
第3章 城市导航(1)

City Guide

Athens in Your Eyes









Athens, the city of intellect, is part of the Attica basin basin n.盆, 盆地, 水池. Attica is situated in the geographical geographical adj.地理学的, 地理的 center of Greece and is surrounded by the Euboean, Saronic and Corinthian Gulfs. The triangular shape of Attica is easily recognized on the map of Greece, spreading out into the western Aegean Sea. The peninsula ends to the south at Cape Sounion.

The position of Athens in the Attica basin is defined by Mt. Parnitha and Mt. Penteli whose great masses rise above it on the north. Mt. Hymettus dominatesdominate v.支配, 占优势 the east, while to the west are the numerous low hills of Egaleo and Korydallos.

Among all of these hills, is the one that glorified not only Athens, but the whole Greek world and became the symbol of western civilizationcivilization n.文明, 文化, 文明社会 文明, 一个着名游戏的名称: the rock of Acropolis! Athens has developed and spread out in the Attica basin to the point that it has become one with the port of Piraeus, while the suburbs have spilled outside the basin itself.

Athens has a population of five million. It is the country,s heart and the economic and industrial center, as well as the political and cultural center. No matter how crowded it becomes with residents and tourists, it is still hospitable and welcoming.

The structure of the land is characterized by a constant alternationalternation n.交替, 轮流, 间隔 between low mountains and small plains. Bays and rocky or sandy coves dot the coast of Attica. During the summer the beaches are filled with Athenians and others enjoying their beauty.

Greece is the cradle of European civilization, and Athens has been its capital since 1834. There is never a time to be bored or to be at a loss for an interesting activityactivity n.活跃, 活动性, 行动, 行为, [核]放射性 in Athens. Visit the flea market and the bazaarbazaar n.集市, 市场, 杂货店, 百货店 area at Monastiraki, look inside some of the hundreds of tiny Byzantine churches, have a leisurely lunch in a taverna, watch the people walk by, and spend an hour writing in your travel diary.

Athens can seem overwhelmingoverwhelming adj.压倒性的, 无法抵抗的 at first. First of all it is truly massive. The mountains, the rocks, the historic ruins, the panoramic views of valleys and sea: nothing is small. Secondly, it is not scrubbed and polished; it has an ancient, livedin look as befits a city that has been inhabited for over 7000 years. Yet, it is so modern. An interesting feature of Athens is that it is a study in contradictionscontradiction n.反驳, 矛盾! At one moment you will be walking on modern streets with malls and superstores, then make a turn onto a side street and suddenly find yourself in another world with open air meat and fish markets, vegetable and fruit stands, huge pigs, rabbitsrabbit n.兔, 野兔, and cows hanging upside down by their feet, and large shiny, scaly fish being gutted right in front of you.

There are ruins in unexpectedunexpected adj.想不到的, 意外的, 未预料到 places all over the city. What first appears to be a modern street, will have fenced off areas containing parts of ancient toppled columnscolumn n.圆柱, 柱状物, 专栏, 纵队, statues, etc. They have been sitting there for hundreds and hundreds of years, and are now fenced for protection. Repair and restorationrestoration n.恢复, 归还, 复位, 复职, 赔偿, 修补, 重建, 修复物 work is constantly going on. A visit to the Acropolis will include the sight of workmen and ladders everywhere. The ongoingongoing adj.正在进行的 work of preservationpreservation n.保存 is impressive.

Following a visit to the Acropolis, it is an easy downhill stroll to the Agora, the heart of ancient Athens,s political and commercial center. The next stop might be the National Archaeological Museum to see the Mycenaean gold, the classical bronzebronze n.青铜(铜与锡合金), 铜像 adj.青铜色的 statues, and the beautiful frescoes from Akrotiri, the Minoan Pompeii on the island of Santorini. It is hard to leave the Museum, so try to plan for a return visit another day.

The whole family will enjoy a walk (run) through the National Gardens, and will be able to join Greek children in admiringadmiring adj.赞赏的, 钦佩的 the ducks and peacocks in the small zoo. Another peak experience will be the enjoyment of Greek cuisinecuisine n.厨房烹调法, 烹饪, 烹调风格. Huge feta cheese salads with olives, tomatoes, lettuce, and locally produced olive oil are outstanding. The main course of a meal in a taverna specializing in spit roasting is usually a plate of some type of seafood or meat such as chicken, pork, lamb or beef. The meat is grilled on a spit outdoors. Sidew dishes of fruit and vegetables are also availableavailable adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的. Local wines provide a complement to the meal.