
第25章 名校风采Famous Universities(6)

奥克兰理工大学(Auckland University of Technology)位于新西兰南岛最大的城市基督城,是1873年由牛津大学和剑桥大学的学者们创建的。该校是英联邦国家中第一所向女性授予荣誉学位的大学。奥克兰理工大学拥有七大学院——艺术、商业、工程、法律、音乐与美术、林业、科学,共分38个系,该校的工程系被认为是世界上最好的大学工程系之一。除了学士学位和研究生学位课程以外,奥克兰理工大学还开设有继续教育、成人教育、大学预科和英语培训等课程,所有课程设置的目的旨在各个领域里培养学生独立求知、批判性思考以及在专业上精益求精的能力。奥克兰理工大学的毕业生遍布世界各地外,其中不乏全世界知名的科学家。

学校有两个校区:位于奥克兰市中心的威尔莱斯利 Wellesley 校区,位于奥克兰市北部海滨的阿克兰格 Akoranga 校区,阿克兰格校区距市中心仅10 公里,两个校园之间有大巴车接送学生,每 20 分钟一班。

奥克兰理工大学下设院系包括文科、商业、健康研究、科学和工程等,可以为学生提供范围广泛的证书、文凭课程,方便学生就业,也可以提供学士学位及硕士学位课程。大学采取小班教学,平均每班 16 人,使每个学生都能得到很好的照顾。

The Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is New Zealand,s newest and fastest growing university. It traces its roots back to 1895 and for over 100 years was the country,s leading Institute of Technology. It was given university status by the Government in 2000 in recognition of its national and international staturestature n.身高, 身材, (精神、道德等的)高度 in creativity, innovation, scholarship, research, and excellence in teaching.

AUT had its origins in the Technical College system (established nationwide) which provided vocational courses to students. It was founded as Auckland Technical College in 1895, offering evening classes only. Daytime classes began in 1906. In 1913 it was renamed Seddon Memorial Technical College, and it was renamed again as the Auckland Technical Institute (ATI) in 1960. In 1989 the name changed to Auckland Institute of Technology (AIT), and the current name was adopted when university status was granted in 2000.

Its ViceChancerllor is Derek McCormack. In 2003, it had 25,750 students (including a significant number of students studying at certificatecertificate n.证书, 证明书 vt.发给证明书, 以证书形式授权给…… and diplomadiploma n.文凭, 毕业证书, 证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书, 奖状 level, and other taking partial academic loads).

Being the newest University, it came last among the universities in the recent Performance Based Research Fund research evaulation exercise.

The University is the national leader in a wide range of programs and provides an outstanding environment of teaching and learning for its students. Our mission of fostering excellence, equity, and ethics in learning, teaching, research and scholarship to serve its national and international communities reflects the outward looking vision of an exciting and modern university.

AUT has two wellpositioned campuses - Wellesley in the center of Auckland city and Akoranga across the Auckland Harbor Bridge. Auckland is New Zealand,s largest and most cosmopolitan city with a population of 1.2 million - 27% born in other countries. The urban area is twice the size of London and offers entertainment, nightlife and shopping. The temperate climate encourages an outdoor lifestyle and there is easy access to surf beaches, ski fields and mountains.

AUT offers a comprehensive range of support services to make students, university experience as easy and convenient as possible. These include Healthcare, Counseling, Accommodation, Orientation, Learning Support, Student Mentors, Career Center and Campus Activities. Students with a disability have access to notetakers, interpreters and technology assistance. All students receive an AUT email address and have access to wordprocessing; email, Internet services and printing on campus.

Auckland University of Technology has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the pastoral care of International Students published by the Minister of Education.

The International Student Support team of friendly people welcome you at orientation and are here to help with adjusting to living and learning in a new culture. Assistance is offered with student visasvisa n.签证 vt.签准 维萨信用卡, permits, student support, homesickness and culture shockculture shock n. 文化冲击.