
第14章 宜人风景Natural Scenery(6)

If you going to be using the track system in the park for overnight trips fill in an intention form at the Department of Conservation Visitor Centre and remember to let them know when you have completed your trip.

Make sure you are properly equipped and well prepared:

Your group should have a capable leader and everyone must carry a sleeping bag, sufficient high energy food (with some extra for emergencies), a waterproofwaterproof adj.防水的, 不透水的 raincoat and overtrousers, gloves, a hat, and several layers of warm (wool or fleece) clothing.

Take suncream and sunglassessunglasses n. 太阳镜;墨镜, summer or winter.

Your group will also need a first aid kit, portable stove, fuel, cooking utensils and a map and compass (along with someone who knows how to use them).

Boots are the recommended footwear.

In winter specialised mountaineering equipment will also be needed.

Please check at the visitor centre for uptodate information on weather and track conditions.

During and after heavy snow falls avalanches are possible.

Coromandel Peninsula


科罗曼德半岛(Coromandel)就在奥克兰东北,乘车两小时可达。岛上山岭青葱,沙滩连绵,极富自然气息。沙滩上遍布温泉泉眼,可享受奇妙的热沙浴;而泰晤士镇(Historic Thames)是上世纪淘金胜地,现存的废弃镀铜在夜晚有萤火虫舞动,令人浮想联翩;Hahei Marine Reserve展出的珊瑚,缤纷多姿,值得一见。

半岛中部是布满了浓密森林的山岭,两侧则是绵延数公里、壮丽的海岸线。西岸是一望无际的海滩、海湾和港口, 都有成排的波胡卡图卡瓦树(开着红花的新西兰原生树木)衬托。科罗曼德的东岸有几个可冲浪的白沙滩。

金矿遗址、伐木用的水坝和古毛利山寨, 都述说着科罗曼德令人神往的历史。透过城镇里保留完好的殖民时期建筑和楼房, 还可看到过往时光。

如果您喜欢垂钓、冲浪、潜水、游泳或沿海边散步, 科罗曼德海岸的自然环境正是您最佳的选择。当然, 您可以往山里去, 在森林步道上走走。

当地料理有简单的,如炸鱼薯条, 也有高级的,如龙虾奶油蛋黄沙司。咖啡厅和餐馆主要以附近水域里捞起的海鲜为原料。

在美丽的自然景致启发下, 科罗曼德已成为艺术家与手工艺师云集的地方。花点时间看看当地众多的艺廊与工坊,您还可以直接从创作者手中买作品, 这会让您感到如获至宝般的快乐。

The Coromandel Peninsula is a stretch of wilderness with some of the best scenery in New Zealand.

The Coromandel Peninsula will melt the heart of even the most hardened traveller. Winding roads, sparkling coastline, native forest and patches of rolling countryside make it a great region for a driving holiday - and it,s just an hour and a half from Auckland.

The first town along the way is Coromandel. Once known for its gold and mining, Coromandel is now home to cafes, art galleries, quirky shops and antiquesantique n.古物, 古董 adj.古时的, 过时的. The town is also home to a growing industry of musselmussel n.[动]贻贝, 蚌类 and oysteroyster n.[动]牡蛎, 蚝, 沉默者 farms.

Five kilometres up the road is Barry Brickell,s Driving Creek Railway. The railway is Barry,s masterpiece, and was built by hand over 25 years. The railway is New Zealand,s only narrowgauge mountain railway and even goes through a mountainsidemountainside n.山腹, 山腰 tunnel. For 13 you can take a onehour return journey and enjoy three kilometres of Barry,s private oasis, with lush ferns, regenerated Kauri trees and a lookout with amazing views.

Next stop is Colville, a further 65 kilometres north from Coromandel. This town was once the centre of Kauri milling industry, before becoming a hippyhippy n.嬉皮士。commune in the 1970s. Today, Colville still offers an alternative lifestyle, and it,s a great place to stop for food and fuel before heading out into the wilderness.