
第4章 城市导航City Guide(2)

At the last stop you will reach the Botanical Gardens. The gardens are very pretty, with 26 hectares of native and exotic trees, forest and plants. There are some really beautiful rose gardens that smell wonderful in the summer and springtime, and which showcase over 300 different varieties of roses. The Botanical Gardens also contain a Begonia House, the Education and Environmental Centre, lots of tracks and walkways, and the Bolton Memorial Park where many of the city,s first European settlers are buried.

The InterIslander Ferries

If you look out at Wellington harbour chances are you,ll see one of the ferriesferry n.摆渡, 渡船, 渡口 vt.渡运, (乘渡船)渡过, 运送 vi.摆渡, (船)来往行驶 heading out to sea or returning from Picton. These ships depart from the wharf near Aotea Quay headed to Picton, on the east coast of the South Island.

Lambton Quay

Lambton Quay is one of the main shopping areas in Wellington. It has some good places to shop, some fine drinking establishments and some cafes. It runs from Thorndon Quay, near the Railway Station, alongside the waterfront, up to Willis St., which just a few minutes from the Civic Square.

Lambton Quay is full of some wonderful old buildings, and if you are into architecture its worth checking them out as you walk along. For example, there,s the Public Trust Building , a gorgeousgorgeous adj.华丽的, 灿烂的 Edwardian Baroque building, and nearby on Customhouse Quay and Hunter St. there is the AMP building. The Visitors Information Centre in the Square will give you a free copy of the “Walking Wellington” brochure which describes a series of routes you can take,Cuba St along with descriptions of the buildings.

Cuba Mall

Cuba Mall is one of the main shopping and dining areas in Wellington. It is closed to traffic and is a pleasant part of town to wander around. If you walk out of the Civic Square, head south down Willis St., and then turn left into Dixon St. you,ll get there (It,s about 5 minutes walk). There are lots of nice pubs, restaurants, coffee houses and arts and crafts shops. Buskers and street performersperformer n.表演者 can often be seen in the mall in the summer.

Oriental Parade

Oriental Parade is a really pretty part of town that draws lots of Wellingtonians (especially in the summer). It,s a favourite place for joggers, swimmers, sunbathers and cyclists. There is a large fountain anchored about 100 metres offshore that people often swim out to, and a public swimming pool (the Freyburg) with a climbing wall outside.

You can get there from the Civic Square by simply walking along the shorelineshoreline n.海岸线 for about 10 minutes, or by going down Wakefield St. ( past the Wakefield St Markets) until you hit Oriental Parade.

Oriental Parade has some nice restaurants with ocean views, some pleasant (but upmarket) pubs, and affords a great view of the city. It,s a very nice stretchstretch v.伸展, 伸长 n.一段时间, 一段路程, 伸展 of bay to walk along.






奥克兰,人们向南行,途经罗多奴瓦温泉,幽静醉人的陶波 (Lake Taupo) 湖,再到东加里诺 (Tongariro) 国家园林的火山做徒步远行,再往极南端,则是新西兰的首都——惠灵顿。


Auckland is New Zealand,s largest urbanurban adj.城市的, 市内的 area with a population of just under a million people. It is not, however, the capital, although it was at one time, until the capital moved to Wellington. Auckland is the centre of commerce and industry, and is perhaps the most vibrant, bustling and multicultural city in New Zealand. Auckland is the biggest PolynesianPolynesian adj.玻利尼西亚人的 n.玻利尼西亚人 city in the world, and this cultural influence is reflected in many different aspects of city life.

The city,s landscape is dominated by volcanic hills, the twin harbours, bays, beaches and islands. Its nickname “the city of sails” is very apt. Auckland has more boats per capita than anywhere else in the world, and is the current residence of the America,s Cup.

Auckland is dotted with volcanic hills, many of which were once the site of Maori pas, or fortifiedfortified adj.加强的 villages, and which currently afford great views of the city. Auckland lies between the Waitemata and Manukau harbours, and its geography is such that glistening waters seem to beckon from every point. It is a water lover,s paradise, with some of the best beaches, swimming, diving, fishing, sailing, windsurfing and watersports in the country.

The two best views of the city can be had from Mount Eden and One Tree Hill. Both are volcanic cones that were once the site of Maori pas, or fortified villages (evidence of the pas can still be seen at both places).

Auck City of Sails and Islands

Auckland, Ferry Building, 12 noon. There,s no nicer place in Auckland than the Harbourside Restaurant at this time of day. Whether you have just arrived in New Zealand as a tourist after the 23hour Air New Zealand flight from faroff Europe - 19,400 kilometers to be exact or whether you are a businessman from one of the highrise office blocks around the corner wanting to relax a little in the pleasant midday sunshine, perhaps with a fresh salad or cool glass of champagnechampagne n.香槟酒, 香槟色, Ferry Building is the perfect place to go.