
第17章 人文景观Human Landscape(5)


The Avenueavenue n.林荫道,大街,方法,途径,路 des Champs Elysées is probably the most famous avenue in the world. This impressive promenade stretches from the Place the la Concorde to the Place Charles de Gaulle,the site of the Arc de Triomphe.

The Champs Elysées was designed as part of a triumphal way out from the Tuileries and planted with elms a century before Napoléon planned his arch. To one side lies the Seine,to the other grand houses of the 18th century many of which are now airline offices. It still has a splendour of its own and hints at the wealth of the Triangle d,Or that stretches away from it towards Faubourg Ste Honoré. Walking down from the Arc towards Place de la Concorde look right and see the great exhibition halls,the Grand Palais and Petit Palais built in 1900 and housing museums and touring exhibitions.

At its western end it is bordered by cinemas,theaters,cafés and luxury shops. Near the Place de la Concorde,the street is bordered by the Jardins des Champs Elysées,beautifully arranged gardens with fountains and some grand buildings including the Grand and Petit Palais at the southern side and the Elysée at its northern side. The latter has been the residenceresidence n.居住,住处 of the French Presidents since 1873.

The Champs Elysées is used for all the major celebrations. This is where Parisians celebrate New Year,s Eve and where the military parades are held on the 14th of July. Historic national events,like the Liberation at the end of the second World War or the victory in the World Cup football were also celebrated on this wide avenue.

In the 16th century this area was nothing but fields outside the center of Paris. In 1616 Marie de Medicis decided to create a long treelined path going east from the Tuileries. The route was redesigned in 1667 by Le Ntre as an extension of the Jardins des Tuileries. The promenade,now called “Grande Allée du Roule” or “GrandCours” had become a fashionablefashionable adj.流行的,时髦的 place but was still isolated from the city with few buildings surrounding the area. 27 Years later the promenade was renamed to “Champs Elysées”,or Elysian Fields in English. The name was derived from Greek mythology where “Elusia” is a place where heroes come to relax.

In 1724 the Champs Elysées was extended all the way to the Chaillot hill (now known as l,Etoile,the site of the Arc de Triomphe). Its current form took shape in 1838 when Hittorf,who was redesigning the Place de la Concorde,created the Jardins des Champs Elysées. He also installed sidewalks,gas lamps and fountains. The Champs Elysées started to attract more and more restaurants and hotels,especially after 1900 when the Paris métro line nr 1 reached the Etoile station.

The lastest redesign of the prestigious avenue was done in 1994 by Bernard Huet. The side lanes were converted into pedestrian zones,an underground parking lot was created and new trees were planted. Cars now only occupy half the width of this grand Avenue.

The Champs Elysées was designed as part of a triumphal way out from the Tuileries and planted with elms a century before Napoléon planned his arch. To one side lies the Seine,to the other grand houses of the 18th century many of which are now airline offices. It still has a splendoursplendour n.[亦作splendor] 光彩壮丽,显赫,杰出 of its own and hints at the wealth of the Triangle d,Or that stretches away from it towards Faubourg Ste Honoré. Walking down from the Arc towards Place de la Concorde look right and see the great exhibition halls,the Grand Palais and Petit Palais built in 1900 and housing museums and touring exhibitions.

Musee du Louvre




卢浮宫馆藏虽丰富,但慕名而来的观众却难窥庐山真面目。因为它的6个展馆仅在星期一、三两天基本全部开放,其余4天轮流开放,星期日只开一半。而且目前的展品仅占全部馆藏的1/3。例如,仅它的藏画就有15 000件,但平时用以出展的不过2000多幅,因此有幸目睹卢浮宫全部珍藏的人寥寥无几。对于这种情况,观众十分不满,馆方也深为遗憾。但无奈博物馆现在拥有的225个展室,7万多平方米的展出面积对付不了洋洋40万件藏品,更为严峻的问题是,卢浮博物馆缺少必要的服务设施(现代博物馆的服务设施一般要占全部面积的40%,而卢浮宫还不到10%)。在以车代步的西方世界,它没有停车场;在自动传送梯普及的今天,它的观众得依靠双腿上下左右。如想由南到北参观,首先必须具备步行1.7里的勇气。同时,它还缺乏如其他博物馆所必备的与本馆相适应的、用以传播和介绍有关知识的图书馆、电教馆等。所有这一切都大大影响了卢浮宫的魅力与作用。卢浮宫扩建前每年接纳观众人数约270万,而新建成的庞毕度文化中心每年接待的人数竟高达卢浮宫的三倍!