
第12章 城市导航City Guide(10)

剑桥有31所学院,其中三所是女子学院,两所是研究生院。其余的招收各种进行深造学习和研究的学生。剑桥的学院集中了城市里的建筑精华,因为这些建筑都是国王、女王、主教、贵族和富人遗孀们建的,他们吸引来很多慷慨的赞助,用地用钱毫不吝惜。所以剑桥的学院请最好的设计师设计出了反映英国700年建筑风貌的经典建筑。 几世纪以来,从牛顿到霍金,剑桥的巨大科学成就举世公认。剑桥出了13位英国首相,并有78位诺贝尔奖得主与剑桥大学有密切联系。


国王学院的礼拜堂是剑桥的荣耀,也是公认的全欧最出色的哥特式建筑。从教堂唱诗班吟唱的圣诞颂歌,传遍世界各角落,连圣母峰下的营者都在聆听! 皇后学院并不是剑桥最响亮的学院。它最有名的建筑是跨过剑河的一座木桥,名叫“数学桥”。木桥初造于1794年,是一座利用实用数学原理,完全不用钉子却坚固无比的桥。1867年有个维多利亚人将它整个拆除,以至后来必须加上铁螺钉才恢复了原状。三一学院毫无疑问是剑桥最大也最着名的学院。这是远出过牛顿、培根,近出过怀海德、罗素、维根斯坦的学院。在三一的大门左边草坪上,有一棵矮小的苹果树,据说它就是牛顿悟“道”的“菩提树”。

剑桥自古以来就是有名的大学城,20世纪对整个世界产生了巨大影响。城里中世纪的建筑,狭窄的街道,古老的街区和花园无一不在讲述着它的过去。剑桥的现代主义和创新精神又使它拥有科技含量相当高的工业部门、购物中心、剧院、博物馆和画廊。 着名的国王学院合唱团的演出自1928年起就在圣诞前夜向世界各地播出。这支男子合唱团由16名国王学院合唱学校的中学生和16名国王学院的声乐学者组成。


Cambridge is the city of history, literary and romanceromance n.冒险故事, 浪漫史, 传奇文学, 风流韵事, 虚构 vi.写传奇, 渲染, 虚构.

Cambridge is located about 60 miles (100 Km) from London, which distance is smiliar to Oxford from London. Oxford lies to the west but Cambridge to the north.

Cambridge has been described as one of the most beautiful cities in Britain and whatever time of year you visit, it has plenty to offer. Walk along the Backs, the famous grasscovered banks of the River Cam, which are carpeted with daffodils in Spring. In Summer, take a punt along the river and enjoy the architectural glories of the riverside colleges. At King,s College Chapel, the best known of all Cambridge buildings, you may be lucky enough to hear the worldfamous choirchoir n.唱诗班, 唱诗班的席位.

Cambridge is unique and interesting at any time of year, and there is plenty for every visitor to see and do. The city manages to combine its role as an historic city with a worldrenowned university and, in recent years, an internationally acknowledged centre of excellence for technology and science. The city is surrounded on all sides by heritage villages and towns and ancient monumentsmonument n.纪念碑, all within easy travelling distance.

Cambridge is well known as a university town. Its university was founded in the eleventh century by disaffected academics from Oxford University. The oldest building from that time is in St. John,s College but the oldest surviving college is Peterhouse. Peterhouse is the first college in Cambridge in 1284 founded by Hugh de Balsham, Bishop of Ely.

Until now there are thirtyone colleges to form the University of Cambridge; many of them are architectural gems, founded by Kings, Queens, bishops, noblemen and wealthy patrons. Such as Churchill College (1960) is a National and Commonwealth memorial to the great war time Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, but the latest college Robinson College was founded in 1977 by a local millionaire.

Nevertheless, Cambridge was important long before the university existed. Full history of Cambridge city can be seen here.

Cambridge is no longer a sleepy university cum market town. It is a bustling city of over 109,000 people in the vanguardvanguard n.前锋, 先锋, 领导者 of the hightechnology revolution. It is a city with many good shops, international conferences, museums and galleries, with a wide variety of restaurants and exciting fetivals each summer.

Cambridge is small but has the best of all worlds. Cambridge is a city to be enjoyed for all Seasons!