
第5章 漫谈(3)

You don,t need millions to be happy. At The Happiness Institute in Australia, a couple of hundred dollars may do the trick.

你并不需要成为百万富翁才会感到幸福快乐。在澳大利亚的 “幸福学院”,花几百美元就有可能让你找到幸福。

Since the institute opened its doors this year, men and women of all ages have been paying AUD 200 an hour (USD 140) for lessons in how to feel great.


Businesses are spending as much as AUD 6,000 on halfday happiness workshops for their staff.


“You can actually increase your happiness levels. That,s what we teach,” said Timothy Sharp, founder of institute, which also offers group sessions from AUD 30 a head.


“We take people from zero and try to put a positive in their happiness bank account. You don,t have to settle just for OKness. It,s no more OK than having a zero bank balance. You can have a lot more,” Sharp said.


Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial factors. As much as 90 percent comes from elements such as attitude, life control and relationships.


“If you,re not a natural in any of these areas you can learn to get a lot better at them,” Sharp said.


The Happiness Institute is part of what U.S. economist Paul Zane Pilzer calls the “Wellness Revolution.”


In his book of the same name, Pilzer says the next trilliondollar industry after cars and information technology will be in preventative businesses that help people find peace, health and happiness.


While most of us are significantly better off financially than our parents and grandparents, happiness levels haven,t changed to reflect that.


Studies show that once the basic needs of shelter and food are met, additional wealth adds very little to happiness.


Even investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein has warned not to “equate money with happiness.”


“A vast array of individuals seriously overrate the importance of money in making themselves, and others, happy,” said strategist James Montier in a recent memo to clients.


“Since the 1950s, people,s happiness levels have been remarkably constant despite a massive growth in incomeperhead over the same time horizon,” he said.


Time Is Money, Just Figure Out How Much


Think twice next time someone asks you for “five minutes of your time” - it could cost you more than you think.


A British professor has developed a mathematical formula to help people find out exactly how much an hour of their time is worth.


Professor Ian Walker of Warwick University investigated the value of time after research showed that over 80 percent of respondents would buy more time if they could afford it.


“Traditionally, wages or salaries have given an indication of how we are valued at work,” Walker, an economics professor, said in a statement.


“However, by looking at salaries against taxation, the cost of living and regional variations, we can see how much an hour of our time is worth whether at work or home.”


Daytoday the formula could help in making decisions, such as whether to cook a meal or to get a takeaway, or whether to take public transport or a taxi, he said.


Visitors to can find out the value of an hour of their time by entering their salary, the region where they work and what kind of work they do.


For example, for a professional working in London and earning 25,000 pounds (USD 36,570) a year, an hour would be worth 6.44 pounds (USD 9.42), according to the Web site.

根据这个网站的研究,一个在伦敦的职员每年的收入是25,000英镑(合36,570 美元),他每小时的收入为6.44镑(合9.42美元)。

Cooking dinner would cost 5.37 pounds - cheaper to get a takeaway, once you add the cost of the raw materials needed to make it yourself. Brushing your teeth comes at 32 pence - perhaps hard to find someone to do it for you for less.
