
第6章 老外最感兴趣的上海历史文化(5)

例:The Shanghainese have a reputation for snobbery, and Chinese often complain that they feel shut out in Shanghai, perhaps because the dialect is incomprehensible to Mandarin speakers.上海人以比较“势利”着称,中国人经常抱怨他们很排外,大概是因为说普通话的人很难听懂上海方言的原因吧。

3.residence [?rezid?ns]n. 住宅,住处;居住

例:They have entered the country and have applied for permanent residence.


4.conflict [?k?nflikt] n. 冲突,矛盾;斗争,争执

例:Try to keep any conflict between you and your ex-partner to a minimum.


5.sentimentally[?senti?ment?li] v. 富情感地;多情地

例 “I miss the good old days, ”she added sentimentally .“


6.attach[??t?t?] vt. 使依附;贴上;系上;使依恋

例:We attach labels to things before we file them away.


7.neighborhood [?neib?hud] n. 附近;街坊;接近

例:It really depends on what you're looking for. There's a lot of high-end stores in this neighborhood.


8.associate[??s?u?ieit] v. 交往;结交n. 同事,伙伴;关联的事物

例:I haven't been associated with the project over the last year.


9.forth [f??θ] adv. 向前,向外;自…以后

例:Pilate ordered the prisoner to be brought forth.彼


10.neglect [ni?ɡlekt] vt. 疏忽,忽视;忽略

例:The woman denied that she had neglected her child.


11.welfare [?welf??] n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;安宁

例:Child welfare services are well established and comprehensive.


12.spontaneously [spn'teinisli] adv. 自发地;自然地;不由自主地

例:So now, now that we've got all three of the major laws of thermodynamics, what I want to start in on is a discussion of what happens spontaneously.


13.diversify [sp?n'teini?sli]vt.使多样化,使变化

例:The company's troubles started when it diversified new products.


14.degenerate [dai?v??sifai]vt. 使退化;恶化vi. 退化;堕落

例:Inactivity can make your joints stiff, and the bones may begin to degenerate.


15.constitute[?k?nstitju?t] vt. 组成,构成;建立;任命

例:Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.


16.overpopulate [??uv??p?pju?leit] vt. 使人口过剩;使人口过密

例:The downtown is being overpopulated.


17.peculiar [pi?kju?lj?] adj. 特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的

例:Mr. Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humour.


18.vitality[vai?t?liti] n. 活力,生气;生命力,生动性

例:Changes will give renewed vitality to our democracy.


19.kaleidoscope [k??laid?sk?up] n. 万花筒;千变万化

例:The search lights and the fireworks made the sky a kaleidoscope of colour.



A: Tom, I am so glad to meet you in Shanghai.


B: Me too, Mary. What a coincidence!


A: Where have you visited these days


B:I visited the Bund and Nanjing Road. But I want to see the typical residence of Shanghai.


A: You mean “Longtang”


B:Yes! This way of living is only in Shanghai. It can promote people's relations.


A:I heard of this function for the first time. Why do not we go to visit it together


B: Okay. Let's go!



弄堂(Long tang),小巷,巷子(lane)的意思,是上海特有的民居(dwellings)形式,它是由连排的石库门建筑所构成的,并与石库门建筑有着密切的关系。它代表近代上海城市文化,创造了形形色色风情独具的弄堂文化。弄堂的行行种种、弄堂的性感、弄堂的感动,它已经成为上海城市的华丽的背景色。弄堂可作为休闲娱乐(entertainment)、儿童活动(children activitity)、交易等场所。弄堂分为广式里弄、新式石库门里弄 、新式里弄、花园式里弄等。


Shanghai Film Industry

Shanghai was the birthplace of Chinese cinema. Motion pictures were introduced to China in 1896. The first Chinese film, a recording of the Beijing Opera, The Battle of Dingjunshan, was made in November 1905. In 1909, China’s first film company, Asia Film Company was established in Shanghai as a joint venture between American businessman Benjamin Polaski, Chinese comprador Zhang Shichuan, and Chinese theatrical talent Zheng Zhengqiu. Chinese film industry didn’t begin until 1913 when Zheng Zhengqiu and Zhang Shichuan shot the first movie The Difficult Couple in Shanghai. And the country"s first fictional feature film of MingXing Film company, An Orphan Rescues His Grandfather, was also produced in Shanghai. These two films were very influential, and established Shanghai as the center of Chinese film-******. For the next decade the production companies were mainly foreign-owned, and the domestic film industry, centering around Shanghai, a thriving entrepot and the largest city in the Far East, did not start in earnest until 1916. During the 1920s, film technicians from the United States trained Chinese technicians in Shanghai, and American influence continued to be felt there for the next two decades.


During this period, some of the important production companies first came into being, notably Mingxing Film Company founded by Zheng Zhengqiu and Zhang Shichuan and the Shaw Brothers’ Tianyi Film Company. Shanghai’s film industry went on to blossom during the early 1930s, generating Marilyn Monroe-like stars such as Zhou Xuan. China’s first “talkie” was The Songstress Red Peony played by “film queen” Butterfly Hu (Hu Die in Chinese) and produced by the Ming Xing Film Company, Shanghai’s largest film production studio.
