
第28章 名校风采Famous Universities(3)

伦敦大学(University of London)是英国历史最为悠久的大学之一,1836年即获得了由国会颁发的皇家特许状。伦敦大学是由40多所不同学院和研究院、所联合而成的综合大学,是英国办学规模最大、学科设置最全的综合大学。20世纪60年代,随着英国高等教育的迅速发展,伦敦大学的规模也急剧扩大。


伦敦大学下属19个学院和其他研究所,有着名的帝国理工、伦敦商学院、伦敦经济学院等世界一流的学院,在世界上享有极高的声誉。有些学院为专科学院(如伦敦经济学院和伦敦卫生与热带医学院),而其他学院则为多系科学院(如皇家Holloway学院、伦敦国王学院和伦敦帝国学院)。专科研究院包括美国研究院。这些学院和研究所在一起构成了研究和教学质量闻名于世的一流大学。共有120 000多名学生来到英国在伦敦大学就读,另有32 000多名学生攻读本校的校外学习课程。

The University of London is a federation of colleges which together constitute one of the world,s largest universities. Approximatley 5 percent of all UK students attend one of its colleges, which include some of the most prestigious places of study in the world. Many universities in Britain and abroad began life as associate colleges of the university, offering its degrees under licence. In recent years this aspect of the university,s work has revivedrevive v.(使)苏醒, (使)复兴, (使)复活, (使)再生效, 回想 due to the globalisation of the education market, and an increasing number of overseas academic institutes offer University of London diplomas and degrees. The main offices of the University of London are at Senate House in Bloomsbury, which includes a substantial library and the residence of the chancellor.

Founded in 1836, the university at first comprised just two colleges, University College London (UCL) and King,s College London (KCL), but now has over 15, many of which are major institutions in their own right. Besides UCL and King,s, the most famous are Imperial College, the London School of Economics (LSE), Queen Mary (QMUL), Royal Holloway (RHUL), Goldsmiths College, and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). The predecessor of the University of Southampton was a constituent college of the University of London up to 1952, when Southampton was granted its own Royal Charter.

The university is a federal body made up of a number of highly autonomous colleges and institutes, widely scattered across greater London. For most practical purposes, its constituent colleges are treated as individual universities. Under English law, some of these are Recognised Bodies with the authority to grant their own degrees (which means that they enjoy the same status as other institutions with their own degreeawarding power), while others are Listed Bodies that offer courses leading to degrees from the University of London (which means that they have the same status as the constitutent institutions of the University of Wales and the colleges of Oxford, Cambridge, and Durham).

The University of London is a federal University and is among the oldest, largest and most diverse universities in the UK. Established by Royal Charter in 1836, the University is recognised globally as a world leader in Higher Education and comprises 19 selfgoverning Colleges of outstandingoutstanding adj.突出的, 显着的 eputation, together with a number of acclaimed central academic Institutes and Activities.

The University of London has a student population of 125,000 with a further 34,000 students studying by distance learning on the University,s External Programme.

The central University manages various student services for and on behalf of the Colleges and Institutes as well as administrating the External System for distance learners.

The Colleges and Institutes differ in size, age and tradition as well as in the courses of study they offer. Some are multifaculty institutions with large student populations, whilst others are specialist and smaller in size.

All award the University of London degrees.

Virtually every subject covered in any university curriculum can be studied at the Colleges and Institutes of the University of London. Subjects can be studied at various levels and lead to the award of foundation, undergraduate, taught postgraduate and research degrees, or to diplomasdiploma n.文凭, 毕业证书, 证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书, 奖状 or certificatescertificate n.证书, 证明书 vt.发给证明书, 以证书形式授权给…….

Most courses are offered on a fulltime basis, but there are also many opportunities to study parttime for a degree, diploma or certificate, or to study by distance learning.

Through the quality of the teaching and research at the Colleges and Institutes, the University of London has an outstanding international reputation.

The University of Birmingham



伯明翰大学是英国10所最杰出的研究型大学之一。2001年更被评为英国在研究方面最出色的五所的大学之一,其地位仅次于剑桥、牛津、UCL、曼大,排名第五。作为全球21所国际知名大学(Universitas 21 )组成的国际基础研究中心协会的创始会员,伯明翰大学在32个研究领域处于顶级地位, 2000~2001年从研究项目中获利6300万英镑。除了从事所有重要学科的教学科研,伯明翰大学还吸引了100多个国家的高质量的学生前来就读。现有在校学生2万多人,其中博士及硕士研究生约占1/3。




The University of Birmingham was founded in 1900 by the citizens of Birmingham who wanted their own university to train and educate the people who would create and manage the burgeoning businesses and industries of the midlands. It was natural, given the nature of Birmingham,s industry, that the University should, from the start, teach the major scientific and engineering disciplines. It was also the first UK university to establish a Faculty of Commerce and incorporate a medical school. The modern University is equally distinguished in the humanitieshumanities n.人文学科, education, social sciences and law. It is recognized as one of the leading researchbased universities in the United Kingdom.