
第31章 长颈鹿的外形

Giraffes have short bodies and long,skinny legs.Their front legs are a little longer than their back legs.Males are usually taller than females.

Giraffes can gallop as fast as 35miles per hour (56kilometers per hour).That is as fast as cars often go on side streets.

Short,thick fur covers giraffes.Their fur has a pattern of brown patches.Some patches look like stepping stones from a path.Lighter colored lines separate the patches.The color and pattern of their fur helps giraffes blend in with trees and leaves.It helps giraffes hide from lions.

Giraffes have a mane,a line of longer fur along their necks.They have a tail with a long tuft of fur at the end.Giraffes use their tails to swat flies and other insects that land on them.

Giraffes have two stubby horns covered with skin on their heads.A male’s horns are bigger than a female’s horns.

How Do Giraffes Eat?