
第1章 动物概述


Animals live everywhere.They roam the land.They burrow in the ground.They swim in the sea.They fly through the air.They creep,they leap,they soar,and they dive.A very few—including corals and barnacles—stay in one place.

Animals come in all sizes.The biggest animals are whales,which can be 100feet (30meters)long.The smallest animals can only be seen through a microscope.

Zoologists (scientists who study animals)have found more than 2million species (kinds)of animals.They think they have discovered only a small portion of all animals on Earth.

Several things make animals different from other living things.Unlike plants,animals cannot make their own food.Animals eat other living things—plants and other animals—to get energy.Animal bodies are made up of more than one cell,unlike bacteria and other life forms with only one cell.Cells are the building blocks of living things.Animals also have senses,such as eyes or ears,that tell them what is going on around them.

This drawing shows the parts of a lobster’s body.Lobsters are invertebrate animals,which don’t have spines.Lobsters are also crustaceans,a type of animal that has a hard outer shell.Most crustaceans live in water.

Gorillas are the largest of the apes.They live in the rain forests and mountains of tropical Africa.Unless attacked,gorillas are timid and peaceful.

What Kinds of Animals Are There?