书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


Spinola, Spanish marquis and general who served his country with all his genius for naught (1571-1630)Squire Sullen (see Farquhar's The Beaux Stratagem)Squire Western, the genial fox-hunting Squire of Fielding's Tom JonesStatius, a Latin poet (61-96 A.D.), author of the Thebais, who lived at the Court of DomitianSteenkirk, a neckcloth of black silk, said to have been first worn at the battle of Steenkirk, 1692Stepney, George, a smart but somewhat licentious minor poet who translated Juvenal (1663-1707)Sternholds, metrical translators of the Psalms, so called from Thomas Sternhold, whose version of 1562 held the field for 200yearsSt James's, the London residence of the Georges; Leicester Square, the residence of the Princes of WalesStowell, Lord, Advocate-General, judge of the High Court of Admiralty, etc., etc., the greatest English authority on International Law (1745-1836)Strahan, Dr., vicar of Islington and friend of Johnson, whose Prayers and Meditations he editedStreatham Park, the home of the Thrales.At St.John's Gate in Clerkenwell, the Gentleman's Magazine was long printedSimon, Duc de, ambassador to Spain and the writer of amusing and Valuable memoirs.An uncompromising aristocratSweden gained Western PomeraniaSwerga, the Hindu Olympus an the summit of Mount Meru TAMERLANE, the great Asiatic conqueror (1336-1405), whose empire reached from the Levant to the GangesTanais, the river Don in Eastern RussiaTate, Nahum, succeeded Shadwell in 1690 as poet-laureate; mainly remembered by his collaboration with Nicholas Brady in a metrical version of the PsalmsTelemachus, the son of Ulysses, whose search for his father was only successful when he returned home.Fenelon, the great French divine (1651-1715), wrote of his adventuresThales, flourished c.600 B.C., and held that water was the primal and universal principle,Thalia, the muse of Comedy and one of the three GracesTheobalds, a Hertfordshire hamlet where James I.had a beautiful residence, originally built by BurleighThiebault, Professor of Grammar at Frederic's military schoolThirlby, Styan, Fellow of Jesus Colleges Cambridge.He edited Justin Martyr's Works and contributed to Theobald's Shakespeare with acumen and ingenuity (c.1692-1753)Thraso, a braggart captain in Terence's EunuchThree Bishoprics, those of Lorraine, Metz, and Verdun taken from the Germans by Henry II.of France in 1554 and recovered in 1871Thundering Legion, the Roman legion which overcame Marcomanni in 179 A.D., their extreme thirst having been relieved by a thunderstorm sent in answer to the prayers of Christian soldiers in its ranksThurtell, John, a notorious boxer and gambler (b.1794) who was hanged at Hertford on Jan.9, 1824, for the brutal murder of William Weare, one of his boon companionsTickell, Thomas, a politician, minor poet, and occasional contributor to the Spectator and the Guardian (1686-1740)Tillotson, John Robert.Trained as a Puritan, he conformed to the Episcopal Church at the Restoration and ultimately became Archbishop of Canterbury a man of tolerant and moderate views like Baxter and Burnet, and unlike CollierTilly, Johann Tserklaes, Count of, the great Catholic general of the Thirty Years War; mortally wounded at Rain in 1632Tiresias, in Greek mythology a soothsayer on whom Zeus conferred the gift of prophecy in compensation for the blindness with which Athens had struck himTreatise on the Bathos, "The Art of Sinking in Poetry," a work projected by Arbuthnot, Swift, and Pope, and mainly written by the last-namedTreaty of the Pyrenees, between France and Spain, 1659Trissotin, simpering literary dabbler in Moliere's Les Femmes SavantesTurgot, a French statesman 727-81) who held the doctrines of the philosophe party and was for nearly two years manager of the national finances under Louis XVI.