
第28章 异域(4)

My name is Dopal. I,m eleven years old and I live in Tanzania, in the heart of the African savanna. I,m a Masai. Masais are nomads who travel all over with their animals, looking for pasture. Our most wonderful and valuable possession is our herd.

I,ve never been to school. My father teaches me everything I have to know. He explains to me how to lead our herd. My own animals are in the middle of the herd. Every Masai gets a cow, a lamb, and a goat the day he,s born. Our most beautiful goat belongs to my father. Her name is Olliye. I love her, even though she,s not always easy to handle. Olliye is going to have a baby very soon. My father knows Olliye is my favorite, but he always reminds me that we must love all our animals as if they were our children. My father knows all about nature. He shows me some cheetah tracks. Our herds have lots of predators like hyenas, lions, and leopards. A Masai has to be ready to risk his life for his herd. A shepherd must always listen for different sounds and watch to make sure the animals walking behind don,t get lost.

All Masais have their own animals, even the girls. They become their dowry when they get married. The animals are also used in trade for food in the market. My people have always been shepherds. We,re not farmers. For us, the earth is sacred, and we mustn,t hurt it by planting things.

Like all boys, I dream of becoming a warrior. A warrior has to be strong and intelligent. He,s the one who defends the herd against wild beasts. He sometimes travels long distances to bring back lost animals, and he also watches over our safety. Masais go through three stages: childhood, warrior, and elder. I,ll be a warrior from thirteen to twentyfive years old, before I become an elder like my father. Then I can get married and have children.






Indians:The World,s Biggest Bookworms

Indians are the world,s biggest bookworms, reading on average 10.7 hours a week, twice as long as Americans, according to a new survey.

The NOP World Culture Score index surveyed 30,000 people in 30 countries from December 2004 to February 2005.

Analysts said selfhelp and aspirational reading could explain India,s high figures.

Time spent on reading meant fewer hours watching TV and listening to the radio - India came fourth last in both.

The NOP survey of 30,000 consumers aged over 13 saw China and the Philippines take second and third place respectively in average hours a week spent reading books, newspapers and magazines.

Britons and Americans scored about half the Indians, hours and Japanese and Koreans were even lower at 4.1 and 3.1 hours respectively.

Sriram, chief executive officer of Crosswords Bookstores, a chain of 26 book shops around India, says Indians are extremely entrepreneurial and reading “is a fundamental part of their being”.

“They place a great deal of emphasis on reading. That,s the reason why they do well in education and universities abroad,” he said.

“People educate themselves and deal with change throughout their lives. And the way to do that is to update themselves with books.”

Mr. Sriram says social changes have also made a difference: “Earlier people could turn to their parents and grandparents for advice. Now they turn to books.”










