

Troops Returning from France

Although American troops did not take part on a large scale until the last phase of the war in 1918,several battalions of infantry were in the trenches by October,1917,and had their first severe encounter with the Germans early in November.In January,1918,they took over a part of the front line as an American sector.In March,General Pershing placed ourforces at the disposal of General Foch,commander-in-chief of the Allied armies.The first division,which entered the Montdidier salient in April,soon was engaged with the enemy,"taking with splendid dash the town of Cantigny and all other objectives,which were organized and held steadfastly against vicious counter attacks and galling artillery fire."

When the Germans launched their grand drives toward the Marne and Paris,in June and July,1918,every available man was placed at General Foch's command.At Belleau Wood,at Ch?teau-Thierry,and other points along the deep salient made by the Germans into the French lines,American soldiers distinguished themselves by heroic action.They also played an important r?le in the counter attack that "smashed"the salient and drove the Germans back.

In September,American troops,with French aid,"wiped out"the German salient at St.Mihiel.By this time General Pershing was ready for the great American drive to the northeast in the Argonne forest,while he also co?perated with the British in the assault on the Hindenburg line.In the Meuse-Argonne battle,our soldiers encountered some of the most severe fighting of the war andpressed forward steadily against the most stubborn resistance from the enemy.On the 6th of November,reported General Pershing,"a division of the first corps reached a point on the Meuse opposite Sedan,twenty-five miles from our line of departure.The strategical goal which was our highest hope was gained.We had cut the enemy's main line of communications and nothing but a surrender or an armistice could save his army from complete disaster."Five days later the end came.On the morning of November 11,the order to cease firing went into effect.The German army was in rapid retreat and demoralization had begun.The Kaiser had abdicated and fled into Holland.The Hohenzollern dreams of empire were shattered.In the fifty-second month,the World War,involving nearly every civilized nation on the globe,was brought to a close.More than 75,000American soldiers and sailors had given their lives.More than 250,000had been wounded or were missing or in German prison camps.

Western Battle Lines of the Various Years of the World WarThe Settlement at ParisThe Peace Conference.-On January 18,1919,a conference of the Allied and Associated Powers assembled to pronounce judgment upon the German empire and its defeated satellites:Austria-Hungary,Bulgaria,and Turkey.It was a moving spectacle.Seventy-two delegates spoke for thirty-two states.The United States,Great Britain,France,Italy,and Japan had five delegates each.Belgium,Brazil,and Serbia were each assigned three.Canada,Australia,SouthPremiers Lloyd George,Orlando and Clémenceau and President Wilson at ParisAfrica,India,China,Greece,Hedjaz,Poland,Portugal,Ru-mania,Siam,and Czechoslo-vakia were allotted two apiece.The remaining states of New Zealand,Bolivia,Cuba,Ecua-dor,Guatemala,Haiti,Hondu-ras,Liberia,Nicaragua,Pan-ama,Peru,and Uruguay each had one delegate.President Wilson spoke in person for the United States.England,France,and Italy were represented by their premiers:David LloydGeorge,Georges Clémenceau,and Vittorio Orlando.

The Supreme Council.-The real work of the settlement was first commit-ted to a Supreme Council of ten representing the United States,Great Britain,France,Italy,and Japan.This was later reduced to five members.Then Japan dropped out and finally Italy,leaving only President Wilson and the Premiers,Lloyd George and Clémenceau,the "Big Three,"who assumed the burden of mighty decisions.On May 6,their work was completed and in a secret session of the full conference the whole treaty of peace was approved,though a few of the powers made reservations or objections.The next day the treaty was pre-sented to the Germans who,after prolonged protests,signed on the last day of grace,June 28.This German treaty was followed by agreements with Austria,Hungary,Bulgaria,and Turkey.Collectively these great documents formed the legal basis of the general European settlement.

The Terms of the Settlement.-The combined treaties make a huge volume.The German treaty alone embraces about 80,000words.Collectively they cover an immense range of subjects which may be summarized under five heads:(1)The territorial settlement in Europe;(2)the destruction of German military power;(3)reparations for damages done by Germany and her allies;(4)the dis-position of German colonies and protectorates;and (5)the League of Nations.

Germany was reduced by the cession of Alsace-Lorraine to France and the loss of several other provinces.Austria-Hungary was dissolved and dismembered.Russia was reduced by the creation of new states on the west.Bulgaria was stripped of her gains in the recent Balkan wars.Turkey was dismembered.Nine new independent states were created:Poland,Finland,Lithuania,Latvia,Esthonia,Ukraine,Czechoslovakia,Armenia,and Hedjaz.

Italy,Greece,Rumania,and Serbia were enlarged by cessions of territory and Serbia was transformed into the great state of Jugoslavia.