
第6章 文学名家(2)

Louisa, Melchior,s wife, was a stolid woman of the lower class. Her fatherinlaw had been furious at his son for marrying beneath him, but he was soon won over by the patient goodness of Louisa. It was fortunate that there was a strong tie between them, for Melchoir drank and wasted his money. Often the grandfather gave his little pension to Louisa because there was no money for the family.


Melchior by chance one day heard his threeyearold Christophe playing at the piano. In his drunken enthusiasm, Melchior conceived the idea of creating a musical prodigy. So began Christophe,s lessons. Over and over he played his scales; over and over he practiced until he was letter perfect. Often he rebelled. Whipping only made him more rebellious, but in the end the piano always pulled him back.


His grandfather noticed that he would often improvise melodies as he played with his toys. Sitting in a different room, he would transcribe those airs and arrange them. Christophe showed real genius in composition.


At the age of seven and a half Christophe was ready for his first concert. Dressed in a ridiculous costume, he was presented at court as a child prodigy of six. He played works of some of the German masters and then performed with great success his own compositions gathered into an expensive privately printed volume, The Pleasures of Childhood: Aria, Minuetto, Valse, and Marcia, Opus I, by JeanChristophe Krafft. The grand duke was delighted and bestowed the favor of the court on the prodigy.


Before reaching his teens, Christophe was firmly installed as official second violinist in the court orchestra, where his father was concert master. Rehearsals, concerts, composition, lessons to give and take - that was his life. He became the mainstay of the family financially, even collecting his father,s wages before Melchior could get his hands on them. All the other phases of his life were neglected; no one even bothered to teach him table manners.


When Melchior finally drowned himself, his death was a financial benefit to the Kraffts. But when Jean Michel died, it was a different matter. Christophe,s two brothers were seldom home, and only Louisa and her musician son were left. To save money, they moved into a smaller, more wretched flat.


Meanwhile Christophe was going through a series of love affairs which always terminated unhappily because of his unswerving honesty and lack of social graces. In his early twenties he took Ada, a vulgar shop girl, for his mistress. Because of gossip, he found it much harder to get and keep pupils. When he dared to publish a criticism of the older masters, he lost his standing at court. He had almost decided to leave Germany.


At a peasant dance one night he protected Lorchen, a farm girl, from a group of drunken soldiers. In the ensuing brawl, one soldier was killed and two were seriously injured. With a warrant out for his arrest, Christophe escaped to Paris.


Once in France, a country he greatly admired, Christophe found it difficult to acclimate himself. He met a group of wealthy and cynical Jews, Americans, Belgians, and Germans, but he judged their sophistication painful and their affectations boring. His compositions, although appreciated by a few, were not generally well received at first.


After a time, with increasing recognition, he found himself alternately praised and blamed by the critics. But he was noticed, and that was the important thing. Although he was received in wealthy homes and given complimentary tickets for theaters and concerts, he was still desperately poor.


At the home of the Stevens family, where he was kindly received, he instructed Colette, the coquettish daughter, and the younger, gentler Grazia, her cousin. Without falling in love with Colette, he was for a time her teacher and good friend. Grazia, who adored him. was only another pupil.


One night a blushing, stammering young man of letters was introduced to him. It was Olivier, who had long been a faithful admirer of Christophe,s music. Christophe was immediately attracted to Olivier, although at first he was not quite sure why. Olivier,s face was only hauntingly familiar.
