
第11章 宜人风景Natural Scenery(2)

The Loire is the last freeflowing river in Europe. Unlike any other river in western Europe,other than in the far north,there are no dams or locks creating obstacles to its natural flow. As a result,the Loire is a very popular river for boating excusions,flowing through a pastoral countryside,past limestone cliffs and storybookstorybook n.故事书,小说 castles.

The Seine








The Seine is a major river of northern France,and one of its commercial waterways. It is also a tourist attraction,particularly within the city of Paris.


The river is 780 km (485 miles) long,France,s secondlongest (after the Loire). Its main tributaries are the Aube,Marne and Oise rivers from the north and the Yonne and Eure rivers from the south. It is connected with canals to the Scheldt (also called the Escaut),Meuse,Rhine,Saone and Loire rivers.

The Seine rises in the French région of Burgundy. The river then flows through Troyes to Paris.

In Paris,narrowed between high stone embankmentsembankment n.堤防,筑堤,the river carries commercial barges,waterbuses and large tourist boats (bateauxmouches). From the water,fine views are seen of the Cathedral of Notre Dame,the Louvre,the Musée d,Orsay (housing Paris,collection of Impressionist art),the Conciergerie and the Eiffel Tower. The northern side of the river is described as the Right Bank (Rive Droite) and the southern side as the Left Bank (Rive Gauche),because when facing the same direction that the river flows,these are the directions to the left and right.

The river then meanders in large loops through Normandy and Rouen,entering the English Channel (La Manche) in an estuary between Le Havre and Honfleur.

The Seine is dredged and oceangoingoceangoing adj.远洋航行的 vessels can dock at Rouen,120 km (75 miles) from the sea. Commercial riverboats can use the river from BarsurSeine,560 km (350 miles) from its mouth. At Paris,the river is only 24 metres (80 feet) above sea level,445 km (277 miles) from its mouth,making it slow flowing and thus easily navigable.

The water of the Seine is an important resource. Electric power stations,thermal and nuclear,pull their cooling water from the river. Half the water used in the Paris region,both for industry and for consumption,and three quarters of the water used in the area between Rouen and Le Havre,is taken from the river.

The Seine is artificially maintained at a level higher than its natural level,by dams and locks downstream. The river only drops about 30 metres on its 200kilometre journey to the Atlantic,and in the days when it flowed at its natural level (hundreds of years ago),most of the riverbed was sand,with only a narrow stream of water flowing down the middle. Old pictures of the river in centuries past illustrate this clearly. In the nineteenth century,though,the aforementionedaforementioned adj.上述的,前述的 dams and locks were installed to raise the river level in Paris and elsewhere along its path,in order to make it navigable for boats. A side effect of this is that the river looks a lot prettier as well,since it always neatly fills the space between its banks as it flows through Paris now.

Loire Valley



卢瓦尔河谷是位于法国中部、卢瓦尔河中游的平原流域,方圆27 500平方英里。古老的城堡掩映在绿树丛中。这些古堡大都建于中世纪和文艺复兴时期,幽深的古堡宅院,青苔斑驳,为这个法兰西花园增添了几分沧桑感。卢瓦尔河谷地区被誉为“法国花园”,与其邻近地区都出名盛产新鲜蔬果,包括爽甜结实的梨子、甜美多汁的苹果、红彤彤的士多啤梨。每逢秋季,这里便遍野紫色石南花,丛中长满野生蘑菇。很多巴黎人都喜欢在秋天南来打猎和捉野鸭。卢瓦尔河谷地区的餐厅一年四季都有新鲜河鱼供应,例如Sandre。可别忘了当地出产的羊酪芝士Chevre,乾酪和鲜酪一样可口,分为金字塔形和圆形,一顿盛菜没有它又怎叫完美!英法百年战争时期,法国王室曾经逃到卢瓦尔河谷避难,因此卢瓦尔河谷也被称作“帝王谷”,不少古堡都留下了皇室的奇闻轶事的传说,这使得城堡变得更加神秘起来。