
第3章 The Princessand the Puma(3)

“The old rascalrascal n.流氓, 无赖, 坏蛋, 淘气鬼 adj.不诚实的,卑鄙的, 下贱的 ran away from camp yesterday.” answered Givens readily. “Its a wonder the coyotes didnt scare him to death. You see, Jim Webster, our horse wranglerwrangler n.争论者, brought a little terrier pup into camp last week. The pup made life miserable for Bill—he used to chase him around and chew his hind legs for hours at a time. Every night when bedtimebedtime n.就寝时间 came Bill would sneak under one of the boys blankets and sleep to keep the pup from finding him. I reckon he must have been worried pretty desperatedesperate adj.不顾一切的, 拼死的, 令人绝望的 or he wouldnt have run away. He was always afraid to get out of sight of camp.”


Josefa looked at the body of the fierce animal. Givens gently patted one of the formidableformidable adj.强大的, 令人敬畏的, 可怕的, 艰难的 paws that could have killed a yearling calf with one blow. Slowly a red flush widened upon the dark olive face of the girl. Was it the signal of shame of the true sportsman who has brought down ignobleignoble adj.不光彩的 quarryquarry n.采石场, (知识、消息等的)来源 vt.挖出,苦心找出 vi.费力地找? Her eyes grew softer, and the lowered lids drove away all their bright mockery.


“Im very sorry,” she said humbly, “but he looked so big, and jumped so high that—”


“Poor old Bill was hungry.” interrupted Givens, in quick defence of the deceaseddeceased adj.已故的 n.死者. “We always made him jump for his supper in camp. He would lie down and roll over for a piece of meat. When he saw you he thought he was going to get something to eat from you.”


Suddenly Josefas eyes opened wide.


“I might have shot you!” she exclaimed. “You ran right in between. You risked your life to save your pet! That was fine, Mr. Givens. I like a man who is kind to animals.”


Yes; there was even admirationadmiration n.钦佩, 赞美, 羡慕 in her gaze now. After all, there was a hero rising out of the ruinsruin v.(使)破产, (使)堕落, 毁灭 n.毁灭, 崩溃, 废墟, 遗迹 of the anticlimax. The look on Givenss face would have secured him a high position in the S.P.C.A.


“I always loved em,” said he, “horses, dogs, Mexican lions, cows, alligatorsalligator n.产于美洲的鳄鱼—”


“I hate alligators,” instantly demurred Josefa, “crawly, muddymuddy adj.多泥的, 泥泞的 things!”


“Did I say alligators?” said Givens, “I meant antelopesantelope n.羚羊, of course.”


Josefas conscience drove her to make further amendsamends n.(对毁坏, 损坏的)赔偿, 赔礼. She held out her hand penitently. There was a bright, unshedunshed adj.未流出的,未吐露的 drop in each of her eyes.


“Please forgiveforgive vt.原谅, 饶恕, 宽免(某人)之债务 me, Mr. Givens, wont you? Im only a girl, you know, and I was frightened at first. Im very, very sorry I shot Bill. You dont know how ashamedashamed adj.惭愧的, 羞耻的 I feel. I wouldnt have done it for anything.”
