书城公版The Lesser Bourgeoisie


"Monsieur talks lightly enough," continued Madame Lambert, "though that brigand has carried off my savings. But I gave them to monsieur, and monsieur is answerable to me for them; he is the only one I know in this transaction.""Hey?" said la Peyrade to Thuillier, pointing to Madame Lambert, whose whole demeanor had something of the mother-wolf suddenly bereft of her cubs; "is that nature? tell me! Do you think now that madame and I are playing a comedy for your benefit?""I am thunderstruck at Cerizet's audacity," said Thuillier. "I am overwhelmed with my own stupidity; there is nothing for me to do but to submit myself entirely to your discretion.""Madame," said la Peyrade, gaily, "excuse me for thus frightening you;the notary Dupuis is still a very saintly man, and quite incapable of doing an injury to his clients. As for monsieur here, it was necessary that I should prove to him that you had really placed that money in my hands; he is, however, another myself, and your secret, though known to him, is as safe as it is with me.""Oh, very good, monsieur!" said Madame Lambert. "I suppose these gentlemen have no further need of me?""No, my dear madame, and I beg you to pardon me for the little terror I was compelled to occasion you."Madame Lambert turned to leave the room with all the appearance of respectful humility, but when she reached the door, she retraced her steps, and coming close to la Peyrade said, in her smoothest tones:--"When does monsieur expect to be able to refund me that money?""But I told you," said la Peyrade, stiffly, "that notaries never return on demand the money placed in their hands.""Does monsieur think that if I went to see Monsieur Dupuis himself and asked him--""I think," said la Peyrade, interrupting her, "that you would do a most ridiculous thing. He received the money from me in my own name, as you requested, and he knows only me in the matter.""Then monsieur will be so kind, will he not, as to get back that money for me as soon as possible? I am sure I would not wish to press monsieur, but in two or three months from now I may want it; I have heard of a little property it would suit me to buy.""Very good, Madame Lambert," said la Peyrade, with well-concealed irritation, "it shall be done as you wish; and in less time, perhaps, than you have stated I shall hope to return your money to you.""That won't inconvenience monsieur, I trust," said the woman; "he told me that at the first indiscretion I committed--""Yes, yes, that is all understood," said la Peyrade, interrupting her.

"Then I have the honor to be the very humble servant of these gentlemen," said Madame Lambert, now departing definitively.

"You see, my friend, the trouble you have got me into," said la Peyrade to Thuillier as soon as they were alone, "and to what I am exposed by my kindness in satisfying your diseased mind. That debt was dormant; it was in a chronic state; and you have waked it up and made it acute. The woman brought me the money and insisted on my keeping it, at a good rate of interest. I refused at first; then I agreed to place it in Dupuis's hands, explaining to her that it couldn't be withdrawn at once; but subsequently, when Dutocq pressed me, Idecided, after all, to keep it myself."

"I am dreadfully sorry, dear friend, for my silly credulity. But don't be uneasy about the exactions of that woman; we will manage to arrange all that, even if I have to make you an advance upon Celeste's 'dot.'""My excellent friend," said la Peyrade, "it is absolutely necessary that we should talk over our private arrangements; to tell you the truth, I have no fancy for being hauled up every morning and questioned as to my conduct. Just now, while waiting for that woman, Idrew up a little agreement, which you and I will discuss and sign, if you please, before the first number of the paper is issued.""But," said Thuillier, "our deed of partnership seems to me to settle--""--that by a paltry forfeit of five thousand francs, as stated in Article 14," interrupted Theodose, "you can put me, when you choose, out of doors. No, I thank you! After my experience to-day, I want some better security than that."At this moment Cerizet with a lively and all-conquering air, entered the room.

"My masters!" he exclaimed, "I've brought the money; and we can now sign the bond."Then, remarking that his news was received with extreme coldness, he added:--"Well? what is it?"

"It is this," replied Thuillier: "I refuse to be associated with double-face men and calumniators. We have no need of you or your money; and I request you not to honor these precincts any longer with your presence.""Dear! dear! dear!" said Cerizet; "so papa Thuillier has let the wool be pulled over his eyes again!""Leave the room!" said Thuillier; "you have nothing more to do here.""Hey, my boy!" said Cerizet, turning to la Peyrade, "so you've twisted the old bourgeois round your finger again? Well, well, no matter! Ithink you are ****** a mistake not to go and see du Portail, and Ishall tell him--"

"Leave this house!" cried Thuillier, in a threatening tone.

"Please remember, my dear monsieur, that I never asked you to employ me; I was well enough off before you sent for me, and I shall be after. But I'll give you a piece of advice: don't pay the twenty-five thousand francs out of your own pocket, for that's hanging to your nose."So saying, Cerizet put his thirty-three thousand francs in banknotes back into his wallet, took his hat from the table, carefully smoothed the nap with his forearm and departed.