
第40章 狗




You may have a dog for a pet at your house.Maybe you have some friends who have dogs.

No one knows how many millions of people in the world have dogs for pets.More than 1million new purebred dogs get registered (signed up)with the American Kennel Club (AKC)each year.The AKC is the main organization for purebred dogs in the United States.A purebred is a dog whose parents and ancestors all came from the same breed of dog.A dog of mixed breeds is sometimes called a mongrel or a mutt.

There are about 150different breeds,or kinds,of dogs.Each breed varies widely in appearance,size,intelligence,and behavior.For thousands of years,people have trained dogs to hunt for food,herd animals,and guard homes and farms.But most people just keep dogs as pets because they make friendly,loyal companions.

Terriers are one of the seven dog groups of the American Kennel Club.They were bred to hunt and catch small animals.This photograph shows a Cairn terrier.

The Alaskan Malamute is a working dog.Working dogs are one of the seven dog groups of the American Kennel Club.They are obedient and strong.

The border collie is a herding dog.Herding dogs are one of the seven dog groups of the American Kennel Club.Herding dogs were bred to keep farm animals from straying.

The golden retriever is a sporting dog.Sporting dogs are one of the seven dog groups of the American Kennel Club.Sporting dogs were bred to bring back ducks and other wild birds that hunters shoot.

Dogs need proper care.They need to have food and water,plenty of exercise,and grooming.Here,a poodle has its fur trimmed.

The Dalmatian is a medium sized,smooth coated breed of working and sporting heritage,suitable as a family pet or performance animal.He is an intelligent dog,devoted to his owners,and pleasant to live with.His most unique feature,his spots,are either black or chocolate brown.

What Are the Main Kinds of Dogs?


Beginning hundreds of years ago,breeders mated male and female dogs that had certain qualities,or traits.They wanted the puppies to have the same traits as the parents.Dogs that developed these traits were called breeds.

The AKC recognizes about 150breeds.It puts these breeds into seven groups called terrier,working,sporting,hound,herding,toy,and nonsporting dogs.

Terriers have stiff,wiry coats.Terriers were bred to hunt and catch foxes,badgers,and rabbits.

Working dogs are obedient and strong.The Alaskan Malamute is a working dog bred to pull sleds over ice and snow.

Sporting dogs,such as pointers and golden retrievers,were bred to bring back ducks and other wild birds that hunters shoot.Beagles and other hounds have a great sense of smell to help hunters track down rabbits and other small animals.

Collies,Welsh corgis,and other herding dogs were bred to keep farm animals from straying.Some toy dogs,such as Chihuahuas,were bred to be small companions for people.Nonsporting dogs are all the other breeds,from spotted dalmatians to curly haired poodles.

What Dogs Make the Best Pets?