
第9章 幼兽

Bears mate in the spring after they wake up from winter sleep.The cubs are born the next winter in the mother’s den.Females usually have between one and three cubs at a time.The newborn cubs are tiny,blind,and helpless.They have no teeth or hair.But they are warm and safe in the mother bear’s den.They feed on their mother’s milk.The milk is rich and helps the baby bears grow quickly.When they are three months old,the cubs are ready to go outside the den and look for food.The cubs stay close by their mother,however.

Cubs live with their mother until they are two or three years old.During this time,they learn what to eat and where to find food.Then they go off and find their own territory.When females are between four and seven years old,they are ready to have cubs of their own.Bears in the wild may live to be from 25to 40years old,but scientists do not know for sure.

Kinds of Bears