
第17章 人文景观Human Landscapes(2)

That is when the powerful bastion must have been built. Later, during Archaic times, that is, during the period of Peisistratides, a very small temple was erected on the Mycenaean fortification fortification n.防御工事, 要塞, 筑城术, dedicated to the worship of Athena. The Persians destroyed them in 480 B.C., but the space was included in building program and later the bastion was completed and dressed with poros limestone limestone n.石灰石 thus becoming the tower we see today.

The Ionian temple, made entirely of pentelic marble which was erected on a podium, magnifies the unaffected grandeur grandeur n.庄严, 伟大 of the sacred rock and gives a different spirit to the entire cluster cluster n.串, 丛 vi.丛生, 成群 of monuments.

It is a monument of small dimensions, amphiprostyle and fourpillared. It has monolithic monolithic n.单片电路, 单块集成电路 columns with relatively low proportions and high bases with a large scotia. The eastern side of the nave was divided into pilasters and two pillars and the openings were enclosed with railings.

The religious statue of the Nike, with its cutoff wings, was housed in the nave, which was fashioned into a crypt by three steps. That is why Pausanias said in the 2nd century A.D. that the temple was dedicated to the Wingless Victory (Nike=Victory).

Around 410 B.C. the tower was enclosed with a parapet on the top on the south, west and north sides. The marble plaques of the parapet are of great artistic value containing exceptional basreliefs which depict Nikes and a repetition of the image of the seated Athena. Important fragments of these marble plaques have survived. Both the figures on the frieze and the figures on the parapet are superb superb adj.庄重的, 堂堂的, 华丽的, 极好的 examples of the mature socalled “rich” style.

The Classical temple is considerably smaller than the other temples of the Acropolis. It is the first building that greets the visitors who approach the Propylaia and its elegant Ionic features balance the dominating Doric character of the Propylaia. It faces to the east and its entrance is lined with four monolithic Ionic columns that support a shallow porch. The west end is similarly treated with four Ionic columns and a porch, but they preceded a blind wall. The inclusion of a tetrastyle tetrastyle adj.正面有四根柱的,四柱式的 (four columns) at the back of the temple was necessary for this side faced the entrance to the Acropolis.

The temple was designed by Kallikrates and is 11 feet tall from the stylobate to the apex of its pediment. As was customary customary adj.习惯的, 惯例的 in Attica (but not in Ionia) the temple was decorated with a continuous frieze.

The temple,s ratio of the column height to its length is 7:1 instead of the customary 9:1 of other Ionic temples.

The parapet parapet n.栏杆, 低墙, 扶手, 胸墙 of the Temple of Athena Nike surrounded the temple and acted as a guardrail to protect people from falling off the steep bastion. It was elaborately decorated by relief sculptures which were seen best by the visitors ascending the ramp towards the Propylaia. It depicted not a coherent story like the Parthenon frieze, but instead it was decorated with a number of Nike relief sculptures in various states of activity. The parapet was built after the temple was complete, perhaps as late as 410 B.C.E..

Much later in its history in 1687, during Ottoman occupation the temple of Athena Nike was dismantled dismantle v.拆除 when the “Venetians” besieged the Turks at the Acropolis. The Turks used the stones from the temple to build a bastion next to the Propylaia. The “Venetians” finally forced the Turks to surrender after eight days of intense bombardment, and the temple stones remained as part of the bastion until the liberation of Greece. In 1834 during systematic systematic adj.系统的, 体系的 excavations and rebuilding of the Acropolis by Ross and Hansen the bastion was dismantled and the temple was reconstructed during the next four years.

In the late 1930s under the direction of N. Balanos and Orlandos the entire bastion along with the temple was dismantled in order to address structural problems with the substructure and was reconstructed by 1940. In 1998 the temple began a new cycle of reconstruction. The frieze was removed and placed in the Acropolis museum, and the temple dismantled completely once again to replace the corroded concrete floor and the iron beams beam n.梁, 桁条, (光线的)束, 柱, 电波, 横梁 v.播送 that were present as the result of previous reconstructions.

The Acropolis of Athens雅典卫城








