书城公版An Old Maid



Most persons have encountered, in certain provinces in France, a number of Chevaliers de Valois.One lived in Normandy, another at Bourges, a third (with whom we have here to do) flourished in Alencon, and doubtless the South possesses others.The number of the Valesian tribe is, however, of no consequence to the present tale.All these chevaliers, among whom were doubtless some who were Valois as Louis XIV.was Bourbon, knew so little of one another that it was not advisable to speak to one about the others.They were all willing to leave the Bourbons in tranquil possession of the throne of France; for it was too plainly established that Henri IV.became king for want of a male heir in the first Orleans branch called the Valois.If there are any Valois, they descend from Charles de Valois, Duc d'Angouleme, son of Charles IX.and Marie Touchet, the male line from whom ended, until proof to the contrary be produced, in the person of the Abbe de Rothelin.The Valois-Saint-Remy, who descended from Henri II., also came to an end in the famous Lamothe-Valois implicated in the affair of the Diamond Necklace.

Each of these many chevaliers, if we may believe reports, was, like the Chevalier of Alencon, an old gentleman, tall, thin, withered, and moneyless.He of Bourges had emigrated; he of Touraine hid himself; he of Alencon fought in La Vendee and "chouanized" somewhat.The youth of the latter was spend in Paris, where the Revolution overtook him when thirty years of age in the midst of his conquests and gallantries.

The Chevalier de Valois of Alencon was accepted by the highest aristocracy of the province as a genuine Valois; and he distinguished himself, like the rest of his homonyms, by excellent manners, which proved him a man of society.He dined out every day, and played cards every evening.He was thought witty, thanks to his foible for relating a quantity of anecdotes on the reign of Louis XV.and the beginnings of the Revolution.When these tales were heard for the first time, they were held to be well narrated.He had, moreover, the great merit of not repeating his personal bons mots and of never speaking of his love-affairs, though his smiles and his airs and graces were delightfully indiscreet.The worthy gentleman used his privilege as a Voltairean noble to stay away from mass; and great indulgence was shown to his irreligion because of his devotion to the royal cause.

One of his particular graces was the air and manner (imitated, no doubt, from Mole) with which he took snuff from a gold box adorned with the portrait of the Princess Goritza,--a charming Hungarian, celebrated for her beauty in the last years of the reign of Louis XV.

Having been attached during his youth to that illustrious stranger, he still mentioned her with emotion.For her sake he had fought a duel with Monsieur de Lauzun.

The chevalier, now fifty-eight years of age, owned to only fifty; and he might well allow himself that innocent deception, for, among the other advantages granted to fair thin persons, he managed to preserve the still youthful figure which saves men as well as women from an appearance of old age.Yes, remember this: all of life, or rather all the elegance that expresses life, is in the figure.Among the chevalier's other possessions must be counted an enormous nose with which nature had endowed him.This nose vigorously divided a pale face into two sections which seemed to have no knowledge of each other, for one side would redden under the process of digestion, while the other continued white.This fact is worthy of remark at a period when physiology is so busy with the human heart.The incandescence, so to call it, was on the left side.Though his long slim legs, supporting a lank body, and his pallid skin, were not indicative of health, Monsieur de Valois ate like an ogre and declared he had a malady called in the provinces "hot liver," perhaps to excuse his monstrous appetite.The circumstance of his singular flush confirmed this declaration; but in a region where repasts are developed on the line of thirty or forty dishes and last four hours, the chevalier's stomach would seem to have been a blessing bestowed by Providence on the good town of Alencon.According to certain doctors, heat on the left side denotes a prodigal heart.The chevalier's gallantries confirmed this scientific assertion, the responsibility for which does not rest, fortunately, on the historian.

In spite of these symptoms, Monsieur de Valois' constitution was vigorous, consequently long-lived.If his liver "heated," to use an old-fashioned word, his heart was not less inflammable.His face was wrinkled and his hair silvered; but an intelligent observer would have recognized at once the stigmata of passion and the furrows of pleasure which appeared in the crow's-feet and the marches-du-palais, so prized at the court of Cythera.Everything about this dainty chevalier bespoke the "ladies' man." He was so minute in his ablutions that his cheeks were a pleasure to look upon; they seemed to have been laved in some miraculous water.The part of his skull which his hair refused to cover shone like ivory.His eyebrows, like his hair, affected youth by the care and regularity with which they were combed.His skin, already white, seemed to have been extra-whitened by some secret compound.

Without using perfumes, the chevalier exhaled a certain fragrance of youth, that refreshed the atmosphere.His hands, which were those of a gentleman, and were cared for like the hands of a pretty woman, attracted the eye to their rosy, well-shaped nails.In short, had it not been for his magisterial and stupendous nose, the chevalier might have been thought a trifle too dainty.