
第13章 Hans in Luck(3)

Hans stood still and looked at him, at last he spoke to him and said, “Alls well with you, as you are so merry with your grinding.”“Yes,”answered the scissorsgrinder, “the trade has a golden foundation. A real grindergrinder n.磨工, 尤指磨刀具的工人, 研磨者 is a man who as often as he puts his hand into his pocket finds gold in it. But where did you buy that fine goose?”


“I did not buy it, but exchanged my pig for it.”


“And the pig?”


“That I got for a cow.”


“And the cow?”


“I took that instead of a horse.”


“And the horse?”


“For that I gave a lump of gold as big as my head.”


“And the gold?”


“Well, that was my wages for seven years, service.”


“You have known how to look after yourself each time.” said the grinder, “If you can only get on so far as to hear the money jinglejingle n.叮当声 in your pocket whenever you stand upstand up v.站起来, 竖立, 站得住脚, 坚持, 经得起, 拥护, 抵抗, you will have made your fortune.”


“How shall I manage that?”said Hans.


“You must be a grinder, as I am, nothing particular is wanted for it but a grindstonegrindstone n.旋转磨石, 旋转研磨机, the rest finds itself. I have one here, it is certainly a little worn, but you need not give me anything for it but your goose, will you do it?”


“How can you ask.”answered Hans. “I shall be the luckiest fellow on the earth. If I have money whenever I put my hand in my pocket, why should I ever worry again.”And he handed him the goose and received the grindstone in exchange. “Now,”said the grinder, as he took up an ordinary heavy stone that lay by him, “here is a strong stone for you into the bargain, you can hammerhammer v.锤击, 锤打 well upon it, and straighten your old nailsnail n.指甲, 钉, 钉子. Take it with you and keep it carefully.”


Hans loaded himself with the stones, and went on with a contented heart, his eyes shining with joy.“I must have been born with a caulcaul n.[解剖]胎膜, 大网膜,”he cried, “everything I want happens to me just as if I were a sundaychild.”Meanwhile, as he had been on his legs since daybreak, he began to feel tired. Hunger also tormentedtorment v.折磨 him, for in his joy at the bargain by which he got the cow he had eaten up all his store of food at once. At last he could only go on with great trouble, and was forced to stop every minute, the stones, too, weighed him down dreadfully. Then he could not help thinking how nice it would be if he had not to carry them just then. He crept like a snailsnail n.蜗牛, 迟钝的人 to a well in a field, and there he thought that he would rest and refresh himself with a cool draught of water, but in order that he might not injure the stones in sitting down, he laid them carefully by his side on the edge of the well. Then he sat down on it, and was to stoop and drink, when he made a slipslip n.滑倒, pushed against the stones, and both of them fell into the water. When Hans saw them with his own eyes sinking to the bottom, he jumped for joy, and then knelt down, and with tears in his eyes thanked God for having shown him this favor also, and delivered him in so good a way, and without his having any need to reproach himself, from those heavy stones which had been the only things that troubled him.“There is no man under the sun so fortunate as I.” he cried out. With a light heart and free from every burdenburden n.担子, 负担 he now ran on until he was with his mother at home.
