
第66章 It Worked

Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work。His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he did not do something about it。So Tom went to his doctor。The doctor gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed。Tom slept well,and in fact,beat the alarm in the morning。He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work。

“Boss”he said,“the pill actually worked!”

“That’s all fine”said the boss。“But where were you yesterday?”





be mad at对……愤怒

例:He was mad at missing his train。他为没赶上火车而恼火。


例:The manager fired Bob because he was always late for work。鲍勃因上班总迟到而被经理解雇。


例:He enjoyed a leisurely bath。他悠然自得地洗了个澡。


例:She went cheerfully about her work。她高高兴兴地做她的工作。


① 疯了的,发疯的,神经错乱的,如:Don’t fight with him。He is a mad man。别跟他打架,他是疯子。

② 恼火的,发怒的,如:When the boss gets mad,leave him alone。当老板生气时,不要理他。

③ 狂热的;着迷的,如:He is mad for fame。他疯狂地追求名誉。

④ 愚蠢的,如:His mad mistakes amused all of us。他愚蠢的错误使我们大家都发笑了。


A little fire is quickly trodden out。[谚]星星之火,容易踩灭。

altar/sacred fire真挚的爱,神圣的爱

amid fire and thunder轰轰烈烈

a running fire连发,连射;一连串的批评[指责,发问]

between two fires腹背受敌;在两面夹攻中;进退维谷,左右为难