
第100章 蜜蜂




It’s a warm summer afternoon in a park or garden.Bees are buzzing around the flowers.You might be sitting in the sun and feeling kind of lazy.But the bees are very busy doing work that is important to you.

The bees are going from flower to flower.They are collecting a liquid called nectar and yellow grains called pollen.The bees use nectar and pollen as food.They also do something wonderful as they go about collecting.The bees take pollen from one plant to another.Some pollen sticks to a bee’s legs and body.It rubs off when the bee visits another plant.In this way bees pollinate,or fertilize,plants.

Plants need pollen in order to reproduce.We would not have many kinds of flowers,fruits,or vegetables if bees did not carry pollen to plants.

Honey bees live in hives.Each hive contains a queen,female workers (pictured,right),and male drones.The queen lays up to 1,000eggs a day.Worker bees gather food,make honey,tend eggs,and guard the hive.Drones mate with the queen,and then die.

Bees are insects that depend on flowers for food.They eat a powder in flowers called pollen and collect a sweet liquid called nectar.

Leafcutting bees use pieces of leaves or flower petals to make their nests.

When a bee such as this bumblebee visits a flower,tiny grains called pollen stick to the bee.The bee then carries the pollen to another flower.This process,known as pollination,is necessary for many plants to make seeds and fruit.

The sweat bee got its name because it is attracted to the salt in human sweat.It is one of the most common bees in North America.

A honey bee hive is made up of networks of cells made of beeswax.These networks are also called honeycombs.The queen bee lays eggs in some of the cells.Other cells are filled with honey

Carpenter bees got their name because they tunnel through wood to make their nests.The chewing sounds these bees make can be heard several feet away!

Beekeepers wear protective clothing over their whole body to keep from being stung by the bees.Beekeepers collect honey from the hives.

Kinds of Bees