
第16章 象



What if you had to ride an elephant to school?An elephant is huge.You have to climb up on a platform to get on an elephant’s back.You might sit on the elephant’s neck and hold on with your legs.You might sit on a seat on the elephant’s back.People in Asia once rode elephants for transportation.They rode elephants into battle.They trained these intelligent animals to haul logs and do other work.

Elephants are the biggest land animals alive today.There are two species (kinds)of elephant,the African elephant and the Asian elephant.Both kinds of elephant have long trunks.The trunk is made of the elephant’s nose and upper lip.An elephant has two big tusks,one on each side of its mouth.The tusks are made of ivory.

Elephants are the largest land animals.Some elephants can weigh as much as a car!Male elephants live alone but female elephants live together in families.When a baby elephant is born,other females in the family help raise it.

Female elephants and their young,known as calves,live together in families.The oldest female heads the family.When threatened,females surround the calves to protect them from danger

People in many countries of Africa and Asia use elephants as work animals.In this video,elephants move trees that have been cut down for lumber.

Elephants have long been overhunted by poachers hunters who kill elephants in order to sell their ivory tusks.Laws that ban the buying and selling of ivory have reduced elephant poaching.

Why Do Elephants Have Trunks?