
第2章 New Zealand Overview(2)

For sports buffs there are vigorous outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, rafting and, of course, the old favourite, bungee jumpingbungee jumping n. 蹦极跳,身上系着橡皮带从高处往下跳的游戏, awaiting your enthusiasm. You can swim with dolphins, gambol with newborn lambs, whalewatch or fish for trout in the many streams.

The people, bound in a culture that melds European with Maori ancestry, are resourceful, helpful and overwhelmingly friendly. The extraordinary place names; like Te Awamutu, Whangamomona or Paekakariki are wonderfully resonant and, with a modicum of practice, easy to pronounce.

Because it,s such a compact place, travel within New Zealand, whether by plane, bus, rail or car, is affordable and efficient. Accommodation too is good and varied from wonderful homesteads to internationally recognised hotels and resorts. And the culinary promise of venison, fresh seafood, sublime ice cream and awardwinning wines should more than whet the appetiteappetite n.食欲, 胃口, 欲望, 爱好. Yes, all up, New Zealand is a fun place to be and one with something for everyone. Choosing this country as your next holiday destination; is certainly a good one.

New Zealand is a land of contrasts; from pristine wilderness areas to modern and sophisticated cities thus there is something for everyone. It also enjoys an international reputation for being safe and friendly. Travellers will find examples of all the world,s geographical features here including areas as bleak and barren as the Australian Outback, but it is the clean green image that most remember when thinking about New Zealand.

The country is made up of two main islands aptly named the North Island and the South Island and many smaller ones such as Stewart Island.

The North Island has a warmer climate and contains all of the country,s volcanoes and there are many fine beaches, the further north you go. It is a hilly island with one major chain of mountains that start from the East Cape and run down to Wellington. The North Island is very green and lush due to its regular rainfall and volcanic soilvolcanic soil 火山土.

The South Island is a short ferry ride away but is remarkably different from the North Island. Here the main geographical features are the mighty Southern Alps that run down the full length of the island. This range is bigger than the European Alps put together and there are 200 mountains that are over 2500 metres in height. It is this mountain range that gives the South Island its great diversitydiversity n.差异, 多样性. The north of the South Island is the sunniest part of New Zealand, the west is one of the wettest areas in the world. The south is very cold and very barren with some areas receiving less than 400 mm per year. The east is very similar to England with its rolling green hills with the centre of the island being mountainous and perpetually snow capped.

New Zealand may be relatively small in size but it,s very big on things to see and do and there are some wonderful internationally renowned hotels, vineyardsvineyard n.葡萄园, homesteads and resorts from which to choose on the accommodation front. In fact the place has everything most travellers will need and some. If you are seeking an enjoyable, fun, adventure filled holiday where the locals are some of the friendliest folk going, then you need look no further than this fascinating country.


Not much bigger than the UK, the island,s shores are prone to every type of climate; from subtropical to subantarctic. It is possible to pass through a different climaticclimatic adj.气候上的 zone each day when travelling from one end of the country to the other.

In New Zealand the weather is very changeable and these changes can happen very quickly so it is necessary to prepare yourself for the best and the worst conditions. Generally, in winter, snow falls in the higher mountain ranges and the Southern Alps (there is good skiing in that region). The wettest areas are along the western coastline (weather patterns originating in the Tasman Sea). The east tends to be the hotter and dryer side of the country. The northern part of the North Island has a subtropicalsubtropical adj.亚热带的 climate and is warmer than the South Island. The average daily maximum for Auckland is 74F (23C) in January and 56F (13C) in July. Nelson has the most sunshine hours in New Zealand and Queenstown the best winter snow skiing. Summer months are December, January and February, while winter is June, July and August.