mouth.

B:Have you had some friends?

A:I didn't know until last month.Some of my friends left me when I was in trouble.They are This is what we call “Adversity has few friends”.

A:I could see through them.

B:This is what we call“Prosperity makes friends,adversity tries them”.

A:Indeed.You can tell sheep from goats,then.

B:You are right.Adversity helps us to see through people.

2.A:You seem to have many He that has a full purse never wanted a friend.They're only You always seem to run short of time.

B:Yeah.I have too many friends.They all want my time.

A:When do you think you have enough time?

B:When my friends left me.

A:Yes,you're right.That's why I try to keep people at arm's length.

A:How can we maintain close ties with our friends?

B:You increase friendship by visiting them,but not so often.

A:What if I visit them so often?

B:You will wear out their welcome.

A:Do you have a I can't tell you if I have until I'm broke.

A:Maybe you can tell when you are down and out.

B:That's right.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3.A:Just look what I have done! It's It's happened,and it can't be helped.

A:You know,it was a new car.What am I going to do?

B:It's not Yes,I know.I'm all right.But the car is broken…

B:Don't worry about it.They can do marvellous repairs.When they've finished,it'll look just like new.You should remember I hope you're right.

B:Cheer up.

4.A:Good morning,Mr.Black.May I come in?

B:Come in,Jack.What's up?

A:Well,it's not about study,Mr.Black.It's just that I want to hold a I'd be delighted to,Jack.Thank you for your It's going to be on Saturday,next week.Is that all right for you and Mrs.Black?

B:Let me look at my calendar.Well,it's going to be OK with me.

A:That's great.If you could come around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m.,that would give us time to chat over a glass of wine before dinner.

B:That sounds fine.We'll be there around 7:00.And by the way,This is 5.A:Coming! Oh,how nice of you to Good evening,Miss Xu.I thought I would Certainly.Actually,I was feeling quite bored.

B:I really like your flat.It's so neat and attractive.

A:Thank you.

B:Yes.It's one of the nicest flats I've ever seen.

A:Oh,you're just saying so.

B:No,I mean it.It's really nice.

A:Thanks for saying so.Please sit down and make yourself at home.

6.A:Christmas is coming up.Zhao Ming,let me ask you a question.

B:Go ahead.

A:Do you(1)(庆祝圣诞节) in China?

B:No,we have(2)(庆祝春节) with feasts and fireworks.

A:But Christmas is the most important holiday of the year.People are busy shopping and wrapping presents for relatives and friends before 7.A:Besides(1)(农历新年),what are the other festivals according to the Lunar Calendar?

B:Well,there are 8.A:(looking at his calendar)Oh,next Friday is May 4th.

B:(a foreigner) Is that a special day?

A:Yes.It's the anniversary of one of our(1)(重大革命运动).

B:Oh yes,(2)(五·四运动).I've read about it.That took place right after.


A:It says here that you graduated from Beijing Normal University with a major in English Language and Literature.A: 上面说你毕业于北京师范大学英语语言文学专业。B:Right.Then you may think that I am not fit for this job according to my educational background.B: 对。你可能认为我的教育背景并不适合这份工作。A:Yes.A: 是的。B:But I want to be a tour guide very much because I like traveling and meeting various kinds of people.So I took an evening course at the Tourism School of Beijing after graduation and I have gotten a qualification certificate.B: 但是我很想当一名导游,因为我喜欢旅游,也喜欢和各种各样的人打交道,所以毕业后我参加了北京旅游学院的夜校,而且已经获得了资格证书。A:So you must be an extravert?A: 看来你是个外向的人?B:Yes,I always enjoy being with a group of people and chatting with them.B: 对,我喜欢和大家一起畅谈。A:What do you think are the responsibilities of a tourist guide?A: 你认为导游的职责是什么?B:A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities,and offering service of transportation,accommodation,sightseeing,B: 作为一名导游要安排和协调旅游活动,并为游客提供交通、膳宿、观光、购物和娱乐服务。 shopping and entertainment.A:Don't you consider it a hard work?A: 你不认为这是一份非常辛苦的工作吗?B:Hard but interesting,I think.B: 虽然艰苦但很有趣。A:Have you any experience as a tourist guide?A: 你有做导游的工作经验吗?B:Yes,I usually guided foreign tourists around Beijing when I was in University.B: 有,在大学期间我经常带领外国游客游览北京。A:Have you ever learned any other foreign languages other than English?A: 除了英语,你还学过别的外语吗?B:Yes,I have learned a little French and German as well.B: 也学过一些法语和德语。

A:Miss Wang,please tell me about yourself and your past experience.A: 王小姐,说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。B:I have worked as an executive secretary for 3 years,first for trading companies,and now I am working for a trust company.I interact well with peers,clients,administrators and bosses.I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments.B: 我已经做执行秘书三年了,开始是为一家贸易公司工作,现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。A:How are your typing and shorthand skills?A: 你的打字和速记能力如何?B:I can type 110 Chinese words a minute and take dictation in English at 180 words a minute.B: 我能一分钟打110个汉字,英语速记一分钟可达180个。A:Can you operate computers skillfully?A: 你能熟练操作计算机吗?B:Yes,I can.I have received some special training in computers.Besides I am good at operating common office machines,such as fax machines and duplicating machines.B: 没问题,我接受过计算机方面的特殊培训,而且我还能熟练操作一般的办公设备,比如传真机和复印机。A:Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime.How do you feel about that?A: 有时候我们工作很忙,需要加班,你觉得如何?B:That's all right.But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should B: 没关系,你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗? work overtime?A:It just depends.If we have important visiting delegations,you have to stay with us.It's not unusual.A: 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团,你必须留在我们身边,这种情况很正常。B:Mr.White,I'd like to ask you a question.B: 怀特先生,我想问你一个问题。A:OK,please.A: 好的,请问吧。B:What specific duties would I perform if I am hired?B: 如果我被录用,我的具体职责是什么?A:Nothing different from a secretary's common responsibilities.However,you know,our company is an international tradeoriented company.Can you handle English papers and write English correspondence?A: 和普通的秘书没什么区别,但我们公司是面向国际贸易的,你能处理英文文件和写英文信件吗?B:Yes.I specialized in English secretary studies at college and that's one of the main parts of my present job.B: 可以,我大学时专门学过英语文秘的课程,而且这也是我目前工作中的主要部分之一。A:What are your salary expectations?A: 你期望多少薪水?B:I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary.Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.B: 在讨论薪水前,我需要更多了解这份工作,或者你可以告诉我这个职位的预算报酬是多少。A:The starting monthly salary would be ¥3,000,with rises after the half year according to your competence.A: 起薪是每月3 000元,半年后会根据你的表现增加薪水。B:I think it's acceptable and I really like the job.And when can I know the decision?B: 我觉得可以接受,我真的喜欢这份工作。我什么时候能得知结果呢?A:We'll inform you of our final decision by early June.Do you have any other questions?A: 我们会在6月初通知你我们的最终决定。你还有别的问题吗?B:No.Thank you for your time.B: 没有了,谢谢你的宝贵时间。

A:Good morning,my name is Dick.You've applied for the Laboratory Assistant's position,right?A: 早上好,我叫迪克,你申请了实验室助理这个职位,对吧?B:Yes.When I saw the advertisement I thought it would really suit me.B: 是的。当我看到广告时,我想这个职位非常适合我。A:Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement?A: 你能告诉我为什么你回应了我们的广告吗?B:I think that I'll be really good at this kind of work.In fact I learn so fast that I'll be looking for promotion very shortly.B:我想我非常擅长这种工作,事实上,我学得很快,我会在短时间内得到提升。A:Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a Laboratory Assistant?A: 那你知道作为一个实验室助理具体做些什么吗?B: A laboratory assistant helps to maintain the scientific equipment,keep a check on the supplies in the store,and prepare the chemicals for experiments.B: 实验室助理就是要维护科研设备,经常检查库房的供应以及为化学实验做准备工作。A:What sort of student do you regard yourself as? Did you enjoy studying while you were at school?A: 你认为你自己是哪种类型的学生?你在学校时喜欢学习吗?B: I suppose I'm a reasonable student.I passed all my tests and enjoyed studying subjects that interested me.B: 我想我是一个挺好的学生,我通过了所有的考试,而且喜欢学习我感兴趣的课程。A:What were your favorite subjects at school?A: 你上学时最喜欢什么课程?B:Math and chemistry were my favorite subjects at school.I also enjoyed history.B: 数学和化学是我上学时最喜欢的,我对历史也非常感兴趣。A:Do you have any plans for further study?A: 你有继续学习深造的打算吗?B:Well,I've thought about doing the parttime Chemistry Certificate course at Technical College.I think I would really benefit from doing that.B: 哦,我想业余时间在技术学院上化学认证课程,我想这肯定对我有好处。A:Have you ever had a job before?A: 你以前工作过吗?B:Yes.I have worked parttime at a take away food store—the one just round the corner.B: 是的,我在一个食品店做过兼职外卖,就是拐角处那家。A:We have a lot of other applicants for this position.Why do you think that you deserve to get the job?A: 申请这个职位的人很多,你为什么认为你该得到这份工作?B:Well,I've found out a lot about this type of work and my research suggests that I would be quite capable of doing the work involved.I also think that I B: 是这样的,我对这种工作很了解,我发现自己非常适合做这种工作,而且我也认为自己能把培训课程学得非常好。 would be able to handle any training course reasonably well.A:I think I have asked you everything I wanted to.Thank you for coming along to the interview.A: 我的问题问完了。谢谢你来面试。B:Thank you.When will I know if I am successful?B: 谢谢你。我什么时候能知道我是否被录用了?A:We'll be in touch with you by telephone or by mail within a week.Well.Goodbye.A: 我们会在一周内打电话或者写信联系你的。那好,再见。B:Goodbye.B: 再见。

A:What is your salary at present?A: 你现在的薪水是多少?B:My present pay is ¥100,000 per year.B: 每年10万元。A:What are your salary expectations now?A: 你现在期望的薪水是多少?B:I like to be paid more than that.Hopefully,¥150,000 per year.B: 我希望能比原来的多些,希望是每年15万元。A:That's a little more than we had planned.A: 这比我们原来计划的多一些。B:I think you'll find I'm worth that.B: 我想你们会发现我是值得拿那个薪水的。A:I can only offer you ¥120,000 a year.Raises will be given after a threemonth probation according to your performance.Is that satisfactory?A: 我们只能每年支付你12万元,三个月的试用期后根据你的表现我们会为你加薪的,这样你满意吗?B:Yes,it is quite reasonable.B: 我很满意。

A:I've asked you lots of questions.Now,do you have any questions about the company or the position?A:我已经问了你很多问题。那么你有关于本公司或这个职位的问题吗?B:Yes.Can you tell me about the company's future plans?B:有。您能否告诉我这个公司未来的计划?A:Yes,our big focus now is on Internet sales.It's all explained in our company brochure.Here.A:没问题。我们目前的重点主要是网络销售,我们公司的小册子上有详细的说明。就在这儿。B:Thank you.And who would be my supervisor?B:谢谢你。那谁会是我的主管呢?A:As a sales representative,you'd be working in the sales department.You'd report to the assistant sales manager.A:作为业务代表,你属于业务部门,你将直接向业务助理汇报工作。B:And does the job require much travel?B:这个工作需要经常出差吗?A:Yes,our sales people are on the road a lot visiting prospective customers.Any more questions?A:是的,我们的业务人员会常出差,拜访潜在客户。还有其他问题吗?B:Well,no.I,I can't seem to think of any other things at this time.B:嗯,没有了。暂时没有其他的问题。A:Well,let me give you some information about our compensation package.We offer our entrylevel sales people an annual salary of thirty thousand dollars,plus full health and dental coverage,and two weeks paid vacation.A:好的。下面我来告诉你工资的相关事项。公司提供给基层业务人员一年三万美金的工资,另外还有全部的健康和牙医保险,以及每年两周的带薪休假。B:That sounds great.B:听起来很不错。A:Well,Sam,I've certainly enjoyed meeting you.You seem like a strong candidate for this position.I'll recommend you for a followup interview with the sales manager.A:嗯,山姆,很高兴与你会面。看来你是个很不错的人选。我会推荐你和业务经理再进行一次面试的。B:Thank you very much.B:真的很感谢您。A:Good luck,and feel free to call me if you have any questions.A:祝你好运!如果有任何问题,欢迎随时给我打电话。

A:Do you have any questions you want to ask?A: 你有什么问题要问吗?B:Yes,I'd like to know if there would be any future opportunities for specific training.B: 有,我想知道贵公司将来是否提供特殊培训的机会。A:If necessary there will be.Any other questions?A: 如果需要的话,会有的,还有问题吗?B:When will I know your decision?B: 我何时能知道最终结果呢?A:We'll give you our decision in a few days.How can we get in touch with you?A: 我们会在几天内通知你我们的最终决定,我们怎样才能和你取得联系呢?B:I can be reached at my office during work hours and at home in the evening.My office phone number and home phone number are in my resume.B: 工作时间我在办公室,晚上我在家,你们都能找到我。我办公室和家里的电话号码都在我的简历里。A:Thank you for your interest in our company.A: 非常感谢你来我们公司面试。B:Thank you,sir.I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.B: 谢谢你,先生。我期待着能尽快得到您的消息。A:Would you please let the next applicant come in on your way out?A: 你出去的时候能通知下一个应聘者进来吗?B:All right.Goodbye.B: 好的,再见。

1.It says here that you graduated from Beijing Normal University with a major in English Language and Literature.

major in :主修。 例:

She is working for her double major in English and Economics.


2.A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities.

be responsible for :担负,对……负责。 例:

Everyone should be responsible for his work.


We should be responsible for the generation as yet unborn.


3.I thrive on challenge and work well in highstress environments.

thrive on :靠……健壮成长;因……蓬勃发展。 例:

A lot of job and stressful,and do not you once tell me you thrive on pressure?


I know that you will make good in your new job because you thrive on.


4.I specialized in English secretary studies at college and that's one of the main parts of my present job.

specialize in :专攻,专门从事于(某一科目),专门研究。 例:

In fact,we specialize in this in with a long history.


In collage I specialize in organic chemistry.


5.We'll inform you of our final decision by early June.

final decision :最后决定。 例:

The final decision rests with him.


In any event I'll telephone you before I make a final decision.


6.What are your salary expectations now?

expectation :期待,预期。 例:

Do we have to lower our expectation and our standard of living?


7.Our sales people are on the road a lot visiting prospective customers.

“on the road”意为“四处奔波”。“on the road”也可以作“在旅途中”的意思。

8.Good luck,and feel free to call me if you have any questions.

“feel free to”意思是“随意”。在英文口语中常用“feel free to”表示可以很随意地去做某事。类似的说法有“don't hesitate to”,字面意思是“不要迟疑……”,这两种用法也常用于英文书信中。



适合fit for

教育程度educational background

导游tour guide











外语foreign language



执行秘书executive secretary

信托公司trust company





靠……健壮成长;因……蓬勃发展thrive on



速记能力shorthand skill





专业训练,特殊训练special training

传真机fax machine

复印机duplicating machine


与……在一起stay with


具体职责specific duties



专攻specialize in




最后决定final decision






由……负责be in charge of


开始的 starting







和……取得联系get in touch with





收到……的消息hear from



1.Have you any (经验) as a tourist guide?

2.Would you mind if I ask you to work (加班)?

3.Why do you want to quit your(现在的)job?

4.Why do you (申请) this position?

5.Which university did you (毕业) from?

6.What's(薪水) do you expect?

7.Any facts that can prove you are(称职的)?


1.A:Have you ever worked as a (1)(导游)?

B:I have a little experience.I guided a few(2)(外国的) tourists around Beijing last year as a parttime job.I showed them to the Great Wall,the Imperial Palace,and the Summer Palace.

A:Then you may know that it's hard work.

B:Yes,I know.A friend of mine is a guide.He talked with me about his work,but I don't mind working hard.

A:Have you applied with any other companies?

B:No,this is my first.

A:Is there anything you want to ask about?

B:I'd like to be an overseas tour guide someday.Would there ever be any chance of that?

A:Certainly.There'll be a good(3)(机会) of that if you work for this company.Not right away,of course,but in a few years,after you learn more about our business,you may go overseas with a tour group.Any questions?

B:Yes.When can I get the (4)(决定)? I hope you can give me a definite answer as soon as possible.If I'm turned down,I'll have to secure a position elsewhere.

A:All right,then.We'll get in touch with you within a week.Thank you for coming today.

B:Thank you.Goodbye.


2.A:What's your (1)(期望的) salary?

B:I expect to be paid according to my abilities.

A:How do you feel about an annual salary of 100,000 Yuan plus (2)(奖金).

B:That's a little less than I expected.But to me,the most important thing is the job and the people I will work with.Moreover,I am sure I will get a raise quickly depending on my (3)(背景) and experience.

A:That sounds very reasonable.

B:By the way,how long is my(4)(试用期)?

A:Generally it is 6 months and during this period you are half-paid.

3.A:How much do you expect to earn?

B:I think salary is closely related to the(1)(职责) of the job.Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?

A:If you are hired,you are in charge of the design of toys that can meet the needs of the American market.

B:I know it is a crucial (2)(职位) but I can do it well.So I'm asking for 200,000Yuan a year as a starting salary.


4.A:Well,that's all for the(1)(面试).Thank you for your interest in this job.

B:You are welcome.Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview me.

A:May I call you about our (2)(最后决定)?

B:Yes,please.My telephone number is 2974-5328,and you can call me at any time in the daytime.

A:We will get in touch with you by the end of next week.

B:Great.I will look forward to hearing from you.And do I need the second interview?

A:We'll(3)(通知) you if necessary.Goodbye.

B: Goodbye.

5.A:Hi,Mrs.Chen.Take a seat,please.

B:Thank you.

A:From your resume,I assume your English is quite good.Have you any experience in the writing field?

B:As you know,I am majoring in creative writing now.Since I haven't got any real (1)(专业的)experience yet.

A:When did you become interested in creative writing?

B:When I was very young.My father was an editor for a Chinese newspaper and my mother also wrote quite often for newspapers.I could always feel their pleasure in (2)(写作).For me,that was a great attraction.

A:That's very interesting.Children are often influenced by their parents.

B:I was also an editor for our campus newspaper.

A:Please tell me about that in detail.

6.A:May I have your name?

B:Li Ping.I was asked to have an interview this morning.

A:Yes.How old are you?

B:I am twentythree.

A:Now tell me about your (1)(教育程度).

B:I graduated from Beijing College of Commerce.My (2)(专业) is commerce.

A:What courses have you completed?

B:Such as marketing,business law,marketing principles,sales management and so on.

A:What subject did you like best at college?

B:I liked marketing best.

A:Why are you interested in this (3)(工作)?

B:Because your company is an effective company.

A:OK.We only pick out the six best replication for interview.And yours is just among them.

B:Thank you.I'm glad that my letter is acceptable.

A:You will hear from us soon.

B:I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.


A:Hi,my name is Michael.A:你好,我是迈克尔。B:Michael Hibben,the new sales representative?Nice to meet you!I'm Betty Jones.B:迈克尔·希本——新的业务代表?很高兴认识你!我是贝蒂·琼斯。A:Nice to meet you,Betty,but…A:很高兴见到你,贝蒂,可是……B:No buts about it.Now,let me show you around.This is our reception area,and our conference room is right over there.B:不必可是了。现在我带你去熟悉环境,这里是我们的接待区,我们的会议室就在那边。A:This is a nice office.A:这是一间不错的办公室。B:We don't really like it…but don't tell management.Now,over here is the sales department.B:我们不是很喜欢……不过别跟管理部的人说。这边是业务部。A:Really?It's quite small.A:真的吗?地方很小啊!B:Yeah,I guess we haven't made enough money to get a bigger space.You can make copies and send faxes over here.B:是啊,我想我们没有足够的资金,租不起大一点的办公室。你可以在这里复印和传真。A:It sounds like you guys work hard.A:看起来你们工作很认真。B:Not really.We just mess things up so that it looks like we work hard.Now,your cubicle is over there,but first,the most important room…B:也不一定。我们只不过是把东西弄得乱七八糟的,这样我们看起来好像很认真似的。嗯,你的座位就在那边,不过最重要的房间……A:What's that?A:那是什么?B:While,the break room,of course.B:那个啊,当然是休息室喽!A:Hmm…this isn't a bad way to learn about the company.A:嗯……这不失为了解这家公司的好方法。

A:Finance and Administration includes various departments such as Accounting,Tax,Payroll,Investor Relations,Human Resources…A:财务与行政部包括许多不同的部门,比如会计部、税务部、工资部、投资部、人力资源部……B:Where are most of our products manufactured?B:我们大部分的产品是在哪里制造的?C:We have facilities in the United States,Mexico,and China.Check out our company's intranet.You'll find information all about our company's operations,among other things.C:我们在美国、墨西哥和中国都设有厂,你若是到公司的办公网看看,就能找到有关公司经营的所有资料。B:As a Customer Service Manager,I'd like to think we sell quality products.B:作为一个客户部经理,我想我们公司销售的是优质的产品。C:Ever since we worked with the MIS department to develop an online quality control program,we've seen defect rates plummet and reliability rates soar.C:自从我们跟信息部开发出一套在线质量控制程序以来,不合格率已经下降,可信度也快速提升。D:I need to fill you in on what role you will play as the Customer Service Manager.D:我需要跟你说明客户部经理的职责与角色。B:I'm all ears.B:愿闻其详!D:Customer Service is responsible for professionally handling all customer requests.To do that you'll need to learn how to use our internal systems,all of which are on our network.D:客户服务部要很专业地处理客户所提出的任何问题,所以你要学会使用我们公司内部的办公网,所以有的资料都在网上。B:I'm a quick learner.Will I receive any training?B:我学得很快,会有一些培训课程吗?A:MIS worked with Finance and Human Resources to put every procedure,from customer orders to payroll,on our intranet.We have training classes every Tuesday afternoon.A:信息部与财务部及人力资源部已经将从客户订单到工资账册所有的程序都放在网上了。我们每周二下午也会有培训课程。B:Wow!Everything's online,huh?MIS must be an important department.B:哇!所有的资料都上网了啊?信息部一定是一个很重要的部门。C:Yes,MIS is increasing the productivity of our company with the use of the latest ERP systems.C:没错,信息部通过最新的企业资源规划系统来提高公司的生产率。D:Hey,come to think of it,MIS has their hands in just about every aspect of Live-village International.D:嘿,想想,活力国际公司里几乎所有的事情都有信息部的参与。A:Interesting.I never thought about it that way.A:很有趣,我倒是没这样想过。

A:What do you think are your greatest attributes?A:你认为你最突出的品质是什么?B:I take pride in building strong relationships with my customers.They really trust me.B:能和我的客户建立稳固关系是我最感到骄傲的一点,他们真的很信任我。A:They do.I see that your customer retention figures are the best in the company.You exceeded sales expectations by eight percent.And your gross sales are up about ten percent for the second year in a row.Very impressive.A:是的,我知道你是公司里最能留住客户的人,你超出了销售目标八个百分点,而总销售已经连续两年上升约百分之十,真让人印象深刻。B:I couldn't have done it without everyone's help.B:如果没有各位同仁的帮助我也无法达到目标。A:Don't be so modest.With numbers like yours,I have no choice but to award you the maximum bonus.A:不用如此谦虚,你有这样的好业绩,我除了以高额奖金奖励你之外,别无他择。B:That's great.Thank you.B:太好了,谢谢你。A:And I'm recommending a six percent increase to your salary.Well done.A:而且我会提议给你涨百分之六的工资,你表现得很好。B:Thanks for your confidence in me.B:谢谢你对我的信任。A:How do you envision your future at Longevity?A:你在公司未来有何打算?B:Ideally,I'd like to move into management.B:如果可能,我希望能升到管理层。A:I was hoping you'd say that.You're natural leader.A:我也希望你会提起这件事,你是天生的领导人。B:Is there room in the management trainee program?B:主管培训计划还有名额吗?A:Yes,but it's no walk in the park.You can't let your numbers slip.A:有的,但这并不容易。你不能让你的销售数字下滑。B:Don't worry.I'll stay focused.B:不用担心,我会时刻注意的。

A:Do you think character counts in working field?A:你觉得在工作领域中,人品重要吗?B:Of course.Different jobs need people with different characters.B:当然了不同工作需要不同性格的人。A:Could you give me an example?A:你能举个例子吗?B:Yeah.You see,a job which needs a lot of teamwork is most suitable for an easygoing person,but not an extremely independent one.B:好的。你看,需要大量团队合作的工作最适合随和的人,却不适合特别独立的人。A:Exactly.And there are some virtues all people at work should have.A:确实如此。但是有些品质是所有工作的人都应该具备的。B:What are they?B:都有哪些呢?A:Trustworthiness,respect,responsibility,fairness,caring,honesty,diligence etc.A:可靠、尊重、责任、公正、爱心、诚实、勤奋等等。B:Though all are important,it's really hard to have all of these good virtues.B:尽管这些都很重要,但想要拥有所有这些好品质确实很难。A:No doubt.But firstly,you must treat your colleagues with kindness and respect.Then you should learn to be courageous and considerate.A:的确。但首先,你必须友善对待同事并尊重他们。你还应该学着变得勇敢,并替他人着想。B:Then I will be a priceless diamond treasured by my colleagues and boss?B:然后我就会成为同事和老板珍爱的无价钻石了?A:Yes.A:是的。B:In that case,I'll try.B:如果是那样的话,我会试试。

A: Good morning,Miranda.A: 早上好,梅兰达。B:Good morning,Chris.What's up?B: 早上好,克里斯。有什么事吗?A:I think I need to get this report proofed before I hand it in.A:在递交这份报告之前,我需要校对一下。B:Good idea!B:好主意!A:What would you suggest I do for the cover page?A:你看我该用什么样的封面好呢?B:I would get an old one from drafting if I were you,so that I don't have to spend a lot of time on it.B:要是我,我将从草案中选一个已有的样式,这样就不必花费太多时间了。A:I might do that.By the way,have you read the presentation I gave you?A:我可能真会那样做的。顺便问一下,你看过我给你的样本吗?B:It was good overall.But you need to make some small changes.B:总体上很好,但是你还要做一点小小的修改。A:What would you suggest I do?A:你要我做什么?B:If I were you,I would put the production information before the cost so that it sounds justified.B:如果我是你的话,我会把有关生产的报告摆在成本之前,这样听起来比较合理一些。A:Anything else?A:还有呢?B:Just speak with more confidence in yourself.B:说话时,要表现得再自信一点。A:Thank you very much.A:非常感谢你。

A:Mr.Lin,would you like to work some overtime today? We'll pay you time and a half.A:林先生,你今天愿意加班吗?我们付你一倍半的薪水。B:How much did you say you'd pay?B:你说会付多少钱?A:Time and a half.A:一倍半。B:How much is that?B:那是多少?A:It's 150 percent of your normal pay.You make twenty dollars an hour now,so you'll make thirty dollars an hour for overtime.A:你正常薪资的150%。你现在时薪是20美元,所以加班的话时薪是30美元。B:Oh,really?B:啊,真的吗?A:So,you want overtime?A:是啊,你想加班吗?B:Yes,I do.B:嗯,好啊。

A:What are you doing here,Kevin? I thought this was your day off.A:凯文,你怎么会在这儿?我以为你今天休假呢。B:Yes,but I'm substituting for Randy.B:我今天是休假没错,但是我帮兰迪代班。A:Are you? I wish I had someone to stand in for me.I don't feel like working today.A:这样啊?但愿有人替我值班,今天我没情绪工作。B:Jim is off today.Why don't you ask him to pinchhit for you?B:吉姆今天休假。你何不请他替你值班呢?

A:How's your work Martin?A:马丁,你的工作怎样?B:Good,thanks.How about you?B:还好,你呢?A:Not bad.We've lost a few staff lately.A:也不错,最近有一些职员另谋高就了。B:Why?B:为什么?A:Because of the low salaries.A:因为工资太低。B:But your company is huge.Can't they afford to pay the staff decent wages?B:你们公司是家大企业,难道他们就付不出像样的工资吗?A:I don't know why.A:我不知道为什么。B:Why don't you give them a suggestion?B:为什么不给他们提提建议啊?A:Maybe I can have a try.But I'm in holiday now.A:也许我可以试试,但现在我在度假。B:Not all workers are as loyal as you are.I can't believe your company is as big as it is.By taking good care of their staff now,they can ensure the company continues to grow.B:并不是所有的员工都如你般忠心耿耿。我真不敢相信你们公司还是家大企业呢。如果他们能体恤员工,就会使得公司继续壮大。A:Well,management don't seem to think that way.Anyway,we're only trash collectors!A:话虽如此,但管理层不是这么想。无论如何,我们也只是些无关紧要的人。

1.No buts about it.

“no buts”意为“没有可是”这个词字面意思是“没有借口、没有可是”,引申用来表示“毫无异议”。

2.This isn't a bad way to learn about the company.

“this isn't a bad way”意为“这不失为……的好方法”,“it's a good way to+V.”常用来表示“……是个好方法”,句子的主语为后面的不定式短语。“this isn't a bad way…”负负得正(isn't、bad)。与中文“不失为……的好方法”意思相同。

3.MIS has their hands in just about every aspect of Livevillage International.“have (someone's) hand in”意为“介入,帮忙”。“hand”是“手”的意思。“have someone's hand in”通常表示“插手某事,协助完成某事”。

4.“drum up”意为“竭力争取,招徕(生意)”。“drum”当名词是“鼓”的意思,在此则当动词。“drum up”可解释成“争取到,赢得(……生意)”之意,在本文中“drum up more orders”意指“获得更多订单”。

5.But it's no walk in the park.

“no walk in the park”意为“并非易事”。“walk in the park”字面意思为“在公园散步”。在公园散步是非常轻松、悠哉的,短语前加上“no”则成反义,指事情不像漫步公园般那么简单,因而引申为“并非易事”。

6.I'm substituting for Randy.

substitute for : 代替。例:

Can you substitute for (ie go instead of) me at the meeting?







业务部sales department


休息室break room










人力资源human resources















交上,递交hand in

封面cover page







1.a large official meeting,usually lasting for a few days

2.an extra amount of money that is added to a payment

3.an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income,property,goods etc and that is used to pay for public services

4.the activity of working well together as a team

5.take the place of


1.Do you know how to work(1)(有效率地)? Here let's share some useful tips.

Keep your desk and your (2)(文件夹) organized to avoid wasting time shuffling through piles of paper.

(3)(仔细检查) your inbox at the beginning of each work day.Either throw away,file or follow up on each item.

Prioritize a list of the tasks you need to (4)(完成) that day.

Delegate tasks to coworkers and assistants if possible.

Finish one task before you go on to the next.

Reduce paperwork by storing important (5)(信息) on your computer or electronic organizer.

Communicate effectively and plan carefully to make sure a job is done properly the first time around.

Schedule time when you'll be available,and let (6)(同事) know,to avoid constant interruptions.Close the door if you need to.

Take breaks.A short walk or quick (7)(午餐) away from the office will increase your overall productivity.

Before leaving for the day,tidy up your desk and make a short list of projects you will need to do the next day.Try not to take (8)(工作) home.You need the break.

2.Friction in the workplace can be (1)(有压力的) and counterproductive for everyone involved.Learn to approach the person with whom you are struggling and resolve the situation.Follow these few steps to alleviate awkwardness in the workplace.

Step1 (2)(决定)whether you want to confront the person who is bothering you.It is usually better to air grievances in the open than to let them fester.

Step2 Speak to the other person calmly,(3)(有礼貌地) and rationally.Focus on the situation and facts,avoiding gossip and personal attacks.

Step3 Be careful not to(4)(表现) hostility in your posture,facial expression or tone.Be assertive without being aggressive.

Step4 Listen to the other person(5)(仔细地): What is she trying to say? Be sure you understand her position.

Step5 Express (6)(兴趣) in what the other person is saying.You can acknowledge her ideas without necessarily agreeing or submitting.Saying,“I (7)(明白,理解) that you feel this way.Here's how I feel…” acknowledges both positions.

Step6 Communicate clearly what you want,offering (8)(积极的) suggestions and recommendations.Be willing to be flexible.

Step7 Speak to your supervisor if a problem with a difficult coworker seriously threatens your work,but(9)(避免) whining.

3.Too many business (1)(会议) are ill-directed,digressive and drawn out.Call a meeting only when it's absolutely critical,and structure it firmly so that it achieves its (2)(目的).

Step1 Decide whether you really need to call a meeting.Can the issue be resolved by an individual or a conference call?

Step2 Determine who needs to attend.Try keeping the number of attendees small,as large meetings get unwieldy.Suggest that people (3)(参加)only the parts of the meeting that involve them.This way you can keep the discussion more focused.

Step3 Set (4)(确切的)starting and stopping times.

Step4 Prepare an agenda. (5)(解释) the goal of the meeting; if there are many goals,decide which ones command priority,and make this clear.

Step5 Circulate the agenda in advance to allow attendees to prepare.

Step6 Assemble visual aids such as charts,handouts or slides.

Step7 Start the meeting at the designated time,regardless of whether everyone is present.Avoid taking too much time to (6)(总结) for latecomers.

Step8 Start off the meeting with straightforward,easily resolved issues before heading into thornier ones.

Step9 Allocate a specific amount of (7)(时间) for each issue.Move through issues,allowing for discussion but discouraging digression or repetition.Use a timer to help monitor the time.

Step10 Postpone discussion until the end of the meeting if (8)(辩论) on an issue runs overtime.Make sure to cover the other issues on the agenda.

Step11 Follow up: Circulate copies of the minutes after the meeting to remind everyone of conclusions and action plans.