
第20章 Is He Living orIs He Dead?(5)

“Then we figured up and found that among us we had sold eighty—five small pictures and studies, and had sixtynine thousand francs to show for it. Carl had made the last sale and the most brilliant one of all. He sold the ‘Angelus’ for twentytwo hundred francs. How we did glorify him!—not foreseeing that a day was coming byandby when France would struggle to own it and a stranger would capture it for five hundred and fifty thousand, cash.”


“We had a windup champagne supper that night, and next day Claude and I packed up and went off to nurse Millet through his last days and keep busybodiesbusybody n.爱管闲事的人, 好事的人 out of the house and send daily bulletins to Carl in Paris for publication in the papers of several continents for the information of a waiting world. The sad end came at last, and Carl was there in time to help in the final mournful rites.”


“You remember that great funeral, and what a stir it made all over the globe, and how the illustrious of two worlds came to attend it and testifytestify v.证明, 证实, 作证 their sorrow. We four—still inseparable—carried the coffincoffin n.棺材, and would allow none to help. And we were right about that, because it hadnt anything in it but a wax figure, and any other coffinbearers would have found fault with the weight. Yes, we same old four, who had lovingly shared privation together in the old hard times now gone for ever, carried the cof—”


“Which four?”


“We four—for Millet helped to carry his own coffin. In disguise, you know. Disguised as a relative—distant relative.”




“But true just the same. Well, you remember how the pictures went up. Money? We didnt know what to do with it. theres a man in Paris today who owns seventy Millet pictures. He paid us two million francs for them. And as for the bushelsbushel n.蒲式耳(容量等于八加仑) v.修补 of sketches and studies which Millet shovelled out during the six weeks that we were on the road, well, it would astonish you to know the figure we sell them at nowadays—that is, when we consent to let one go!”


“It is a wonderful history, perfectly wonderful!”


“Yes—it amounts to that.”


“Whatever became of Millet?”


“Can you keep a secret?”


“I can.”


“Do you remember the man I called your attention to in the dining room today? That was Francois Millet.”




“Scott! Yes. For once they didnt starve a genius to death and then put into other pockets the rewards he should have had himself. This songbird was not allowed to pipe out its heart unheard and then be paid with the cold pomp of a big funeral. We looked out for that.”
