书城公版A Daughter of Eve

第33章 SUICIDE(2)

This loan from du Tillet was already made when Florine returned with fifty thousand francs.Instead of creating a savings fund with that sum,Raoul,certain of success (simply because he felt it was necessary),and already humiliated at having accepted the actress's money,deceived Florine as to his actual position,and persuaded her to employ the money in refurnishing her house.The actress,who did not need persuasion,not only spent the sum in hand,but she burdened herself with a debt of thirty thousand francs,with which she obtained a charming little house all to herself in the rue Pigale,whither her old society resorted.Raoul had reserved the production of his great piece,in which was a part especially suited to Florine,until her return.This comedy-vaudeville was to be Raoul's farewell to the stage.The newspapers,with that good nature which costs nothing,prepared the way for such an ovation to Florine that even the Theatre-Francais talked of engaging her.The feuilletons proclaimed her the heiress of Mars.

This triumph was sufficiently dazzling to prevent Florine from carefully studying the ground on which Nathan was advancing;she lived,for the time being,in a round of festivities and glory.

According to those about her,he was now a great political character;he was justified in his enterprise;he would certainly be a deputy,probably a minister in course of time,like so many others.As for Nathan himself,he firmly believed that in the next session of the Chamber he should find himself in government with two other journalists,one of whom,already a minister,was anxious to associate some of his own craft with himself,and so consolidate his power.

After a separation of six months,Nathan met Florine again with pleasure,and returned easily to his old way of life.All his comforts came from the actress,but he embroidered the heavy tissue of his life with the flowers of ideal passion;his letters to Marie were masterpieces of grace and style.Nathan made her the light of his life;he undertook nothing without consulting his "guardian angel."In despair at being on the popular side,he talked of going over to that of the aristocracy;but,in spite of his habitual agility,even he saw the absolute impossibility of such a jump;it was easier to become a minister.Marie's precious replies were deposited in one of those portfolios with patent locks made by Huret or Fichet,two mechanics who were then waging war in advertisements and posters all over Paris,as to which could make the safest and most impenetrable locks.

This portfolio was left about in Florine's new boudoir,where Nathan did much of his work.No one is easier to deceive than a woman to whom a man is in the habit of telling everything;she has no suspicions;she thinks she sees and hears and knows all.Besides,since her return,Nathan had led the most regular of lives under her very nose.

Never did she imagine that that portfolio,which she hardly glanced at as it lay there unconcealed,contained the letters of a rival,treasures of admiring love which the countess addressed,at Raoul's request,to the office of his newspaper.

Nathan's situation was,therefore,to all appearance,extremely brilliant.He had many friends.The two plays lately produced had succeeded well,and their proceeds supplied his personal wants and relieved him of all care for the future.His debt to du Tillet,"his friend,"did not make him in the least uneasy.

"Why distrust a friend?"he said to Blondet,who from time to time would cast a doubt on his position,led to do so by his general habit of analyzing.

"But we don't need to distrust our enemies,"remarked Florine.

Nathan defended du Tillet;he was the best,the most upright of men.

This existence,which was really that of a dancer on the tight rope without his balance-pole,would have alarmed any one,even the most indifferent,had it been seen as it really was.Du Tillet watched it with the cool eye and the cynicism of a parvenu.Through the friendly good humor of his intercourse with Raoul there flashed now and then a malignant jeer.One day,after pressing his hand in Florine's boudoir and watching him as he got into his carriage,du Tillet remarked to Lousteau (envier par excellence):--"That fellow is off to the Bois in fine style to-day,but he is just as likely,six months hence,to be in a debtor's prison.""He?never!"cried Lousteau."He has Florine.""How do you know that he'll keep her?As for you,who are worth a dozen of him,I predict that you will be our editor-in-chief within six months."In October Nathan's notes to du Tillet fell due,and the banker graciously renewed them,but for two months only,with the discount added and a fresh loan.Sure of victory,Raoul was not afraid of continuing to put his hand in the bag.Madame Felix de Vandenesse was to return in a few days,a month earlier than usual,brought back,of course,by her unconquerable desire to see Nathan,who felt that he could not be short of money at a time when he renewed that assiduous life.