
第16章 人文景观Human Landscape(1)

The National Museum of New Zealand



博物馆建筑风格独特,馆藏丰富。该馆占地36 000平方米,其中14 000平方米为参观游览区。建筑使用了80 000立方米混凝土和20 000立方米的加固钢材,耗资3.5亿新元。

该馆设备现代化程度很高,有抗强震装置,馆内温度和湿度可自动调控。主要展厅有:海洋地质和地貌展厅、生物展厅、毛利建筑、习俗和传统艺术展厅。我国北京市人民政府赠送的张衡地动仪(复制品)陈列在地质展厅(Awesome Forces)内。


Te Papa is New Zealand,s national museummuseum n.博物馆, situated on Wellington,s waterfront. The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (commonly known as Te Papa), opened in Wellington in 1998. This national museum features cuttingedge exhibits on New Zealand,s culture, history, and natural environment. The Auckland War Memorial Museum is the country,s other large and wellvisited museum. Both museums attract more than 1 million visitors a year. New Zealand also has about 400 small museums and art galleries, many of them showing works of local artists. Its key tasks are to preservepreserve vt.保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏 vi.做蜜饯, 禁猎 n.蜜饯, 果酱, 禁猎地, 禁区, 防护物 and present the taonga (treasures) of New Zealand,s peoples and to interpret the country,s heritage for national and international audiencesaudience n.听众, 观众, 接见, 拜见.

Te Papa could be adequately described as a new museum for a new people in the new millennium. It replaces the old museum built in 1936 and the colonialera national museum established in 1865, when the country,s sensibilities were notably different than they are today. The new national museum of New Zealand is an appropriate ambassadorambassador n.大使 of its people, their culture, and way of life. Clean, creative, and lively, the building reflects the world around it. Quirky additions like modern interpretations of the flying buttress, and aboriginal markings are less symbols of something else, and more the parts that make the whole. And a strong profile shows how the building, like the nation, manages to carve out a proud life for itself, in spite of the forces of nature and probability. One of the forces tugging at it is the motion of the earth. New Zealand has a lively geologicgeologic adj.地质(学)的,地质(学)上的 history, so extra steps were taken to make the building resistant to earthquakes. The foundation rests on massive shock absorbers designed to isolate the building from any sudden movements.

Its mission is to be a forum for the nation to present, explore, and preserve the heritage of its cultures and knowledge of the natural environment in order to better understand and treasure the past, enrich the present, and meet the challenges of the future.

Te Papa has a wide range of permanent and changing exhibitions, as well as educational programmes, films, speakers and forums on issues of cultural diversity. Its meeting facilities and theatre are widely used for conferences, public forums and cultural performances. Its website carries a wide range of background information as well as details of current exhibitions and activities. As part of its commitment to the New Zealand Diversity Action Programme, Te Papa has contributed its Qui Tutto Bene: Community Gallery Programme, which showcases the stories of diverse New Zealand communities.

Larnach Castle





在朗尼克城堡没有导览,不过会提供一份详尽的资料,自己可以依着资料仔细对照,深入观察富豪生活的全貌,来到此地参观城堡,也可选择住宿城堡旁的朗尼克别馆(Larnach Lodge),那么晚餐就可以在城堡里精致的餐厅用餐,感受一下大户人家的气息。

Larnach Castle is a most unusual hotel. The only castlecastle n.城堡 in New Zealand, it is the centerpiececenterpiece n.中心装饰品, (餐桌中央的摆饰) of a 35acre property atop a hill midway along the Otago Peninsula, eight miles from the city of Dunedin on the east cost of the country,s South Island.

It was built between 1871 and 1876 for Australian born merchant, banker and politician William J.M. Larnach, his heiress wife Eliza Jane and their six children. No expense was spared. Top quality materials were acquired: marble from Italy, glass from Venice, tiles from England.Then punted across the harbor and dragged up the 1,000foot hill by oxdrawn sleds.

Glass enclosed Colonial style verandasveranda n.阳台, 走廊 wrap around the first two floors of the Gothic Revival stone castle. Inside are the only Georgia hanging staircase in the southern hemisphere, a priceless Venetian glass wall, ornately carved plaster ceilings and many other noteworthynoteworthy adj.值得注目的, 显着的 features.

Amid all this finery, though, ghosts are believed to wander.

Both the first and second Mrs. Larnachs, who were halfsisters, died in the castle at age 38. The first Mrs. Larnach died alone of apoplexyapoplexy n.[医]中风, all other members of the family being away at the time. She is said to make her presence felt near the bedroom in which she died.

The Larnachs, daughter Katie is said to haunt the ballroom, built to celebrate her 21st birthday in 1886. She died just a few years later of typhoid.

The specter of Larnach himself might linger in the castle. In 1898, after learning of an affair between his young third wife and one of his sons from his first marriage, he ended his life by shooting himself in the head.