
第96章 昆虫的生活环境

Insects can live almost anywhere on Earth.Insects called rock crawlers live on the cold mountaintops of the Himalayas in Asia.These insects make a kind of antifreeze.The antifreeze works like antifreeze in a car.It keeps water in their bodies from freezing solid.

Some ants live in the heat of the Sahara,a desert in Africa.They look for food even in the hottest weather,when temperatures can be higher than 116°Fahrenheit (47°Celsius).

Many insect species live in the fresh water of lakes,streams,ponds,and swamps.Very few insects can live in the salty water of the oceans.

More insects live in tropical rain forests than any other place in the world.Scientists believe there are millions of insect species living in the rain forest that have not yet been found.

What Do Insects Eat?