
第46章 蝙蝠





It is nearly dark.From out of a cave,a black cloud swirls.Suddenly you realize that it is made up of thousands of bats.

Does this make you think of Halloween,or movies about Dracula?People often fear bats as “creatures of the night.”Yet these remarkable animals are helpful to us.They eat insect pests.They pollinate useful plants,as bees do.Their droppings,called guano,are used as fertilizer.

Bats are the only mammals that can fly.They are usually active at night.This Kitti’s hog nosed bat,also called the bumblebee bat,is the smallest mammal.It’s about an inch long!

Bats are the only flying mammal.A bat’s wings are supported by bones like those in your hand.Each wing has a clawed thumb that the bat uses for clinging to trees,cave walls,or buildings.

What Is a Bat?