
第21章 单词(5)

cauliflower [k :liflau] n. 菜花

chef [∫ef] n. 主厨

Western buffet 西式自助餐

ham [hm] n. 火腿

salad [sld] n. 色拉

ham salad 火腿沙拉

shrimp [rimp] n. 虾;小虾

crab [krb] n. 螃蟹;蟹肉

vegetable [veditbl] n. 蔬菜;植物

mayonnaise [meineiz] n. 蛋黄酱

sausage [ssid] n. 香肠;腊肠

cold meat and sausage 冷肉拼香肠

cold ham with vegetables 冷火腿蔬菜

jelly [deli] n. 果冻

mixed meat jelly 什锦肉冻

cold roast beef 冷烤牛肉

cold roast fillet 冷烤里脊

smoked carp 熏鲤鱼

sardine [sa:di:n] n. 沙丁鱼

fish jelly 鱼肉冻

caviar [kvia:] n. 鱼子酱

black caviar 黑鱼子酱

mince [mins] n. 切碎物 v. 切碎

prawn [pr:n] n. 对虾,明虾

minced prawns 大虾泥

minced crab meat 蟹肉泥

minced duck liver; duck liver paste 鸭肝泥

cold roast turkey 冷烤火鸡

cold roast duck 冷烤鸭

assorted [s:tid] adj. 组合的;各种各样的;混杂的

assorted vegetables 什锦蔬菜

stewed egg-plant brown sauce 红烩茄子

stuffed green pepper 酿青椒

sour mushrooms 酸蘑菇

sour cucumbers; pickled cucumbers 酸黄瓜

pickled cabbage 泡菜

light soup; clear soup; consomme 清汤

thick soup; potage 浓汤

broth [brθ] n. 肉汤

creamed cauliflower soup 奶油菜花汤

creamed mushroom soup 奶油口蘑汤

mixed meat soup 肉杂拌汤

ox-tail soup 牛尾汤

beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤

beef soup with vegetables 牛肉蔬菜汤

beef tea 牛肉茶

chicken soup 鸡汤

chicken soup with mushrooms 口蘑鸡汤

15 点菜 Taking Orders

menu [menju:] n. 菜单

Filet mignon 菲力牛排

broccoli [brkli] n. 西兰花

dessert [dizз:t] n. 甜点

specialty [spedZlti] n. 特色菜

local [lukl] adj. 当地的

dinner [din] n. 晚餐

chowder [taud] n. 杂烩汤; 海鲜杂烩浓汤

rare, medium or well done 嫩点、适中还是火大一点

cuisine [kwizi:n] n. 菜系

bean milk 豆浆

appetizer [pitaiz] n. 开胃小吃

yogurt [jɡt] n. 酸奶

wafer [weif] n. 威化饼

curry [kri] n. 咖喱

condiment [kndimnt] n.(辛辣)调味料

confectionery [knfek()n()ri] n. 糕点糖果

candy [kndi] n. 糖果

broth [brθ] n.(骨头)浓汤

leftovers [leftuv] n. 剩饭,剩菜

skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶

roughage [rfid] n. 纤维食品

pudding [pudi] n. 布丁

milk shake 奶昔

bun [bn] n. 小圆面包

16 入座用餐 Seating

expect [ikspekt] v. 期待

separate [sepreit] adj. 分开的

slippery [slipri] adj. 滑的

seat [si:t] n. 座位 v. 使……坐下

have a seat 就坐

arrive [raiv] v. 到达

follow [flu] n. 跟随;追随 v. 跟随,接着

doorway [d:wei] n. 门口

reserve [riz:v] v. 预订

shortly [dZ:tli] adv. 立刻;简短地

partial [pa:dZl] adj. 偏爱的

serve [s:v] v. 招待、供应

order [:d] v. 命令;定货

order dishes 点菜

seasoning [sizni] n. 调味品

starving [st a:vi] adj. 饥饿的

beefsteak [bi:fsteik] n. 牛排

dessert [diz:t] n. 甜点

special [spedZl] n. 特使,特派人员;特刊;特色菜

sashimi [sdZimi] n. 生鱼片

plum [plm] n. 李子;梅子

syrup of plum 酸梅汤

poached egg 荷包蛋

sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋

omelette [mlt] n. 煎蛋卷

honey [hni] n. 蜂蜜

chlorella [klrel] n. 绿藻

artificial color 人工色素

stewed fish slices with tomato sauce 茄汁烩鱼片

carp [ka:p] n. 鲤鱼

17 餐馆抱怨 Complaints in the Restaurant

fresh [fre∫] adj.新鲜的

unusual [nju:ul] adj. 不寻常的

regular [regjul] adj. 固定的

look into 调查

fussy [fsi] adj.爱挑剔的

taste [teist] v. 品尝

expensive [ikspensiv ] adj. 昂贵的;花钱的

sweet [swi:t] adj. 甜的

cooked done 煮熟的

fresh [fre] adj. 新鲜的

underdone 半生不熟的

burnt [bз:nt] adj.烧焦了的

sour [sau] adj.酸的

bitter [bit] adj.苦的

well-done 熟透的

hot [h t] adj.辣的

salty [s:lti] adj.咸的

spiced [spaisd] adj. 五香的;调过味的;含香料的

fragrant [freiɡrnt] adj. 芳香的;香的

seasoned [si:znd] adj. 调过味的;加作料的

tasteless [teistlis] adj. 无味的

flat [flt] adj. 淡而无味的

greasy [ɡri:zi] adj. 油腻的;含脂肪多的

bland [blnd] adj.清淡的;乏味的

light [lait] adj. 清淡的

dried [draid] adj. 没水分的;弄干了的

raw [r:] adj. 生的,未煮的

tough [tf] adj. 老的,过硬的

overcooked [,uvkukt] adj. 煮得过久的

pink [pik] adj. 夹生的,没熟透的

18 喝茶 Drinking Tea

teahouse [ti:haus] n. 茶馆;茶室

enjoy [inddZi] v. 品尝,享受

enjoy tea 品茶

tea-things 茶具

teapoy [ti:pi] n. 茶几;三脚小桌

pot [pt] n. 茶壶

teacup [ti:kp] n. 茶杯

spoon [spu:n] n. 勺子,汤匙

strainer [strein] n. 过滤器

tea-strainer 滤茶器

tea strainer spoon 滤茶勺

saucer [s:s] n. 茶托,浅碟

Time for Tea 饮茶时光

drink [drik] v. 喝,饮

way of tea drinking 饮茶方式

tea party 茶话会

ceremony [serimni] n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼

tea ceremony 茶道

order [ :d] v. 点(菜或饮料)

serve [s:v] v. 提供

iced [aist] adj. 冰过的

strong [str dZ] adj.(味道、气味)浓烈的

spill [spil] v. 溢出

blade [bleid] n. 叶片

black tea 红茶

green tea 绿茶

iced tea 冰茶

fine powder tea 抹茶

oolong [u:ldZ] n. 乌龙茶(中国名茶之一)

white tipped oolong 白毫乌龙

green blade 煎茶

dragon well 龙井

green spiral 碧螺春

robe tea 大红袍

cassia tea 肉桂

Iron mercy goddess 铁观音

jasmine tea 茉莉花茶

rose bulb 玫瑰绣球

gongfu black 功夫红茶

smoke black 烟熏红茶

roast oolong 熟火乌龙

anji white leaf 安吉白茶

liuan leaf 六安瓜片

19 买单 Paying the Bill

extra [ekstr] adj. 额外的

pay for 付款

cook [kuk] v. 烹调,烧煮

separately [sepritli] adv. 分别地

tip [tip] n. 小费

receipt [risi:t] n. 收据,收条

bill [bil] n. 帐单

tab [tb] n. 账单

note [nut] n. 票据;纸币;便笺

discount [diskaunt] n. 折扣;贴现率 v. 贴现;打折扣出售商品

half price 半价

change [teind] n. 找回的零钱;变化

no change 零钱做小费,不用找了

charge [ta:d] n. 费用 v. 索价;记在账上;对……索费

cash [kdZ] n. 现款,现金 v. 将……兑现;支付现款

in cash 现金付款

check [tek] n. 支票

swipe [swaip] v. 刷……卡

swiping card 刷卡

card [ka:d] n. 卡片;纸牌;明信片

debit [debit] v. 记入借方,登入借方 n. 借方

debit card 借记卡;签帐卡;提款卡

by debit card 信用卡付款

debit note 收款票,发票

invoice [invis] n. 发票 v. 开发票;记清单

Dutch [dt] adv. 费用平摊地;各自付账地

go Dutch 各自付帐

treat [tri:t] n. 请客;款待 v. 请客

my treat 我请客

20 野餐 Having a Picnic

picnic [piknik] n. 野餐

have picnic 吃野餐

junket [ddZkit] n. 野餐;游览 v. 野餐;去郊游

Picnic Basket野餐篮;旅行篮;野餐篮子;户外用品

camp [kmp] n. 露营 v. 露营;扎营

go camping 去野营

supply [splai] n. 物资;供应品

picnic supplies 野餐食品;旅行用品;野餐用品

tent [tent] n. 帐篷;住处;帷幕 v. 住帐蓬;暂时居住

grill [ɡril] n. 烤架,铁格子;烤肉

roast [rust] v. 烘烤

blood [bld] n. 血,血液

bloody [bldi] adj. 血腥的;不熟的

fantastic [fntstik] adj. 极好的

bush [bu] n. 灌木;矮树丛

fire [fai] n. 火;炉火; 火灾 v. 点燃; 烧制; 开火; 打枪

bonfire [bnfai] n. 篝火;营火

camp-fire 篝火; 营火

crackle [krkl] n. 裂纹;爆裂声 v. 发出爆裂声;使产生碎裂花纹

crackling [krkli] v. 发爆裂声

a crackling camp-fire 噼啪作响的营火

flame [fleim] n. 火焰

light [lait] v. 点着;点燃;着火;照亮

lighter [lait] n. 打火机;点火者

grass [ɡra:s] n. 草;草地,草坪

wood [wud] n. 木材;木制品; 柴火; 小树林

add……to 给……添加

put out 熄灭

hunt [hnt] n. 狩猎;搜寻 v. 打猎;搜寻

go hunting 打猎;去打猎;狩猎

Chapter 3 住

01 租房 Renting a House

02 购买房产 Buying a House

03 装修房子 Decorating the House

04 搬家 Moving House

05 起床 Getting up

06 洗漱 Washing Ones Face

07 出门之前 Before Leaving Home

08 回家后 After Coming back

09 做家务 Doing Chores

10 养宠物 Keeping a Pet

11 看医生 Seeing a Doctor

12 去干洗店 Going to the Laundry

13 银行存取 Deposite and Withdraw

14 寄东西Mailing Stuff

15. 邻里关系 Neighborhood

16 走亲访友

17. 请客吃饭 Inviting to Dinner

18. 读书看报 Reading

19 看电视 Watching TV

20. 准备就寝 Going to Bed

1 租房 Renting a House

district [distrikt] n. 地区