
第14章 Unit Four ScienceAnd (1)



1) If somebody says“no”to your question.I t is a (n) answer.

A.positive B.negative

C.affirma tive D.passive

2) One of the students asked whethe r ther e was any

between the rainfall and temper ature.

A.rela tionship B.connection

C.as sociation D.correla tion

3) A Swis s company has found a way animal wastes into fuel.

A.conver t B.t ransfer

C.t ransform D.r eform

4) I t was unwise of you to tha t the di rector should take ear ly retirement.

A.present B.propose

C.put forward D.r ecommend

5) The main for the job ar e good eyesight and a high level of physical fitnes s.

A.neces sity B.r equirement

C.need D.r equest

6) The last government was res ponsible for the of the public libra ry service.

A.worsening B.decreasing

C.slip D.deter ioration

7) Physicists think tha t the universe is.

A.growing B.expanding

C.str etching D.extending

8) Ten minutes into the second half of the match ,Davies was brought on as for Ward.

A.substance B.s ubmission

C.substitute D.s ubordination

9) The Prime Ministe r spoke last in the on abortion.

A.negotiation B.forum

C.deba te D.argument

10) Wate r is to survival.

A.fundamental B.basic

C.es sential D.important

11) If you came to Canada through legal means and lived ther e permanently.The Canadian Government will r egard your action as.

A.emigration B.immigr ation

C.migration D.invasion

12) The major function of Congres s is.

A.law B.legality

C.legalism D.legislation

13) The language learning in the human brain is rather sophisticated.

A.equipment B.inst rument

C.mechanism D.mechanics

14) He won three matches.

A.continual B.continuous

C.succes sive D.s uccessful

15) Subsequent events my suspicion.

A.confessed B.confined

C.ve rified D.met


1) B 2 ) D 3 ) A 4) B 5) B 6) D 7) B 8 ) C

9) C 10 ) A 11 ) B 12) D 13) C 14) C 15 ) C

Part One In Class Reading

Too Fast?


adaptable4 [....d .. pt..bl ] ad j.适应性强的

[ 同义] versatile,plastic

[ 反义] inadaptable

[ 考点] be adaptable to 适合于.

[ 辨析] adaptable;flexible

adaptable 在一个新环境下,为了取得生活或工作上的成功而能够改变自己的做事方式或思考模式;flexible 为了能对付一种新情况或与别人达成共识而愿意或能够改变自己的做事方式或思考模式。

[ 例句] The soil and climate he re ar e adaptable to the growth of gr apes.

agricultural4 [....r i..k..lt....r..l] adj.农业的

airplane4 [......plein] n.飞机

array6 [....r ei ] n.一系列,大量

[ 考点] an arr ay of 一批,一系列

atomic4 [....t..mik] adj.原子

[ 例句] Atomic ene rgy is a kind of clean but unsafe ene rgy.

batch6 [ b .. t..] n.一批

[ 同义] group ,bunch ,bundle ,arr ay ,cluster ,clutch,parcel

[ 考点] a batch of 一批,一组

[ 例句] The pr isone rs wer e led out in batches and shot.

bewildering [ bi..wild..ri..] ad j.使人困惑的

blacksmith [..bl .. ksmi..] n.铁匠

bloom4 [ blu..m] v i.开花n.花

[ 考点] bloom with 生长茂盛

in bloom 鲜花盛开

the bloom of sth..的茂盛时期

[ 例句] 1 ) The canal is expected to make the three million acr es of deser t bloomed with cot ton.

2 ) The roses ar e in full bloom.

contradict6 [ k..nt r....dikt ] v.与.矛盾;同.抵触

[ 同义] denyt ,r averse

[ 反义] corroborate ,confirm

[ 例句] The facts cont radict his theory.

convert4 [ k..n..v....t ] v.使转化

[ 同义] t ransform

[ 考点] be conve rted to/ into 被变成.

conver t sth.from.to 把.从.变成.

conver t sth.into sth.把.变成.

[ 辨析] conver t;change;tr ansfer;t ransform conver t 为了另一用途而完全改变一东西的形式;change 把某个东西改变,使其和原来的不同;t ransfer 替换,换(工作等);改变某人的喜好或对什么的支持,转而喜欢或支持另一个东西;

t ransform 完全改变一种东西,尤其指在某个方面有所改进的改变。

[ 例句] Elect ricity is conver ted into heat to warm the room.

disastrous6 [ di..z....str..s;(US) diz.... st..us] ad j.灾难性的

[ 同义] fatal,unfortunate,dest ructive

[ 反义] lucky

[ 例句] Investing all his savings in that dubious stock was disast rous.

ethic [..e..ik ] n.道德标准,行为准则

evolution4 [ i..v....lu....n;(US) ev-] n.进化

[ 同义] development

[ 例句] The gr eatest task facing agricultural scientists in

this region is the evolution of an adaptable farming system.

experimentat ion [ ik..s perimen..tei....n ,(US) ek..s- ] n.实验,试验

geometrically [..d..i....met rik..li ] adv.成几何级数地

icebox [..aisb..ks] n.电冰箱

innovation6 [ in....vei..n] n.新方法,新办法,革新

[ 例句] He devoted himself to technological innovation.

lag4 [ l ....] n.滞后,延缓


[ 同义] delay ,retard ,convict

[ 考点] lag behind 拖后腿

[ 例句] The const ruction industry still lags behind in the count ry’s economic development.

literature4 [..lt..rit....;(US) ..lit r..t..u..r] n.文学,文学作品

morality6 [ m....r .. liti ] n.道德

negative4 [..ne....tiv] ad j.负面的,不良的

[ 同义] veto ,deny

[ 反义] affirm

[ 例句] The new film has received but negative praise.

objectivity [....bd..ek..tiviti] n.客观性

obsolete [....bs..li..t ] adj.淘汰的,过时的

propose4 [ pr....p..uz] v.提出;建议,提议

[ 同义] pose,suggest ,intend

[ 反义] withdraw

[ 考点] propose sth.建议.

propose doing sth.建议做.

propose that 建议.

propose to do 建议做.

[ 辨析] propose;suggest;recommend;pr esent;put forward

propose 提议;s uggest 建议;recommend 推荐;

present 呈报,提交;put forward 提出。

[ 例句] 1 ) I propose delaying this meeting until next Fri-day.

2 ) I propose to go to London next year.= I plan to go to London next year.

prosperity4 [ pr....speriti ] n.繁荣,成功

[ 同义] abundance ,pros perousness ,thr iving ,boom

[ 反义] adversity ,depr ession

[ 例句] The reform and opening policy of out country has grea tly promoted the economic prosper ity.

revolutionary4 [..rev....lu......n..ri ] ad j.突破性的,完全创新的

[ 同义] ext reme,radical

[ 反义] conservative,moderate ,rest rained ,r easonable

[ 例句] Radio and television we re two revolutionary inventions of this century.

scholar4 [..sk..l..] n.学者

segment4 [..se..m..nt ] n.部分,部门

[ 同义] par t ,section ,division ,por tion

[ 反义] whole ,totality

[ 例句] The runne r went faster on the middle segment of the course.

technological4 [ tekn....l..d..ikl ] ad j.技术的

catch one’s breath 喘一口气

[ 例句] After running to the bus stop ,we sat down to catch our br eath.

give birth to 引起,产生;生(孩子) ,产

[ 例句] Some rude words may give bi rth to a dispute.

on the other hand 另一方面

[ 例句] On the one hand ,the city is in des perate need of modern industry;on the other hand ,ther e is a concern that the modern indust ry would damage the environment in this area.

out of the ordinary 不寻常的

[ 例句] We’ll be ther e by six ,as long as nothing out of the ordina ry happens.

to be exact 确切地说

[ 例句] It was mor e than 20 yea rs ago to be exact!

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ True Love


activate6 [.... ktiveit ] v.使活动起来

alphabet ical * [ .. lf....betikl ] ad j.按字母表顺序的

correlation4 [..k..ri..lei....n] n.相互关系

[ 考点] corr elation between sth.and sth.. 和. 的相互关系

[ 例句] The re is little correlation between cramming for the test and pas sing it.

delicately* [..delikitli] adv.谨慎地

elsewhere4 [ els..w....;(US) -..hw....r ] adv.在别处,到别处

evaluator * [ i..v .. ljueit..] n.评价员

experimental4 [ ik..sperimentl ] ad j.实验(性) 的

holograph [..h..l....r .. f] n.全息照片

measurement4 [..me....m..nt ] n.(量得的) 尺寸,大小

molecular [m....lekjul..] adj.分子的

physical4 [..fizikl ] ad j.身体的,肉体的

[ 同义] bodily ,mater ial

[ 反义] mental ,spiritual

[ 考点] physical punishment 体罚

physical t raining 体育锻炼

programmer * [..pr..u..r .. m..] n.程序编制员

requirement4 [ ri..kwai..m..nt ] n.要求

[ 同义] demand ,need ,want

[ 考点] requirement for sth.对.是必要的

requirement of sth..的需要

come up to/ meet/ satisfy a requir ement 满足要求