
第14章 Fashion Sports时尚运动(3)




Enjoy the Joys of Surfing

It,s dawn on a quiet Hawaiian beach, and huge waves are rolling in. As the sun appears on the horizonhorizon n.地平线 n.地平(线),(知识,思想等的)范围,视野, a few stoked surfers paddle out through the waves. For most people, cold, rough ocean is the last place they want to be at daybreak. But for surfers, this is heaven.

Surfing,s ancient origins lie along the shores of Hawaii, which is still consideredconsidered adj.考虑过的, 被尊重的 the sport,s spiritual home. In the nineteenth century, long before surfing became popular elsewhereelsewhere adv.在别处, Hawaiian chiefs were masters of the waves. They had their own private surf beaches, and rode waves on long, heavy wooden boards.

Born in 1890, Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku is one of the king kahunas of surfing folklorefolklore n.民间传说. During surfing demonstrationsdemonstration n.示范, 实证, he would often perform daringdaring adj.大胆的 tricks, like standing on his head while surfing! Duke was an Olympic swimmer, a professional actor, and even a national hero. In 1925, he used his surfboard to power through rough waves and save eight people from an overturned boat.

The 1950s were the golden age of surfing. The sport was immensely popular, and breakthroughs in materials and design greatly improved the boards. Chemists developed waterproof glue, and additional fins were added to boards. Shorter, lightweightlightweight n.轻量级选手, 不能胜任者 boards also began replacing the cumbersomecumbersome adj.讨厌的, 麻烦的, 笨重的 lumber that surfers had traditionally ridden.

The rise of the automobile in the 1950s brought another new dimension to surfing: the surf safari. Surfers would load their boards onto cars and hit the road in search of big waves. The safari helped surf culture spread throughout America and the world. By the 1960s, surfers had discovered new locations in places like Peru, Australia, and Africa.

Surf culture became mainstream in the 1960s, due largely to surf music and films that glorified the hip surfer lifestyle. “Let,s go surfin, now, everybody,s learnin, how, come on a safari with me,” sang the Beach Boys in their 1962 song, “Surfin, Safari.” Though the Beach Boys aren,t as popular nowadays, surf culture is still going strong.

Surfing is all about achieving personal fulfillmentfulfillment n.履行, 实行 in a delicate balance between surfer and ocean. Aside from a serious devotion to the sport, surfers have also always valued individuality. Colorful characters like Whitey Harrison exemplifyexemplify vt.例证, 例示, 作为……例子 surfers, relaxed outlook and love of adventure. In the 1930s, Harrison stowed away four times on ships bound for3 Hawaii in order to reach the big waves for free!

Surfing may look easy, but lessons are recommendedrecommended adj.被推荐的 for grommets. Of course, you,ll also need a surfboard and maybe a wetsuit. Once in the water, lie down on your board and paddle out to where waves start to form. After turning to face the shore, begin paddling once a wave starts to build. Then, launch yourself into a standing position and ride the wave. With some skill, you might find yourself inside the “Green room” - the tube of open space beneath a large wave,s curl. Surroundedsurrounded adj.(后面与by, with连用)被……环绕着的 by the ocean, at one with the wave- this is the true beauty of surfing.




生于 1890 年的夏威夷人杜克·卡那莫库是民间传说中冲浪的佼佼者。当他示范冲浪动作时,经常会表演大胆过人的特技,例如倒立式冲浪!杜克是奥运游泳选手专业演员,甚至还是夏威夷民族英雄。1925 年,他曾踏着冲浪板奋力冲破惊涛骇浪,从一艘翻覆的船中救出八条人命。


20世纪50年代兴起的汽车工业,为冲浪运动带来另一个新的方向:冲浪远征。远征活动的冲浪者会将冲浪板装上车,然后启程寻找有大浪的地方。远征者促使冲浪文化在美国及世界各地广为流传。一直到 20世纪60年代,冲浪者已在诸如秘鲁、澳洲及非洲等处发现新的冲浪地点。

冲浪文化到了 20世纪60年代成为主流运动,主要原因归之于有关冲浪的音乐及电影使冲浪者时髦的生活方式大放光彩。海滩男孩乐团在 1962 年的《远征去冲浪》一曲中唱道:“让我们即刻去冲浪,人人都在学冲浪,跟我一起远征吧。”如今,海滩男孩受欢迎的程度虽大不如前,但冲浪文化却仍后劲十足。

冲浪运动的最大目的,就是冲浪者在与海洋微妙的平衡当中获得个人的满足感。冲浪者不仅全心投入此项运动,还十分看重个人特性的展现。像怀堤·哈里森那种性格鲜明的人物,便具体展现了冲浪者一派轻松的模样和对冒险的热爱。1930 年代,哈里森四次坐船偷渡至夏威夷,只为了免费直冲巨浪!


NBA:Paradise of Basketball Palyer

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the major professional basketball league in the world, with teams from the United States and Canada. With the addition of the Toronto Raptors and the ancouver Grizzlies prior toprior to adv.在前, 居先 the 1995~ 1996 season, the NBA expanded to 29 teams competing in two conferences, the Eastern and Western, in four separate divisions. Each team conducts a training camp in October to determine its 12 player roster. Training camp allows each team to evaluateevaluate vt.评价, 估计, 求……的值 v.评价 players, especially rookies (firstyear players), to assess the team,s strengths and weaknesses, and to prepare players for the upcomingupcoming adj.即将来临的, 预定将要 season through a series of oncourt drills and practice of offensive and defensive strategy. After a series of exhibition games, the NBA begins its 82game regular season in the first week of November.